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Posts posted by DanielTy88

  1. There was one server I actually tried, I don't remember the name because it was to retarded.lol You spawn in with random guns, But that wasn't the worst part...Whenever you kill someone, They spawn back within 30m of you with the same weapons...I found that out the hard way...  Then I spawn right back on that guy...I killed him,ran off,then left forever...lol


    This game is about survival which means KILL OR BE KILLED! A high K/D ratio is what makes a pro player a pro player. Just because Im really good with a  G36 does not make me a hacker! 

    I dont care if you believe me or not because your opinion is not important to me because you are not on my level!!!!

    And stop saying shit about my avatar because you dont have the balls to post a real picture of yourself like me.




    It's pretty obvious this account was created to troll and piss people off. If not...Then ignorant retard?


    DanielTy88, on 22 Aug 2013 - 6:38 PM, said:snapback.png

    This guy.. In the first reply "Im sticking up for a family member", later in the same paragraph " Oh standalone comes out 1st person only, Well fuck... there's another game I can't play."

    Also it should be 1st person, 3 person is just stupid because of the reasons stated in other posts, no point in re listing them because some people's skulls are just so thick they wont understand.


    Did you not see that I wrote, Try to look at it from his point of view? I quoted it like it was him talking not me...This is why I just gave up...

  4. Yeah, I do. You apparently haven't tried everything because turning off Head Bob makes 1st Person Perspective just like 3rd Pearson Perspective. Trust me, it is NOT the first person causing his issues it is motion blur and headbob creating motion in first person that doesn't do it in 3rd. It's not the viewpoint, it's the motion that creates motion sickness. ;) My wife gets motion sick. Turn off things like headbob and it no longer bothers her. 


    This is pointless...I'm done.

  5. I don't  want to be rude, but I don't believe your family member. And even if he got that disease, (and I have no idea what this disease would be called, like "Not able to play a game without seeing the character from behind"-disease?!) is it fair to ruin the gameplay for millions of people just for one person? Should we have all black screens, because it is unfair that blind people cannot play the game? No, if he is not able to play a game, well than he can stick to DayZ Mod. Ruining the gameplay for everyone else, just because of one person is ridicilous.

    And what the 3rd-person defender don't realise is, that they would probably enjoy DayZ way more without the 3rd person. It is how the human works, he always tries to take the easiest path. And even if it is no fun, he will take that path.


    I don't understand why people get so mad at having a choice on what kind of server you want to play on...I play on a DayZero 1st person only server. I don't go around preaching that every server should be first person because it's the best experience ever! I simply don't care, If they want to play on a 3rd person server, Let them... People act like if there is a 3rd person server that they have to join it. And as for my family member, Yes it was very rude! And just want to leave you with a big F YOU!

    • Like 1

  6. First Person Perspective with the head bob settings turned off is exactly the same as Third Person Perspective except you can't see around objects without sticking your head around them. I don't think he is being a douche or inconsiderate just explaining to them that their issue is not with 1st PP but with Head Bob which can be disabled. Ergo, their issue isn't relevant to the discussion at hand.

    I'm done...This is pointless...

  7. First person only or bust, all third person does is allow you to cheat.


    Want to argue about third person making you not sick? Third person doesn't change fov, you can disable headbob and post-proc yourself, as well as changing fov (the change to mildots for the permanent cfg method is small and consistent, of course you can always just use 2x numpad-, there is no excuse here.)


    Want to argue about third person giving you a 'realistic' (pfff) sense of body awareness? You can use freelook, also recognize that you stop moving when you walk into walls, and that moving into bushes makes noise. If you've played literally any other FPS you already know how to do this, (or you're really bad and beyond help) stop trying to use your failures as a gamer as an excuse. It doesn't work.


    Want to argue about third person letting you look at your character? Freelook does the same thing, and besides, wanting a game breaking feature like third person for something so petty and shallow is sad. A really sad excuse of an excuse.




    Gave an opinion, Got bashed because it was different then there opinion...I give up...
