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Everything posted by DanielTy88

  1. DanielTy88

    The Black Lake Monster (footage)

    It's not an opinion,It's a fact. That's 100% bunny rabbit.
  2. DanielTy88

    DayZ starting to pop up on steam

    Same, They all just take me to the steam home page?
  3. DanielTy88

    What Happened On Your FIRST DAY Of DayZ?

    I spawned into the pitch black darkness of night with the waves crashing behind me, Loud terrifying music blasting in my ear and I..................Shat my pants.
  4. DanielTy88

    A new DayZ

    I voted yes! Because why the hell not! I already have a title for it.......DDay ---> DinosaursDay?
  5. DanielTy88

    Forum Sig

    Was thinking the same thing....wait?....It's already happening!
  6. DanielTy88

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    I got my car for that.
  7. DanielTy88

    Are Tents Working Yet?

    Congratulations on your 1000th post! Here have a cookie.
  8. DanielTy88

    Are Tents Working Yet?

    They have fixed tents somewhat, You can place them easily now. But good players don't need tents, Just whats on their back.
  9. DanielTy88

    Really?? You have no idea how pissed I am

    Ahhh... Good ol DayZ at it's finest;)
  10. DanielTy88

    Would you play Dayz without Zombies?

    Then you and the 31 other people are retarded...
  11. .....s'tsop eseht fo derit gnitteg yllaer mI
  12. DanielTy88

    Bonfire, buying bases and 'rules'

    Okay...No one else has said it so I will......WHAT THE FUCK!!!
  13. DanielTy88

    Clothing textures all bad?

    Will this mess with fps any?
  14. DanielTy88

    If I use Dayz commander

    Everybody was kung fu typing...There hands were fast at replying!
  15. DanielTy88

    Framerate in cities

    Same here:/ I get 50 to 70 fps in fields and small towns. But every time I step into a city it drops to 20 to 30 fps.
  16. DanielTy88

    Worlds longest gaming session - DayZ

    What record? A record for playing DayZ or gaming in general? Because I have spent a week playing Minecraft with very little sleep the first week I bought it. No joke.lol
  17. DanielTy88

    DayZ - What we hear a lot

    How are you not dead? I unloaded a whole clip into you! Don't talk in side chat! Kamenka... Hacker! Which way do I go? laaaaaaaaaaaag....
  18. DanielTy88

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I heard their are people who actually aren't assholes...
  19. DanielTy88

    VIP's in servers. Thoughts?

    What's the point in playing if you respawn with everything...WHAT"S THE POINT!
  20. DanielTy88

    Is it okay to abort when a hacker spawns on you?

    Same thing happened to me and my friend just an hour ago, We where minding our own business riding an atv. Then suddenly went from a full tank of gas to empty, I looked around and their was a guy in a hero skin standing in the field pointing a gun at us. I darted into the woods not knowing he was a hacker yet, I flanked around him while my friend fired at him from behind the atv. Then I unloaded on him, A whole FAL mag into his head, He turned and looked at me and was about to shoot until my friend unloaded on him.He turned back toward my friend and started walking slowly towards him. He walks straight up to him then shoots him in the head and kills him. Then he turns and starts walking in my direction. As soon as he gets around the tree and looks at me...I abort in his face. Funny thing is...I told the server admins about it and they just laughed and ignored me, Which makes me wonder if it was one of the admins? WWWWIIIEEEERRRRDDDD (rant over)