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Everything posted by (OCN)Vortech

  1. Line 384052: 03.03.2013 10:48:44: Seth (IP) GUID - #0 "bodyname" = "Seth" 265:5 Survivor2_DZ Line 384053: 03.03.2013 10:48:44: Seth (IP) GUID - Value Restriction #6 "bodyname" = "Seth" 265:5 Survivor2_DZ Line 384054: 03.03.2013 10:48:44: Seth (IP) GUID - Value Restriction #138 "bodyname" = "Seth" 265:5 Survivor2_DZ 03.03.2013 07:14:35: OoOCountOoO (IP) GUID - Value Restriction #90 "bodyname" = "OoOCountOoO" 71:5 Survivor2_DZ 03.03.2013 10:21:17: OoOCountOoO (IP) GUID - Value Restriction #90 "bodyname" = "OoOCountOoO" 139:9 Survivor2_DZ 03.03.2013 10:33:46: OoOCountOoO (IP) GUID - Value Restriction #90 "dayzDeath" = ["########",0,<NULL-object>,"########","OoOCountOoO"]
  2. 01.03.2013 16:49:08: Strykerz (IP) GUID - Value Restriction #227 "bodyname" = "Strykerz" 69:5 Survivor2_DZ 02.03.2013 09:50:38: Strife (IP) GUID - Value Restriction #227 "bodyname" = "Strife" 106:6 Survivor2_DZ 02.03.2013 10:51:25: Stryder (IP) GUID - Value Restriction #227 "bodyname" = "Stryder" 186:6 SurvivorW2_DZ 02.03.2013 12:16:35: Strong (IP) GUID - Value Restriction #227 "bodyname" = "Strong" 26:5 Survivor2_DZ 02.03.2013 12:16:35: Strong (IP) GUID - #127 "ldUnit removeMagazine _x;} forEach magazines _oldUnit; deleteVehicle _oldUnit; if(_currentWpn != "") then {_newUnit select" 02.03.2013 12:16:35: Strong (IP) GUID - #138 "yerUID"]; _playerUID = ""; if (count playableUnits == 0 and isServer) then { isSinglePlayer = true; player sidechat "Single pla" 02.03.2013 12:16:35: Strong (IP) GUID - #23 "ent wrong! disconnect and try again!", "PLAIN"]; player enableSimulation false; } else { diag_log "DEBUG: loadscreen guard ended" 02.03.2013 12:16:35: Strong (IP) GUID - #135 "ctsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara"; }; sleep 0.3; player setVelocity [(velocity player select 0) + 1.5 * sin direction player, " 02.03.2013 12:16:35: Strong (IP) GUID - #138 "haracter getVariable["messing",[0,0]] ]; _medical }; if (isServer) then { call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\d" 02.03.2013 12:16:35: Strong (IP) GUID - #176 "player, rSWITCHMOVE, "ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara"] call RE; } else { player switchMove "ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlop"
  3. (OCN)Vortech

    US 1993 "TeamAvolition"

