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Everything posted by kichilron

  1. kichilron

    Game keeps starting windowed mode

    Whenever the game starts in Windowed Mode, press "ALT+ENTER" to switch to fullscreen.
  2. kichilron

    Maintenance Topic

    If you have not seen it yet regarding persistence: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/225863-eugen-harton-on-twitter-for-those-that-are-asking-yes-zombies-are-in-stable-yes-animals-are-in-stable-yes-persistence-for-vehicles/
  3. kichilron

    Maintenance Topic

    Read before you post applies to you more than to many other people. Merged. To all the people complaining about the lack of certain features in certain builds: it was disclosed on many occasions that there will be patches removing certain features to be able to test the impact on performance and whatnot. I guess it's the time again to remind you, that you pressed "I UNDERSTAND!"
  4. kichilron

    Maintenance Topic

    If that's the quality of content you came here to create, don't bother. A patch is a good thing and taking the time for it is necessary. If you can't comprehend that, please don't complain about it.
  5. kichilron

    Maintenance Topic

    Usually means that somethign big is coming:
  6. kichilron

    Maintenance Topic

    Patience isn't the strong suit of people these days, eh? Maintenance usually only has a starting point and an open end. The servers will come back.
  7. kichilron Hatchet Bug?

    if (getPlayerName == "Hicks_206") then { player addMagazine "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov";};You're welcome!
  8. kichilron

    Developer Appreciation

    Criticism is allowed. Trolling, however, isn't. And what you're doing is not in any way reasonable. To have a discussion there needs to be a certain degree of unterstanding the other sides involved. You don't even bother with any of that. Consider this your last warning. If you don't want to engage in a discussion, this is not the place for you.
  9. kichilron

    Developer Appreciation

    If you don't understand the basics it's rather tedious discussing how it works.
  10. There was an update recently. Did you make sure you're trying to join a server that is running the same version as you are?
  11. kichilron

    Developer Appreciation

    As a matter of fact I know one or two things about game development. And you have just outed yourself as the one that's never read anything on this Forum ever. It's literally every other thread and any member that's been here for over a week could reiterate it for you: First you add content, then you fix bugs. If you add content you'll inevitably break things, no point in optimising when you're adding elements.
  12. kichilron

    Developer Appreciation

    If you're going around saying these things don't be surprised if there's a backlash.
  13. kichilron

    Developer Appreciation

    Clearly you don't know anything game development then. Are you suggesting optimisation happens first - before adding more survival-elements to a survival game? If you are serious about that, I suggest you speak no further and leave immediately before you're being laughed at.
  14. 3 and a quarter. Poor chap had to give a leg and an arm for this. Why?
  15. Alright, so here we go: I have an FX-8350 massively overclocked and watercooled and my performance is just fine. A lot of people are doing it wrong by lowering their graphics-settings - but by doing that they're offloading their GPU and thus the CPU has to handle more. I am currently running DayZ at maximum resolution (and 200% overscaled) on a 21:9 monitor with my FX-8350 and a 7970. GPU is @ 100% and I get decent frames (everywhere). People that are still claiming that DayZ only utilizes 1 core live in 2012 and have picked up what others said on the interwebs. Performance is totally fine if you spend more than the average attentionspan of a gamer (12 seconds) to optimise your settings. The game has also been optimised a lot recently. If one's not as thick as a tree (or trolling) one would have noticed. Now - I have a disclosure to make: I bought this setup with productivity in mind and I will be switching soon enough. I am not a video-guy - but I have other things that I'm doing with my computer that require heavy multitasking. This does also mean that my PC is under heavy load pretty much all of the time. This lead me to a decision I am currently saving up to. I will keep my 8350 and a cheap-ass GPU that can run my 4 screen setup for productivity and I will get myself another PC (I will be up to 4 @ my desk then) that'll run a 4690K and a GPU (until I get a new one I shall still be sporting my 7970). The Intel-based PC will only run a single screen for gaming, whilst I can still have my main rig running my productivity-workload. This'll not happen for about another month or so, because of different things I have going on, so I'll not have much time anyway. But in 1 month I will be able to tell you with 100% safety whether it's worth switchting platforms or not.
  16. kichilron

    Different celerities for zombies.

    I read "celebrities" and was excited that I was going to get my face in the game as a Zombie.
  17. kichilron

    Question regarding my Computer

    Your GPU is very weak. Reinstalling Windows clean won't change anything about the GPU-Use (in 99% of the cases). If you have a question, write it out rather than using "Question" as the Title (I changed the title) Post in the correct section
  18. kichilron

    True or Lie (DayZ for Mac)?

    I did not know that. Not bad.
  19. It's time to upgrade to an architecture that isn't from 1950. 32 Bit isn't support, only 64 bit.
  20. kichilron

    True or Lie (DayZ for Mac)?

    Will it be possible in the future for my Toyota Prius to be able to tow a battleship? No? Lazy engineers!
  21. kichilron

    DayZ Mod

    Dev Team is not responsible of BattlEye Filters. Server Admins are. If you need help and he happens to be around, PM facoptere
  22. kichilron

    Can Not download back to stable

    If you uninstalled, did you change the branch before reinstalling?
  23. kichilron

    Heartbeat while playing DayZ

    Pure Adrenaline, my man. In situations like that it's automatically released to make you help concentrate, run faster, etc.. It's a reaction of your body helping you survive.
  24. kichilron

    This game needs more than optimization

    There's official answers for almost everything, it's not the developer's job to run after you and serve it on a silver plate. It's time for you to read up on some of these issues. Otherwise you'll make yourself look stupid in the end. Optimisation has happened a lot already and the renderer is already partly integrated. You're probably about a few months late with your assumptions.
  25. kichilron

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Other Forum? Our Forum! Please take it to the Status Report topic. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/225601-status-report-02-jun-2015/