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Everything posted by DanielTy88

  1. DanielTy88

    If third person was removed from DayZ...

    It shouldn't be removed... The more server options the better. People who want to play 3rd person can do it on their server, And people who want to play 1st person can do it on their server. It's as simple as that.
  2. DanielTy88

    If third person was removed from DayZ...

    I don't mind playing in first person, But you have to remember, That some people have motion sickness. Which makes it difficult to play.
  3. DanielTy88

    So any word on the patch?

    Or you just fill your whole backpack up with foam :o
  4. ^ Frolic's in the cow infested fields...
  5. I think....How will I fuck with this one today?
  6. DanielTy88

    Graves Yard, Come join the fun

    How and where do I go to get whitelisted? I have searched everywhere.
  7. DanielTy88

    Need recommendations for jgood servers.

    I am playing on a stupid server where you can pay for weopons....yeah. So every time you die you respawn with your stuff. What's the point? All admins have it and they all camp the shore killing new spawns. I think I will try yours Grave:D
  8. You could buy a decent car for that...
  9. DanielTy88

    Happy Christmas DayZ

    Meeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy Chhhhhhhhrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssttttttmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssss!
  10. DanielTy88

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    You really love the word would don't you...
  11. DanielTy88

    DayZ PC vs Console

    ===THE MORE YOU KNOW====+
  12. DanielTy88

    Hunt me down

    Anyway... I could join you guys in the hunt?
  13. DanielTy88

    The greatest time you have had in DayZ?

    Go to 4:50 ....
  14. Hello, You must be new to DayZ...
  15. DanielTy88

    I did it again!

    That's what you get for playing Ride of the Valkaries...
  16. DanielTy88

    Combat loggers now get replaced with bots!

    I have shot at three different bandits today...And they all ran and hide behind something and combat logged....
  17. I played a lot on this server before it went private. Would love to join back!
  18. DanielTy88

    Have I been hacked?!

    Santa dropped by early and played with yo DayZ...
  19. DanielTy88

    Discussion of the standalone defecation\poo feature

    I just barrel rolled through some shit....GOD DAMMIT...
  20. DanielTy88

    Guess The Location ! (Chernarus)

    Yeah I am pretty sure it's Pobeda Dam.
  21. DanielTy88

    You know you play DayZ too much...

    When you find an axe and try to reload it...
  22. Would you like to retract that prediction?
  23. DanielTy88

    What was your very first ever DayZ death?

    I ran to elektro, Sneaking around by the church. I heard people in the church talking over direct chat, So I ran straight in screaming my head of in direct chat...It was a group if ten or so people...A few where brave enough to shoot me,Some pissed there pants laughing,Some pissed there pants and aborted... The second time I died...I ran all the way up to pabedo dam or whatever you call it. Ran into a group about to come back across it, As they got half way across the bridge I jumped out and said in direct chat....YOU SHALL NOT PASS...Before they could even start shooting at me...I vaulted over the side of the damn and died.