    Nifty first I'd like to thank you for taking the time to share this and ultimately bringing this to our attention. I'd also like to apologize for the fact they were able to grief for roughly an hour on the server without notice. On a positive note the actual cheater (dielan) had already received a ban for his actions that night (01.22.13). To any of our players that may stumble on to this thread please make sure that if you encounter activities like this you report it. For the fastest response join our Teamspeak (ts.ocngaming.net), you may also post on our forums (http://www.overclock...et-game-servers) as all our staff are subscribed to the forum and receive an email immediately. I was unable to locate contact information for the server in the second half of the video US 265, so if anyone knows the admin please direct them to this thread. For the sake of transparency I want to explain a few things about this video. Unless BattlEye is performing a ban-wave or has detected a cheat there is nothing any server can do to stop executions. Thanks to the BattlEye filters we can kick immediately after execution though and this video does not show the 3x kicks Dielan received. I assure you that if they were to try this event again they would be promptly kicked as we've been customizing our filters for weeks now and have achieved a superior level of effectiveness. We're now utilizing a notification system that can reach our staff anytime & anywhere, we are no longer beholden to our PCs to provide support. When it comes to public cheats & script kiddies we've also got an automatic banning solution in offload the obvious offenders. TA Griefers Confirmed by Timestamp & Video Line 1338: ?13:12:12 : Player #37 James (IP) connected Line 1339: ?13:12:13 : Player #37 James - GUID: 15ba56502f77892740f124064d86abec (unverified) Line 1340: ?13:12:14 : Verified GUID (15ba56502f77892740f124064d86abec) of player #37 James Line 1961: ?14:16:55 : Player #37 James disconnected Line 1334: ?13:11:46 : Player #35 Training Wheels (IP) connected Line 1335: ?13:11:47 : Player #35 Training Wheels - GUID: faef54b4ac75eccc145432520cf963ab (unverified) Line 1336: ?13:11:47 : Verified GUID (faef54b4ac75eccc145432520cf963ab) of player #35 Training Wheels Line 1957: ?14:16:44 : Player #35 Training Wheels disconnected Line 1362: ?13:14:17 : Player #25 Ezekiel (IP) connected Line 1363: ?13:14:19 : Player #25 Ezekiel - GUID: 1d186fdb47bb08792cc27755e26107db (unverified) Line 1364: ?13:14:19 : Verified GUID (1d186fdb47bb08792cc27755e26107db) of player #25 Ezekiel Line 1968: ?14:17:26 : Player #25 Ezekiel disconnected Line 1322: ?13:11:26 : Player #11 Gus (IP) connected Line 1323: ?13:11:27 : Player #11 Gus - GUID: 733b446bc783cdd281b649bf5d3a66f5 (unverified) Line 1324: ?13:11:27 : Verified GUID (733b446bc783cdd281b649bf5d3a66f5) of player #11 Gus Line 1566: ?13:39:44 : Player #11 Gus disconnected Line 1572: ?13:40:49 : Player #11 Gus (IP) connected Line 1573: ?13:40:51 : Player #11 Gus - GUID: 733b446bc783cdd281b649bf5d3a66f5 (unverified) Line 1574: ?13:40:51 : Verified GUID (733b446bc783cdd281b649bf5d3a66f5) of player #11 Gus Line 1947: ?14:16:19 : Player #11 Gus disconnected Line 1328: ?13:11:43 : Player #29 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM (IP) connected Line 1330: ?13:11:44 : Player #29 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM - GUID: 3eeef0c6e7e09efff96e475526906b19 (unverified) Line 1331: ?13:11:45 : Verified GUID (3eeef0c6e7e09efff96e475526906b19) of player #29 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM Line 1531: ?13:35:19 : Player #29 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM disconnected Line 1534: ?13:35:47 : Player #5 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM (IP) connected Line 1535: ?13:35:48 : Player #5 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM - GUID: 3eeef0c6e7e09efff96e475526906b19 (unverified) Line 1536: ?13:35:49 : Verified GUID (3eeef0c6e7e09efff96e475526906b19) of player #5 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM Line 1538: ?13:36:37 : Player #5 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM disconnected Line 1539: ?13:36:37 : Player #5 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM (IP) connected Line 1540: ?13:36:39 : Player #5 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM - GUID: 3eeef0c6e7e09efff96e475526906b19 (unverified) Line 1541: ?13:36:39 : Verified GUID (3eeef0c6e7e09efff96e475526906b19) of player #5 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM Line 1746: ?13:54:58 : Player #5 JIM NASIUM'S GYMNASIUM disconnected Line 1749: ?13:55:45 : Player #2 Jim Nasium (IP) connected Line 1750: ?13:55:46 : Player #2 Jim Nasium - GUID: 3eeef0c6e7e09efff96e475526906b19 (unverified) Line 1751: ?13:55:46 : Verified GUID (3eeef0c6e7e09efff96e475526906b19) of player #2 Jim Nasium Line 1952: ?14:16:27 : Player #2 Jim Nasium disconnected Line 1304: ?13:09:09 : Player #23 Dielan (IP) connected Line 1305: ?13:09:10 : Player #23 Dielan - GUID: e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a (unverified) Line 1306: ?13:09:10 : Verified GUID (e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a) of player #23 Dielan Line 1527: ?13:33:37 : Player #23 Dielan (e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a) has been kicked by BattlEye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #142 Line 1528: ?13:33:49 : Player #0 Dielan (IP) connected Line 1529: ?13:33:51 : Player #0 Dielan - GUID: e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a (unverified) Line 1530: ?13:33:51 : Verified GUID (e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a) of player #0 Dielan Line 1561: ?13:39:10 : Player #0 Dielan (e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a) has been kicked by BattlEye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #142 Line 1562: ?13:39:32 : Player #0 Dielan (IP) connected Line 1563: ?13:39:34 : Player #0 Dielan - GUID: e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a (unverified) Line 1564: ?13:39:34 : Verified GUID (e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a) of player #0 Dielan Line 1889: ?14:12:46 : Player #0 Dielan (e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a) has been kicked by BattlEye: Ping too high (281) Line 1892: ?14:12:54 : Player #0 Dielan (IP) connected Line 1895: ?14:12:56 : Player #0 Dielan - GUID: e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a (unverified) Line 1896: ?14:12:57 : Verified GUID (e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a) of player #0 Dielan Line 1944: ?14:16:08 : Player #0 Dielan (e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a) has been kicked by BattlEye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #132 While we can't post IP addresses here, we can over at the Community Ban List (https://code.google..../detail?id=3877). Click that link for the CBL submission for GUIDs & IPs. 15ba56502f77892740f124064d86abec faef54b4ac75eccc145432520cf963ab 1d186fdb47bb08792cc27755e26107db 733b446bc783cdd281b649bf5d3a66f5 3eeef0c6e7e09efff96e475526906b19 e6021e9c59566b5759cbee5cd5f4f30a Thanks again Nifty :beans:
  4. (OCN)Vortech

