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About xp51mustangx

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. xp51mustangx

    How many hackers nowadays

    hundreds of thousands. I havent been in a server in 5 days that hasnt had a hacker. Thankfully they seem to be immensely retarded and i managed to kill quite a few. They spawn in AS-50 ASWs (not available in DayZ), they spawn in hundreds of satchels and blow up entire cities, they teleport, they make it so that they cannot possibly be killed (ive pumped 3 rounds into a guy at point blank with the 50 cal and get still came up and shot me). Its honestely disgusting. There are too many hackers now to take the game seriously anymore. Why play if someone is going to play against you unfairly.
  2. xp51mustangx

    Dayzcommander bug?

    i indeed have the same problem
  3. I understand it will eventually become a standalone, but i was wondering if we are going to have to pay for it across the board, for the standalone AND the ARMA mod. or will it just be the standalone?