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Everything posted by DanielTy88

  1. DanielTy88


    Have you also considered the mod that allows towns to have lights at night? It adds a lot of atmosphere to the game at night!Either way I would still love to play on this server.
  2. DanielTy88

    Mod to standalone over switch

    I will probably switch back and fourth between both...I will play the standalone seriously...but in a fun way.lol And I will play the mod just to goof around and have fun.
  3. DanielTy88

    Coke, Pepsi & Heinz

    I think it's good advertisement for all the brands in the game,They don't show them being bad in any way so I don't see what there problem would be.
  4. This actually happened to me on green mountain! I was running across some rocks when I glitched through one and proceeded to swim across the sky.lol I got to do it for about thirty minutes before I randomly fell and died.lol
  5. This went from talking about tents and vehicles to Hacked weapons to Servers...Where else are we going?
  6. Do you not know what that means?
  7. DanielTy88

    Shoot all un-armed bandits on sight.

    So you trap a bandit for how long? Then you torture him with questions,Then ask in side chat if you should kill him or not...And you where suprised when he killed you.
  8. It's the name of the game player..I have had the same base site for over 2 months now and no one's found it yet.
  9. DanielTy88

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I heard that sometimes....You can find....NICE PEOPLE o.O
  10. DanielTy88

    DayZ theme Song

    Couldn't choose between these two http://youtu.be/6TJqk1J-i_w
  11. DanielTy88

    Challenged completed - Negative 1,000,000 humanity

    Here is a new achievement goal for you that might be a bit harder...Get back to 0
  12. DanielTy88

    DayZ map set in USA?

    Seriously...If they do not know who George A. Romero is and they are playing this game....They need to be slapped.Here is a tribute car I painted in a game called Forza Motorsport 4
  13. DanielTy88

    Operation: Humanity

    I would love to be apart of this just to record the epicness!! But I can also help out.Very skilled with the map/gps.
  14. DanielTy88

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    I need my cigar so I can go all Hannibal Smith ON YO ASS
  15. DanielTy88

    Spawn in groups.

    But...That means we wouldn't have to run to find each other? What would we do after that!!!
  16. DanielTy88


    Flame thrower???
  17. DanielTy88

    When Nature Calls

    It's been mentioned a "crap load" already,Rocket has even talked about adding it to the standalone. But I don't really like the idea of watching your player take a dump...Let's just pretend when you log off the game...He does his business.lol
  18. Don't taze me bro! Don't taze me!!!
  19. DanielTy88

    The forest comes alive...

    The Gray???
  20. DanielTy88

    DayZ map set in USA?

    If it had to be anywhere in the US, I would have to go with Alaska. Small towns snowy places,Wolfs,Bears,Moose and who knows what else could kill you there besides flesh eating zombies.lol It would be different. But I am just talking about a map,Not where it would be set at.
  21. DanielTy88

    Day Z Videos

  22. Sorry if I posted anything wrong, But I was playing all day on this server yesterday until I was killed... So I go to get on today and it says I have been banned by an admin for scripting. I have never or even know how to hack in the first place,And hacking has never crossed my mind. I even recorded most of the session when I played,If it is needed. Just hate being banned for no reason.Thanks
  23. DanielTy88

    I pulled a shane

  24. I usually observe until they are long gone,But if they are heading in my general direction and have scoped weapons.I will get to a position of power to ask questions,If they do not answer or do something stupid I will take them out. But if they agree to move on in another direction, When I am sure there gone and not stalking me... I move on and leave them be.