    CD Key Stealing

    Stop downloading from Youtube Do not cheat in DayZ Play Legit See 1 through 3. While cheaters now are randomly generating keys it takes hundreds of thousands for them to get one valid key, then they still must test against BE for bans.. It's time consuming for them and the chances of them randomly selecting your key multiple times is unlikely. The generators are a fools errand and stealing keys is easier to them and will likely continue on as their preferred method. It's doubtful you're being targeted, if so it is someone you know & trust. You likely downloaded something for science :rolleyes: and its still stealing your key. If all else fails do not buy keys from cd-key stores, clean install that OS and next time buy a key from a real retailer (ie. Steam, Amazon, etc.. etc..). I guarantee both your situation & solution are in this post.
  5. (OCN)Vortech

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Please stop pandering to crybabies
  6. I'd say open a ticket with vert or contact James, I'm pretty sure they allow scheduling in BEC or will handle it for you.
  7. (OCN)Vortech

    US 1992 tents despawned

    Hi and sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you, there are a number of ways for players to reach us quickly. In the future I'd recommend our Teamspeak (ts.ocngaming.net) but to ensure all staff see your comment/concern make sure to post on our forums (http://www.overclock...et-game-servers) as all staff are subscribed and receive an email immediately. As for the tent de-sync you encountered this has become much rarer over the months but can still happen it seems. Long story short this de-sync is why our server lock before and after a scheduled restart, the locks improve our chances of proper synchronization with the hive. If you encounter this ever again make sure to contact staff and if available we can attempt another restart to re-sync everything. ~tech :beans:
  8. (OCN)Vortech

