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Everything posted by drseptapus

  1. drseptapus


    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/40291-defibulator/page__hl__defib Been discussed. That's just the one I remember, upon searching there were a bunch more.
  2. drseptapus

    Side Chat

    I'm in the same boat except I don't want the side chat in the game while we wait for radios. I'm a supporter of the radios opening up an alternate chat/voice channel for the player that broadcasts to other radios on the same frequency. I love the lack of security that creates.
  3. I had addressed this in my thread about blood regeneration (sig). However if you are not a fan of blood regeneration I would say that Golgo's calorie system coupled with reduces health values for food would be the most realistic. If food HAS to restore blood, it should not be a lot. Blood restoration should either be natural and supplemented by food or restored by blood bags. Getting shot should not be countered by a bandaid and a nice classic sirloin cooked rare.
  4. drseptapus

    My big, fat wishlist

    Totally support changing weapons while running and the running vault. Pretty sure these are engine issues and will have to wait however. I'm also a fan of the zombie awareness section. Zombies are glitchy as all hell right now, but it is my understanding that we are simply going to have to wait for this to improve. Possibly in the Arma 3 port? Wilderness section was solid. I support all of those especially the roaming zombies and the wild dogs. I'm a huge supporter of making the wilderness more dangerous/entertaining by adding roamers and additional wildlife. Blood regeneration I actually made a thread on (sig) so I support that obviously. I don't know about the damaging items in the backpack thing. It seems like it would be difficult to implement and not all that interesting. Good post otherwise.
  5. drseptapus

    Helicopters should be taken away forever

    You have bad reading comprehension. Anyway. I agree with OP. I know they are fun as shit but they just don't fit. Not that I would be totally irate if they stayed in, I just think it would make so much more sense if they were taken out.
  6. Do your research. Yatagan had a valid point. This is alpha, there IS a lot wrong with it. But if you are interested in helping the game grow by playing and giving feedback and hopefully having fun then you should definitely do it.
  7. drseptapus

    have a "killed by" in the chat

    I would rather the killfeed be removed all together. It's rather immersion breaking I think.
  8. drseptapus

    Add Bears to forests

    I will always support more wildlife. Animals will make the wilderness less boring. Especially hostile animals.
  9. All I heard was "I won't be able to kill everybody for no reason"
  10. drseptapus


    Why the hell would you use that picture OP? I'm still laughing.
  11. drseptapus

    Zombies never die... hear me out

    You named this thread zombies never die. And then you proceeded to say "unless you shoot them a bunch or in the head". What?
  12. drseptapus

    Making forests scary at night.

    Here, I'll help.
  13. drseptapus

    Dayz on XBLA?

    3 gigs? What? Do you have Arma right now? Steam asks me for upwards of 7 gigs just for arma, not even Day Z.
  14. You traded one shit thread for another. You have become part of the problem.
  15. Quality thread. Great contribution.
  16. drseptapus

    Removal of Sniper Rifles and Silenced guns.

  17. drseptapus

    Health system

    +1. I think that is about as balanced as it can get.
  18. drseptapus

    City and Town Lighting

    I saw this in another thread. It is awesome. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?99326-CEG-Chernarus-Electrical-Grid-(Script-Pack-and-Addon)
  19. drseptapus

    Blood Regeneration

    I did this yesterday. All of my reasoning is there. http://dayzmod.com/f...-health-system/
  20. My first choice would be more customization, however if that is unfeasible then I would support this.
  21. drseptapus

    Health system

    I would support this as long as the source of pain has been fixed. If you have a broken bone, you should be in pain until you fix it. Then it should slowly go away. Yeah the main issue I think is not giving everybody Wolverine-esque regeneration abilities. Does anybody know how much a zombie actually does per hit? I can't find anything on the wiki.
  22. drseptapus

    Suggestion for the woods farther north

    Really? I've never seen one. Just cows, rabbits and the occasional goat.
  23. drseptapus

    Suggestion for the woods farther north

    As long as this topic keeps coming up I will keep saying that I want more wildlife in general. I think the wilderness is just too boring. Some different trees and wildlife would make traveling much less tedious. I don't know how many animals are in Arma but I would love to see: -Wolves(hostile) -Deer -Wild boar -Squirrels? -Bears
  24. drseptapus

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    Currently it is the only thing left to do for many people, that does not mean it makes the game. Hopefully as the game grows out of alpha, there will be alternatives.
  25. drseptapus

    My thoughts on the ALT+F4

    Why don't we just have a clean disconnect option? You clean disconnect by going to the menu and disconnecting. You then proceed to sit down for X amount of time and then log out. If you ALT+F4 out, you get some kind of penalty. I am assuming there is a way to identify an ALT+F4 vs a disconnect error.