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Everything posted by kichilron

  1. You may just kick yourself out of this very quickly with that attitude. 8) Hypocrisy: Please don't break the rules to stop other rule breakers, or to prove a point. Just because they did it, doesn't mean you can do it as well, nor should you evade a ban to prove a 'point'.
  2. kichilron

    Suggestion to implement Caribbean Islands in DayZ

    Do not open new threads just because you "worded them badly". If anything, continue here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/217756-where-is-this-lingour-island-this-guy-speaks-off-in-this-video/
  3. kichilron

    Is there a way around this?

    I too have the same problem. Some idiot shot me in the arm because he wanted to kill a Z, now I can't seem to be able to create splints no matter what I do.
  4. kichilron

    battleye client initialized v1.223

    Mind giving us an English version, considering this is an English Speaking board? If you have problems speaking English, feel free to send a message.
  5. kichilron

    Saw of street signs to receive melee weapons

    I actually quite like that idea, considering you can already create a sawnoff with the hacksaw.
  6. kichilron


    No such things in DayZ Standalone.
  7. It's not being forced upon you, you should techniceally still be able to contact your host to have them turn it off.
  8. kichilron

    Dear Developers

    It's not like he's going to get anything out of this. Sometimes people are just nice. This doesn't seem to count for you.
  9. kichilron


    Pink. Pink dress. In all seriousness, though - WOBO covers this in the Ghillie-Suit Guide:
  10. kichilron

    Graphic Issue

    The models at the bottom in your hotbar seem to be looking fine, so it doesn't necessarily have to be a graphical issue. What's your prostprocessing set to and are you maybe low on health?
  11. kichilron

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    Merged a few topics, please stick to one. Also - keep the Meme- / .gif-Spam to a minimum.
  12. kichilron

    Delete please

    Please hit the Report-button instead of deleting the content. A Moderator will then move your thread.
  13. kichilron

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    This: Expect the problems with the game to be resolved soon.
  14. kichilron

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    Do I really have to point out the obvious here?
  15. kichilron

    Global Ban Problem dont play games

    We can't help you here with your Global Bans, contact BE, credentials in my signature. You usually do that with the Report-button. Or so I heard. :ph34r:
  16. kichilron

    Water, how do i know if its safe to drink?

    . Mod-Section, my friend.
  17. kichilron

    Water, how do i know if its safe to drink?

    A water-test-kit will not safe you if you don't have any matches anyway. ;)
  18. The problem with DayZCommander is that it won't fetch new servers. It still has the old servers cached, but it can't query new ones, as it didn't properly migrate over to the Steam-Server-Browser (which happened in July this year). Just believe us Developers when we're saying that it's not going to do you any good.
  19. kichilron

    Water, how do i know if its safe to drink?

    You know it's safe when you boiled it. Let me expand: With dead bodies around: bad Normal pond: can be bad Boiled water: safe
  20. That's just upsetting. I want to wear a dress!
  21. kichilron

    How the North has Changed

    I do remember going up north just to see what's going on in the closed testing. However, back then everything was still empty roads. Only just yesterday I want back to the exact same spot and whilst overlooking one of the new cities I have never been to I realised it's the exact same layout as the roads used to be, but it's finally populated now. I know what you mean that it's changed entirely, but not necessarily for the bad. Gives us people coming from the mod a bit of new places to discover.
  22. kichilron

    make v3s (or vehicle in general) more silence

    Sometimes pointing out the obvious is needed. Couldn't find a better video, but Gews has posted one. Is that more comprehensive. Only thing I was trying to say: it's supposed to be loud after all, it's a massive, old truck.
  23. Makes me want to listen to AC/DC...
  24. kichilron

    make v3s (or vehicle in general) more silence

    But everybody knows that silencers don't work. You see, that's the most obvious answer. What exactly do you expect from an old Czechoslovakian truck? It is incredibly loud. And not only that - same argument: it is an old Czechoslovakian truck, not a new German sedan. There's no noise-dampening, it's going to be as loud / even louder on the inside, not at a whispering level.
  25. kichilron

    Default Epoch PBO

    Sadly you have signed up to the wrong Forum and posted in the wrong one. This is DayZ Standalone and not related to Epoch whatsoever, you will have to edit your PBO's manually as last time I checked DayZ.ST was using custom .pbo's. As long as you don't get your .pbo from DayZ.ST there's nothing you can do. That's only for the server.pbo (which you should use for the map-additions). The mission is available, but only on the Epoch-Forum, we are in no way affiliated with them whatsoever.