    US 1993 is hacker infested

    Definitely want to apologize for any grief you may have suffered due to any cheaters, unfortunately as Acix said this is the nature of the mod. That being said we do everything in our power to combat these cheaters, much more then those amateur servers. Our servers utilize custom BattlEye filters & count restriction rules, BattlEye Extended Controls, take full advantage of multiple community ban lists, and we're even dialing in our automated banning tool for extreme violators. Moving forward there are a number of ways for players to reach us quickly in the future. I'd recommend our Teamspeak (ts.ocngaming.net) but to ensure all staff see your comment/concern make sure to post on our forums (http://www.overclock.net/f/139/overclock-net-game-servers) as all staff are subscribed and receive an email immediately. If you take a peek at the server specific threads you'll see we're often very quick in banning offenders identified by players and hilarity always ensues. ~tech :beans:
  9. (OCN)Vortech

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    I'm sorry you feel that way about how forum moderation is handled and I will gladly pass your opinions on to the appropriate staff. As a Gamserver Administrator for OCN I assure you that we manage things a little differently. I doubt you would ever develop the same opinion after an evening with us on TS3, we're a smart tech-oriented bunch who thuroughly enjoy PC gaming. Overclock.net provides us the ability to manage these services on behalf of the community, we're grateful to them, but most importantly we're grateful to our fellow forum brothers and sisters. You might have missed the OPs first thread and one of my replies (http://dayzmod.com/f..._20#entry842102). Beyond that I think answers to all your other questions have been covered. I appreciate you sharing that information here with everyone. Wow.. You were directed to Overclock.net to appeal your local ban with our servers. If appealed and reversed we would request the CBL submission be disregarded as the matter would have been resolved. In your case, the matter was not resolved and the local ban stood. I then instructed you to appeal the CBL submission as if determined a violation by them you risk being banned on more servers. Glad we could sort that out, again. :thumbsup:
  10. First: I would consider an empty support dedicated VoIP a GOOD sign considering all the ways VH allows you to contact them.. They have a nice dedicated ticket system, they accept direct email, they provide support by way of Skype, and if all else fails like you mentioned even VoIP from time to time. I don't know what sort of service you seek in a host but considering all those methods if I found people hanging out in the support VoIP en masse I'd be more then a little concerned. Second: User error? I've never had any trouble contacting VH by way of Skype. Considering they're online easily 10hrs+ a day.. Third: You contradict this very statement in a later reply.. You seem rather impatient as another user replies above IMO accurately points out. User error > 9000? 27 tickets in 24hrs.. That sounds like AMAZING service.. There is only so much they can do to run YOUR un-managed server FOR YOU. Have you ever run an UN-MANAGED gaming server before? Hmmm, doesn't seem so.. The lengths at which they went, that you outline in 24hrs.. All things considered are not a conviction of poor support but a vindication of their dedication to their customers. lol, I mean you are your own undoing. Some things just aren't meant to be.. and by that I mean you aren't meant to be an Administrator just yet. I really don't see what you're going on about trying to tear down a host that has done nothing but what it seems is provide excellent service to you. They did all of this during a Holiday period, from a different timezone and in 24hrs none-the-less.. Between their control panel and spoon-feeding you while being an un-managed customer I just can't imagine what would make you happy. I wish your next un-managed provider lots of luck in helping you along.
  11. Initial visit.. aww global ban :lol: 06:07:12 : Player #37 George Castanza ( connected 06:07:13 : Player #37 George Castanza - GUID: 6c7afac65e0aec7fd41b7bd219cd5a38 (unverified) 06:07:13 : Verified GUID (6c7afac65e0aec7fd41b7bd219cd5a38) of player #37 George Castanza 06:07:13 : Player #37 George Castanza (6c7afac65e0aec7fd41b7bd219cd5a38) has been kicked by BattlEye: Global Ban #6c7a 22 seconds later, typograhical error 06:07:34 : Player #37 George Castanza ( connected 06:07:35 : Player #37 George Castanza - GUID: fd81de4e3d00dd3271d697ffc3c0085a (unverified) 06:07:35 : Player #37 George Castanza (fd81de4e3d00dd3271d697ffc3c0085a) has been kicked by BattlEye: Invalid GUID Bought a bad key ehh? 06:08:14 : Player #39 George Castanza ( connected 06:08:15 : Player #39 George Castanza - GUID: 2479027ba6fa29127f4168a69123f56b (unverified) 06:08:16 : Player #39 George Castanza (2479027ba6fa29127f4168a69123f56b) has been kicked by BattlEye: Invalid GUID Old key long banned by the Community Ban List :P 06:08:38 : Player #14 George Castanza ( connected 06:08:39 : Player #14 George Castanza - GUID: c3d7d252ada47849a198dd416a11a7d2 (unverified) 06:08:39 : Player #14 George Castanza (c3d7d252ada47849a198dd416a11a7d2) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (W 4d9b2182 0x0f44d938) Damn that key seller ripped somebody off! 06:09:19 : Player #8 George Castanza ( connected 06:09:20 : Player #8 George Castanza - GUID: f76fe8eb9433761844172d4c70279b1a (unverified) 06:09:20 : Player #8 George Castanza (f76fe8eb9433761844172d4c70279b1a) has been kicked by BattlEye: Invalid GUID IP Ban 06:09:39 : Player #8 George Castanza ( connected 06:09:39 : Player #8 George Castanza (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Stop that!) Try harder. 06:12:18 : Player #16 George Castanza ( connected 06:12:18 : Player #16 George Castanza (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Stop that!) This llittle baddie is persistent and he isn't the only one: We need to have a serious talk about the new policy on IP addresses in reports. If it wasn't for the OP of that thread I linked I would have never found that troll Mozzy. We can see by the posts above how determined these pathetic cheaters can be.. We need to share information not help the cheaters grief our servers. IP addresses are not private property the identity behind their often dynamically generated numbers are. With every connection to a server your IP & GUID are flashed in-game to everyone.. Every website you visit gets your IP and much worse. We need to revoke the recent IP posting policy change on these forums, admins have a job to do. Allow us to do it.
  12. I'm not clear on why you quoted my exactly out of context..? Post was an interesting read.. So it seems, assumptions =/= education > misconceptions I think what you mean by "silent detection's" is silent update. BE loves to troll cheaters by rolling out incremental updates without changing versions. Rather sneaky and I rather enjoy it :D
  13. While it may be that simple for some our results have shown otherwise. Not at all, while you're guessing.. again I'm speaking from firsthand experience. While "mostly every German" may have dynamic IPs (broad assumption) all do not.. Regardless this theory would be regional at best, luckily for us we must not see many German script kiddies, because again.. Our results speak for themselves. Edit - Also let me quote this on it's own.
  14. (OCN)Vortech

