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Everything posted by kichilron

  1. kichilron

    Where is the new Status Report?

    He said 4 minutes after it was released.... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/215118-status-report-week-of-10-nov-14/ Discussion here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/215115-status-report-week-of-10-nov-14/
  2. kichilron

    Was this a hacker?(My 1st hacker experience)

    Hacking: If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. Please do not make topics or post videos. They will be locked or removed.
  3. kichilron

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Topic cleaned from the insults and derailment that is the 3PP / 1PP discussion. There are different servers to chose from already, there is no need for this kind of discussion or anyone's preference, as it ends up - once again - with insults. Leave it.
  4. kichilron

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    I guess that's why it's 18+
  5. kichilron


    This thread will sadly not go anywhere and seeing as the vehicles are already in active development this is not a suggestion anymore: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/214829-twitter-peter-letting-some-fresh-air-into-the-v3s/ If you have any further questions / additions, feel free to send me a PM. But for now make sure that you get familiar with the game and the suggestions around here - as this eliminates duplicate threads.
  6. kichilron

    Derringer is sweet..yo.

    My weapon of choice. But only in pink, really. :ph34r:
  7. kichilron

    Where is the new Status Report?

    The week of 10. November isn't over yet. Give it time..
  8. There are websites out there where people are trying to sell you goods for money. Needless to say that this is against the rules of the Forum and against the TOS, but it's also not very smart to use it - as you will most likely end up losing your money in one way or the other. Please send me and/or boneboys a PM with the credentials of the server as well as the website advertising this. Thank you.
  9. kichilron

    BattleEye going way too far

    Don't get me wrong. I am all for data privacy. But in the ages of internet nothing is really private anymore. The only question you have to ask yourself is: "What would the people in question want with this information?" That is the question you have to ask yourself and everyone has to ask themselves. If you expand this to a global factor, it is obvious what the governments in question want to do with the data and why this is inacceptable. But an Anti-Cheat for a game as relatively small as DayZ? Not really any private data they can harvest.
  10. kichilron

    how can i play using bi studio oa and steam arma

    That is because GameSpy shut down months ago. You need to activate on Steam in order to be able to play, there is no other way. Related to GameSpy shutting down: DayZCommander is obsolete now and doesn't work anymore, please use one of the alternatives.
  11. kichilron

    BattleEye going way too far

    You are most likely signed up to FaceBook and/or are using Chrome. This means that the NSA and Google / FB know more about you than BattlEye could ever find out. Everybody could know everything about you and you could be hacked at any given time. The question is: why would they want to do that? What are they going to do with that information? BattlEye is nothing overly special or aggressive in regards to scanning your computer. Things like Origin are far more aggressive. This is quite normal for an anticheat in order to be working. The only one that could complain about this is the one that has done some shady things in the first place.
  12. kichilron

    Can/should DayZmod Epoch be like DayZsa?

    This is not what makes Epoch, though. It's not just some buildables. It is the faaar over the top. You can: Buy infinite amounts of supplyNot build something out of nothing - you sell a car and buy yourself the materials to buildAfter buying yourself everything possible you build yourself a sky base.This is just the tip of the iceberg and the very reason most people don't like it. It is not the fact that you can build stuff. Because that's fine. But the way it is approaching it is just plain wrong.
  13. kichilron

    Can/should DayZmod Epoch be like DayZsa?

    The Majority of Epoch is against Survival, not DayZ Mod. You can barely even find a backpack when starting as a freshspawn on DayZ Mod, and everything runs out, matches, knifes, hatchets. Since 1.8.2 survival is much harder We do have buildables and are actively developing it for DayZ Mod.
  14. kichilron

    so i found this server... (insane loot)

    Now you called yourself incompetent. I can live with that.
  15. kichilron

    Server setup Guide ?

    You don't currently have the power to change anything aabout your server other than: Time of dayRestartcycleName (parts of it) But that is about it. No witchcraft. Anyone can do that.
  16. kichilron

    so i found this server... (insane loot)

    If you wouldn't have thought you did there wouldn't have been a need to repost it in the correct section. Don't get caught up in your hipocrisy. Moved
  17. kichilron

    Server setup Guide ?

    For Standalone? Klick "Buy" on Hosters Website, chose name -> Profit. Everything else is provided by the Hoster in the Control Panel and explained on their website. No knowledge needed.
  18. kichilron

    Dynamic Roadblocks

    Were never able to reproduce it and even tried different methods of implementing the objects, but it was still happening for some people. I never experienced it myself, though. Other than that: it may have been a bit over the top in the mod, but I would still love some sort of variety in SA. As long as they're not as random as Epoch did it, as that mostly just resulted in the most random results with clipping-issues. I'd be thinking more along the lines of a "POI"-style approach with a preset amount of objects taken from a list that are distributed evenly across the map. This would be preassembled by a Mapmaker to make sure it's not halfway in a building.
  19. kichilron

    Zombie door blockers - solution

    Have you tried vaulting over them at all? Used to work just fine for me.
  20. kichilron

    New patch and pond water

    Jesus, you were drunk.
  21. kichilron

    Handcuffs, Rope, Wire and the Enviroment.

    I like where this is going.. I don't doubt that the game is going to offer this eventually and that it's continuously being developed. This is the kind of stuff the gameplay developers are going to be focussing on once the core-stuff is done.
  22. kichilron

    SPOSN Tortilla Backpack

    You can't even imagine how disappointed I was to see them not being stuffed with Tortillas.
  23. kichilron

    DayZ Crashing & Closing Program

    Does it happen a lot when you're Alt-Tab'ing and/or changing things around in the settings? Have you tried verifying your game integrity on Steam?
  24. kichilron


    It is a known issue, but also fixed for the next build. Moved to Mod-section