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Everything posted by kichilron

  1. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/226513-eugen-harton-on-twitter-experimental-update-tommorow/ Known Issues: Zombies lag and have trouble hitting player characters."Wait for host" screen during connection can take a longer time than usual.Items in hands can be dropped when vaulting."-newui" has visual and functional issues.Landmine and bear trap cannot be moved in inventory.Breaking a leg for the second time after having fixed it might result in status message not displaying.Incorrect character animations at the Main Menu.Game might crash followed by an error message when being shut down.Batteries for V3S do not spawn.New UI bug allowing detailed player network data and global chatCannot tear clothes into rags
  2. kichilron

    "I just soiled myself" and other notes on 0.58.

    Sad to hear that people still fall for the old trick of admin messages being mistaken for status indicators.
  3. kichilron

    Vision nerfed yet again?!

    Because "Hold Breath" and "Zoom" are bound to the same buttons (Rightclick). I haven't actually taken a look recently, but I believe you can still rebind the keys, so that you hold your breath with a different key than mouse rightlick, you can for example use one of the spare buttons on the mouse. I use the "Forward" button on my mouse for the compass (in ARMA) and the "Backwards" button to hold breath.
  4. kichilron

    Different access times for different inventory containers

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is something that's planned down the line. Currently the animations are quite generic, seeing as they're not done yet. But it should theoretically not be a problem adding in different animations for different things (even taking stuff out your rucksack, theoretically) later down the line. Still like the idea, especially not being able to pull out a gun because you can access your rucksack whilst sprinting across an open field.
  5. kichilron

    DayZ Launcher Issue Please help!

    Maybe it's an idea to ask on the overwatch or epoch Forum or even on the launcher's forum - but this surely isn't the right place. DayZ Mod is available on Steam, no additional launchers required.
  6. kichilron

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    If you have a problem with any specific member on this forum, feel free to use the report function to make us staff aware of the problem, resorting to insulting other members isn't the appropriate way of going about this and makes yourself look like the stupid one in this case.
  7. kichilron

    Dayz commander unable to install anything

    1.: This Forum is for DayZ, not OverPoop. 2.: DayZCommander still doesn't work and hasn't for a very long time.
  8. kichilron

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Why? Because politicians work on the weekend? They're employees, remember.
  9. If this hasn't been done by peeko yet, it's definitely the problem. One of the people always has to specify a different port than the other one.
  10. I don't understand why there would even have to be a need for this. The way DayZ Servers are being set up is that you buy the server from a GSP and then it's already up and running. For as long as you can read you should be able to change everything yourself, seeing as everything's being described in the control panel.
  11. kichilron

    This Forum is broken on Chrome Browser - fix it

    That's what I mean. That's not what I delete, either. Yet I never had any issues. EDIT: Just realised, that I had written I delete my saved password, but I just meant I delete my active logins.
  12. kichilron

    This Forum is broken on Chrome Browser - fix it

    I think there are multiple different problems involved. I never have any issues with Chrome and yes, I do delete all cookies, saved passwords and everything else multiple times a day, for webdev-reasons. However, one thing is a known issue on our end - the captcha doesn't seem to be operating properly at times.
  13. kichilron

    This Forum is broken on Chrome Browser - fix it

    Well, you will have to be a bit patient, I am afraid. There's currently a few things being worked on in the background, so some issues are to be expected. These kind of things sadly take some time and come with issues (sometimes) onticeable to the enduser, but rest assured it's being worked on.
  14. kichilron

    My first descent DayZ Movie

  15. Would you mind posting the link that answers your questions, so there's a reference?
  16. kichilron

    Not a new hack

    That's not hacking, that's someone doing the exact same thing as you did, serverhopping. Bad luck, I guess. And a lesson to be learned.
  17. kichilron

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    And it appears he barely is a hero. He always says he is, but then he isn't. And he doubts to this point that I'm a proper medic. Well - I am! You're not. We actually hunted him down because he killed me when I was AFK while I was a freshspawn. Good sports there trying to be the leader of a "Medics-Clan". > :( Rest in hell! Thanks to http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/95223-skat3rat/ for helping me out.
  18. kichilron

    New 3PP Camera

    If you would have cared to even read the first comment on this page, you would have learned that your endeavours are really nor worth it.
  19. kichilron

    New 3PP Camera

    Did you read any of the above posts?
  20. You need to be more patient and take a look at the DevTracker from time to time: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/228367-dayz-development-on-twitter-rolling-on-update-announcements-hit-a-bit-of-a-snag-new-eta-for-servers-going-live-at-1500-cest/
  21. kichilron

    Dev Gam Hamburg 2015

    Fixed that for you. Seeing as that's my university and I will be around at that time anyway, I may as well go take a look. What's the worst that can happen?
  22. kichilron

    Dev Gam Hamburg 2015

    I'm from Hamburg. DevGAMM doesn't have to bad of a lineup, to be honest... http://devgamm.com/hamburg2015/en/ Does anyone know anything about the actual prices?
  23. kichilron

    Go ahead, make my day

    Incase you were wondering and seeing as you seemed to have problems with this today: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/83113-forum-img-tags-how-to/
  24. kichilron

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    Tomorrow I will finally have some time for myself (theoretically have holidays and Steak my girlfriend wants to spent it with me.) - so I will be spending time assembling my new Gaming PC I now had for well over 1-2 months. Along with it I shall be trying Windows 10, seeing as I have unlimited licenses anyway, I may as well. I will be strictly using this for gaming while still having my workstation at the same place, so I will be running everything at the same time, just having to switch PC's on one monitor from time to time. It will be glorious and the best way to try.
  25. kichilron

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    You're just old and don't like change. Please do. Just came back from my vacation abroad and I'm ready to upgrade all of my rigs whenever I'm back at work again - that way I even get paid for doing that.