    banned from us 1993

    Working on it, never a show-off :P Cool story though, the logs are showing less and less players being effected yet traffic has stabilized. I think it may have worked itself out in 48hrs, but I'l still roll out the flood control changes this week. No need to save face, I've more then explained the position and supporting logic. I'm glad you've found another server though :beans: . i'm so pretty!! :lol:
  15. True, some people do however the point you're overlooking here is that it's about ROI for in the eyes of the cheater. Each hurdle we place in front of them acts as a deterrent, as they pile up the chances of the cheater retrying entry decreases drastically. This isn't theory, this is a fact, and it works quite well. I mean sure they might come back in a few weeks with a new IP and GUID (we've had one occurrence of this) but at that point it falls back on a game of cat & mouse. If this truly is worse case scenario, then I welcome it because our players aren't effected as often. In all seriousness the number of cheaters with dynamic IPs or the means to utilize a VPN are VERY VERY small. Again, this is not theory.. this is based on our logs and thorough utilization of CBL submissions. Banning an IP in DayZ is an effective means of protection for your servers when encountering malicious determined cheaters. I'd say 85% of the time you will prevail, these script kiddies/private hack buyers just don't care enough to keep at it. They hit the wall a few times and move along to a less protected server, simple as that. The point of my thread wasn't to rehash the theory of IP banning and it's effectiveness on a game server, the point was to open a dialogue about bringing IP addresses back to the forums. Every admin doesn't participate in the CBL, but these forums act as a catch-all. The more resources admins have to search against to identify suspect players the better. In a perfect world every admin would take the time to give-back to the CBL and or participate in it but unfortunately this isn't the case.
  16. (OCN)Vortech

