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Everything posted by kichilron

  1. kichilron

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    It's the people that learned to play the game solely through online maps and because there was an abundance of everything they never learned to take care of themselves. That's all it is to it. They can't gear up in 10 minutes to kill people, they come on here to scream. Meanwhile us hardcore folk that have been playing the mod since 2012 are finally getting a bit worth out of the game...
  2. kichilron

    .cfg File unavailable

    Glad you figured it out. Let me know if you need anything.
  3. kichilron

    Tried everything, NO LAUNCH

    Do not download dll files from the web. Never. Unless, of course, you know 100% what you're doing and even then there's the chance that those'll get you banned. Fairly old thread anyway, as OP's question has been taken care off. Locked.
  4. kichilron

    Mini gun

    Please don't bother posting if you're not serious about your suggestions.
  5. kichilron

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    What I've taken away from the last few days and the threads emerging: People want an easy game and didn't realise that that is not what they were going to get with DayZ.. Consider this: loot is working as intended and people aren't playing a "Pristine Pants"-Simulator anymore, but are actually thrown into a harsh apocalypse for the first time.
  6. kichilron

    .cfg File unavailable

    Have you even bothered readin what the file association manager does? It lets you open the file with your preferred way. 95% of the tutorials out there that describe how to change the cfg will explain you to open it with NotePad as well. Might be a thing to start there?
  7. kichilron

    Loot is extremenly broken at the moment

    I'm afraid you neither understand the concept of "Alpha" nor "Survival". Further issues can be discussed in the Patch Discussion, but if no one even bothers giving it a chance there'll not be much of a point.
  8. kichilron

    Loot is extremenly broken at the moment

    So, reading that list what you've done is ran from Zelenogorsk through every major city that is a spawncity as well and haven't even bothered going inland at any point? I'm surprised that there's nothing to be found in the cities everybody spawns in.
  9. kichilron

    More server admin shenanigans?

    No, it's not. It's not even Admins kicking you on purpose. What's your name, exactly?
  10. kichilron

    NO LOOT!

    Don't. This'll earn you a timeout pretty quickly. As for the rest: I had to clean about 20 comments out of this thread. If any of you do that again, you'll be gone as well. The guys in question know who they are.
  11. kichilron

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Please keep the offtopic-chat to a minimum. There's a place for everything - this is not the thread to discuss KoS however.
  12. kichilron

    What are U doing? 0.55?

    Discussion about the patch goes here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223239-stable-branch-055-discussion/ Be aware of the following, though: It's fine if English isn't your first language, but please put some effort into it. If you don't know something, use a translator. There's no shame in that. But at the end of the day others are supposed to be able to read what you're writing and I don't understand 90% of what you have brought fourth.It's also fine to give feedback, but please do so if you have calmed down. There seems to be a lot of anger and tention in your post. There's no need for that and may get you a timeout pretty quickly if you end up insulting others because of your rage you can't controlThe Developers are normal employees as well and they deserve to have free time over Easter.
  13. kichilron

    Private master, bad version, conn rejected

    Was your DayZ on Steam actually updated? What version are you actually running? --> It will tell you in the Main Menu.
  14. kichilron

    New gamemode

    Member has been banned, as he admitted to have pirated DayZ. OP's question has been answered, if not - please PM me.
  15. kichilron

    Zombies in dayz have become to OP

    Discussion about Experimental Updates go here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/135-experimental-patch-discussion/ Find the topic that suits the most current update. Zombie-Feedback goes here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/182234-do-zombies-dream-of-a-good-nights-sleep-zombie-feedback/ I am afraid you'll have to be more elaborate than:
  16. kichilron

    Possible Epoch features such as forts or safes?

    That's like saying "Tesla shouldn't do electric cars, because all other car manufacturers are doing well with normal combustion engines!" Innovation is good and DayZ isn't particularly known for copying other people's ideas. Let's embrace the fact that Bohemia is one of the few developers that are actually willing to do things their way. DayZ is not a Wal Mart simulator, it's a survival game. There shouldn't be safes nor traders in any form.
  17. kichilron

    Hilarious and unexpected Execution in Kamyshovo

    You already posted this. Don't crosspost.
  18. kichilron

    Cooperative Missions

    What you're experiencing here is that you have a remaining install of DayZ somewhere. This can happen through multiple things, I will try to list all that comes to my mind: Possibly remains of "@Dayz" somewhere in your install and is being launched everytime you're launching ARMA 2 / ARMA 2: OA. Check your "common" or "Addons" folder in your game-directories to make sure there are no DayZ-affiliated files in there. (If there are, please delete. Easiest way is to uninstall game via Steam and delete all remaining folders (do backups of your missions!) It is possible that there are remains in your .cfg folders. If you're not sure where to locate them, try searching for them in one of these folders: C:\Users\YourUser\Documents\ArmA 2 OR: C:\Users\Your User\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles It is also possible that there are remaining copies of DayZ files in one of these folders: C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA OR: C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 Make sure there are no remains of DayZ in any of these and then try again. Another thing to note is that you could have remaining Launch-Parameters in your Steam-Install, which launches DayZ by default. When you're in the game, make sure there is no display of "DayZ" whatsoever in either the bottom right corner of your screen in the mainmenu nor in the "Expansions" Tab of the Main Menu. If the problem persists, feel free to contact me.
  19. kichilron

    Battleye ban

    Yeah, no. We don't deal with BattlEye-bans here, you will have to contact their support. Not that I believe a single thing you're saying, but still.
  20. kichilron

    Dangerous dayzmod fences

    :D :beans: for laughter.... If you need pilot-lessons, give me a shout (1st person only, though) EDIT: Actually, that makes the difference between an Epoch/Softcore player and a DayZ Mod player - you're dying and you're pissing yourself laughing.
  21. kichilron

    What about the reset of character/persistence?

    Persistence is reset Wednesdays, characters are not.
  22. kichilron

    3PP Camera Movement/Immersion

    The video doesn't work for me. Anyone else?
  23. kichilron

    Cooperative Missions

    I don't understand? The error you've posted in the OP is related to DayZ not having all the things needed. You are aware that you need the proper setup with a dedicated server and database for DayZ to work? You can't just launch the DayZ Mission without all that and expect to have zombies....
  24. And then you watch your hands explode because you executed it poorly.....