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Everything posted by kichilron

  1. kichilron

    Re-purchasing DayZ SA

    No. Yes. I can assure you that that is not how it works. Locked You have your answer, locking for sanity.
  2. Keep your homophobia to other places, please.
  3. kichilron

    DayZ OverPoch Issues

    Which is fine, just not the right place. Here is the solution, btw: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/218750-why-is-this-happening/
  4. kichilron

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Keep the offtopic talk in the offtopic, please.
  5. kichilron

    DayZ OverPoch Issues

    We are in no way affiliated with neither Epoch nor Overwatch, especially not the mashup of them two. It would be wise to try their Forum.
  6. I have not understood their business practice yet. They're invite only, but yet everyone and their mother has 20,000 spare invites. It isn't really anything special anymore then, is it now?
  7. kichilron

    Question about security with the new admin tools

    It's a matter of the Steam-Platform, not the game itself. In any game that is connected to the Steam-Server-Browser you are able to see who you've played with recently and if they leave the server you can join them again through their Steam-Profile. Make sure to check your privacy-settings on Steam.
  8. The information is out there and it has been said multiple times by the Devs how the updates are going to work. The Status Updates are weekly, the updates won't be. The Devs have spread the information that they're going to publish an update every month and there have been two major updates at a quick rate just before Christmas. This isn't even a month ago, so we're still on schedule. As far as your demands are that they should stop making clothes and instead fix things. That's not how it works and this has been repeated multiple times. Designers do not do the programming. Locked, as I will see this going downhill way more than it already has. Not to mention that you don't seem to be knowing what you're talking about: But you're most likely the best to judge that. From Florida.
  9. kichilron

    FPS problem with DayZ Standalone

    I highly doubt that with those specs you have an SSD. Do you appear to have a normal Hard Drive with all your Data on as well as OS / games, etc?
  10. kichilron

    SOOO...Lost all my gear :(

    Just think about people that are on their phone or have low bandwidth or even limited data-plans. Forum are for mainly text and not unnecessary .gif-spam where discussion is supposed to take place. You should take your time to read the rules before posting.
  11. kichilron

    DayZ Mod 1.8.3

  12. kichilron

    SOOO...Lost all my gear :(

    That's the second post I have hidden within minutes, not counting the ones in the past. Cut out the .gif / meme-spam, especially when not using spoilers.
  13. kichilron

    Unlikely DayZ Glitch?

    That's the Zombie-Vision.
  14. Sad times, it appears this server will be taken down. Locked at OP's request.
  15. kichilron

    EXP server on or off?

  16. kichilron

    How to improve your FPS?

    Baker has given a good overview for you. It was more of a future thing than for right now. Some of these launchparameters may make your game crash. Atleast that's the problem I was having.
  17. kichilron

    How to improve your FPS?

    Hello there and welcome to the Forum, make sure to use the search-Form: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/28160-guide-how-to-set-up-your-graphics-properly/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/141305-a-simple-guide-to-getting-the-most-fps/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156423-dayz-standalone-graphic-guide-for-better-fps/ Your search for the term how to improve your fps? returned 139 results
  18. kichilron

    Scrpt Errors

    Don't ever repost anythign then. If you have created a thread in the wrong place, report it and it will get moved by a Moderator. Don't clutter up the Forum with double-posts, please.
  19. kichilron

    Scrpt Errors

    I have already answered your question, why create another thread? Topics Merged.
  20. kichilron

    Scrpt Errors

    Check your launchparameters and make sure you don't have this anywhere: -showScriptErrors
  21. kichilron

    DayZ Mod 1.8.3

    Ah, I see that pull request now. Apologies, I have a major cold at the moment and am in Zombie-Mode meself.
  22. You're not the average YouTube-Use then. I don't like watching short videos either. But that's not the general demographic.
  23. kichilron

    DayZ Mod 1.8.3

    There's no need for the insults. The reason the system is going to be reworked is because it wasn't working properly.
  24. kichilron

    Tents not persistent?

    No, if persistence is off it's off.
  25. kichilron

    FOG Meet & Greet (1/18)

    Sorry I couldn't make it. Got a cold and had a massive headache earlier, so I couldn't really jump on. Pictures are looking good, though.