    Community Banlist

    Don't be sorry for anything, just concentrate on getting well. As far as the CBL goes Dwarden has been updating his list mush more often.. In your absence I started running through the submissions to compile a local list for our servers (much more lenient then our own locals) and I started sharing it on the CBL (https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/detail?id=1690&sort=-id). I don't include our local bans in it but have made them available online as well (more aggressive in banning, less forgiving) https://code.google....ked/source/list. I'm not sure if anyone is using them but it helps protect our servers.
  17. (OCN)Vortech

    Suspicious log

    Yeah looks like a VPN user, we've been visited by some determined cheats. They swap CD-key (=new GUID) and IP (care of VPN) in under 3 minutes to comes back after a ban. What concerns me most about your post is that you only mentioned one filter, there are 8 of them (https://code.google....se/#git/filters) now. If you have any questions feel free to post them here. :beans:
  18. (OCN)Vortech

    US 1992/93 Admin Abuse

    I think Allan did a pretty good job explaining the situation at hand. I'm pretty tired tonight but if needed I'll be sure to make my kind of response. The big thing to take away here is that this user is a bad liar, rather simple minded in all his efforts, and simply got caught with his behind out. We give everyone a chance, this player didn't respect us enough to tell the truth. Going above-and-beyond the logs we decided to do some simple detective work (Google) and our ban was further justified. We presented the evidence to the player, explained the risk he/they posed as flagged repeat offenders who displayed malicious intent (name & GUID changes). The player continued to change his story, attempted to threaten us :rolleyes: , and ultimately wasted everyone's time with this very thread. So if need be I can put together on of my replies another time, but I think we've gone above-and-beyond (as usual) to justify our actions once again. What I'd like to know is what is the desired outcome of these threads to BIS? This is now the second bs thread against our servers, in both cases we irrefutably justified our bans as no actions were taken against us by BIS. Both threads stay open, both threads have as far as I'm concerned been resolved, yet they're still here. These threads once dis-proven serve no purpose beyond outright slander (likely the intent of the banned) and represent a slap in the face (from BIS) to the publicly named but rightfully NOT shamed administrators that maintain public servers on behalf of BIS. Where is the accountability for the administrators once we've gone above-and-beyond to justify protecting our players? This is a poorly executed one sided system that allows cheater to stand up on a soapbox and negatively effect your administrators as a last ditch effort. The posting of these threads are moderated but the conclusions are not, does that seem fair? Didn't think so.
  19. (OCN)Vortech

    banned from us 1993

    I read what your post: and replied to it accordingly. Control maybe, inventory remnants is news to me. That fact you've changed your story now in light of the evidence against you won't convince anyone. Given the popularity of our servers we get every hack thrown at us.. There isn't much we haven't seen or heard by now.. and unfortunately that list will always grow. I know right.. :P Yeah the effects of our new changes have been AMAZING, the workload has decreased by 95%! I'm working on dialing in flood control with our new configuration. :beans:
  20. (OCN)Vortech

    Community Banlist

    I replied here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92542-cheaters-on-us-1992/#entry901227
  21. (OCN)Vortech

    Cheaters on US 1992

    Hi, thanks for your report. I looked into the player you named however we banned him over 24hrs ago (https://code.google..../detail?id=1534). I'll continue looking into the event but unfortunately as I do not see anyone with that name or previous IP having connected since the 25th. Thanks Again, [OCN]Vortech of Overclock.net
  22. Can we get the GUID? The admin hasn't submitted https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry it to the CBL https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/ yet.
  23. (OCN)Vortech

    Trolling Gone REALLY WRONG!

    Priceless thank for the lols! :beans:
  24. (OCN)Vortech

    RBL BAN #4 List

    Please submit https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry your logs to the Community Ban List https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/ so that more admins can benefit. :beans:
  25. (OCN)Vortech

    RBL BAN #3 List

    Please submit https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry your logs to the Community Ban List https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/ so that more admins can benefit. :beans: