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Everything posted by kichilron

  1. kichilron

    truck glitches me underground

    Please don't post ways to duplicate gear. It should be obvious to not abuse this kind of stuff. Topic cleaned.
  2. kichilron

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    We don't take care of those, not the place to post.
  3. kichilron

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    When you launch the game, in the mainmenu on the bottom right it will tell you which version you're running. Rightclick DayZ Mod on Steam Go to Properties In the now opened window click on the "Beta" Tab From the dropdownmenu under "Select the Beta you would like to opt into" select "1.8.4" It will redownload and you have 1.8.4
  4. kichilron

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    So, just so I get this right.. You're running and you're joining a server that is running a different version than you are (1.8.4) and you're wondering why it's giving you the message that you're running a wrong version?
  5. kichilron

    Multiple Monitors Issue

    It may have to do with the fact that it somehow has to create an overlay for it to be working (needed so you don't tab out). This may cause issues with DayZ, as some other overlays have stopped working in the last patch as well (due to security-reasons)
  6. kichilron

    truck glitches me underground

    Did you read the patchnotes? I believe that this is being worked on. If you have any way to make this reproducable, please do report it on the Feedback Tracker.
  7. kichilron

    jumping off a deerstand

    This. Yes, you'll be fine jumping off it and having your hands free with no additional weight on you. But a 2m drop with possibly a rifle in your hand as well as a lot of other stuff you're carrying will have dramatic effects.
  8. kichilron

    my stuff keeps reseting

    Also important to note that some of the Private servers do infact show up as "Public" in the listing.
  9. kichilron

    Vilayer servers?

    You seem to be praising them quite a lot. Does it have to do with the fact that you're basically making money with your referral links for them? I would suggest you calm down on that a little, seeing as it can be considered spam / ads.
  10. kichilron

    Wierd bug, need help!

    This sounds a lot like you either have a massive issue with your keyboard or you have some sort of controller plugged in that misconfigures itself (TrackIR? Footpedals? Rudderpedlals? XBox Controller?)
  11. kichilron

    Invisible cursor

    I have not heard of that and most certainly not being a part of ARMA 2 / DayZ. Have you tried pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL and after that "ESC"? This will throw you back into the game and maybe you have your cursor back. Moved to Mod-Section.
  12. kichilron

    Looking to start a small group DAYZMOD

    Please make sure to post in the correct section of the Forum. Moved.
  13. kichilron

    Having different gun sounds...

    You should take your time and take a look at what the Developers have to say: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/146-audio/ It has already been confirmed, that there will be new sounds incoming.
  14. kichilron

    Screen jumps after 0.53

    Isn't that shaking because you're cold, considering it affects your aim in general? Have you tried warming up at a campfire?
  15. kichilron

    Looking For A ArmA 2: DayZ Clan

    Please use the ARMA 2: DayZ Mod section then. Moved.
  16. kichilron

    Wood piles

    It's not really silly - the only thing that may be off is the model itself. What exactly defines a "Wood Pile"? Could it not just be a pile of wood planks? It most certainly could be. Thus, it doesn't "seem silly", does it now? And sawing logs into planks and then sawing planks into even smaller piles of wood is exactly what it's supposed to be. You wouldn't be able to glue them together to planks from piles with a Hatchet, would you?
  17. kichilron

    Wood piles

    Have you tried rightclicking the logs in your inventory at all?
  18. kichilron

    Wierd bug, need help!

    Go to your Documents-Folder: C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents and go to "ARMA 2 Other Profiles" and delete/rename the folder with your playername.
  19. kichilron

    Wierd bug, need help!

    There is literally no point in reinstalling the game if it's a control-issue, as your config doesn't get deleted when you uninstall (intended behaviour, as it's nice to keep your settings). Why would you not just go into your control-settings to check what the controls are? Surely that should be easier than reinstalling the entire game..
  20. kichilron

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Glad to hear that. A little bit of temperature drop is intended after all.
  21. kichilron

    Banned for no reason?

    This is due to the newest patch. Make sure to contact the Server-Admin in cases like this. In the case of the server US 434 it should be geryon..
  22. That is because there was a patch just now. What server are you playing on.
  23. I am sorry, but if you get this aggravated over getting this to work, a Mod will most likely not be something for you. A mod is essentially a hack for a game and thus it's not really easy to install it and get it working, so a little bit of patience is required. Now, let me start - a step by step troubleshoot is required. Don't try everything of these troubleshooting-steps at once, you'll not get anywhere. Try uninstalling everything and then reinstall only ARMA 2 and ARMA 2: Operation ArrowheadCopy the entire contents of the "ARMA 2\AddOns" folder into "ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead\Common" - if it asks you to override the files, do so.If you get any errors, make sure to write them down exactly and show them to us. Just telling us you get errors when launching won't help anything, there's literally thousands of them.Don't use DayZCommander, it's utterly broken.
  24. kichilron

    DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    Not that extreme, but you understand the concept.
  25. kichilron

    The second best type of encounter on DayZ..

    Please read the rules before posting. It should also not be necesarry to bump your video-topic.