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Everything posted by (OCN)Vortech

  1. (OCN)Vortech

    RBL BAN #2 List

    Please submit https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry your logs to the Community Ban List https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/ so that more admins can benefit. :beans:
  2. (OCN)Vortech

    RBL BAN #1 List

    Please submit https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry your logs to the Community Ban List https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/ so that more admins can benefit. :beans:
  3. (OCN)Vortech

    Gpeck (video proof)

    Please submit https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry entries like that to the Community Ban List https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/ so other admins may benefit as well.
  4. (OCN)Vortech

    US 1992 Hacker

    I knew I saw that name somewhere.. Interesting indeed https://code.google..../detail?id=1466 silly Mozzy. http://www.overclock...0#post_18230159
  5. (OCN)Vortech

    20 Hackers?

    Submit zombie e966a725540a096107a2edf2894698e9 to the CBL https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry. If you'd like to see examples of executions look over our CBL submissions, lots to see! https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/list?can=1&q=reporter:overclocked&sort=-id&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Milestone%20Owner%20Summary
  6. (OCN)Vortech

    New BE Files not working?

    Just got our first mpeh https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/detail?id=1467
  7. (OCN)Vortech

    20 Hackers?

    Remote execution on your players, check your other logs for the originator. As an admin you could choose to simply log VS kick for such an execution.
  8. (OCN)Vortech

    Cheat Report - US 29

    Alt username xXGuyXx, good read here (https://code.google..../detail?id=1466). It wouldn't have been possible without you and that IP! Thanks again OP!
  9. (OCN)Vortech

    Cheat Report - US 29

    Wow and another! He is persistent. 12:18:59 : Player #2 Mozzy ( connected 12:18:59 : Player #2 Mozzy - GUID: 75c451bf5a9f40f1e9b41fb66b8a9dde (unverified) 12:18:59 : Verified GUID (75c451bf5a9f40f1e9b41fb66b8a9dde) of player #2 Mozzy
  10. (OCN)Vortech

    Cheat Report - US 29

    New GUID, thanks to the IP being in your OP I was able to identify him. 11:01:29 : Player #1 Mozzy ( connected 11:01:30 : Player #1 Mozzy - GUID: a6e88c24eb1ad39be02c88e145b12331 (unverified) 11:01:30 : Verified GUID (a6e88c24eb1ad39be02c88e145b12331) of player #1 Mozzy
  11. (OCN)Vortech

    Cannabundo using Global Ban bypass

    We'll get him, PM sent.
  12. Yeah if the user is cheating he needs to go.. Check your logs (setpos primarily) and submit https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry your findings including that chat transcript to the Community Ban List https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/.
  13. (OCN)Vortech

    Gpeck (video proof)

    More on him here https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/detail?id=1384
  14. (OCN)Vortech

    New BE Files not working?

    oa patch version? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140360-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-97239-(1-62-MP-compatible-build-post-1-62-release) :huh: All of the above are working for us, but I've yet to actually see an mpeventhandler log generated. Also worth mentioning that super duper secret filter is working too! B)
  15. (OCN)Vortech

    Cannabundo using Global Ban bypass

    You need to find something on him to issue a ban.. I mean if he is targeting your server you need to protect your players from him. I'd use the log that shows him being kicked due to the global ban and combine it with the message where he connected. He effectively is circumventing a global ban to terrorize your players, that should stand up to scrutiny. Review your logs, look for multiple GUIDs the user has used to connect, I bet he changed keys (we've witnessed users see a ban msg and re-log on a new key in under 3 minutes <_<). Regardless commit all his GUIDs to your local file and if he has a static IP I'd recommend you ban it as well. If you need help reviewing your logs let us know and also please submit your findings to the CBL https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry so that more admins can benefit. :thumbsup:
  16. (OCN)Vortech

    CBL ban appeal

    Yeah but it's a mess :P Just make a post explaining everything and just be patient until they can update the list.
  17. (OCN)Vortech

    CBL ban appeal

    Ok so you ARE on the CBL and like I assumed in the first place, you were grandfathered in. Just post an issue with your GUID requesting they take you off the list as it was grandfathered in. You can even link this thread.
  18. (OCN)Vortech

    Server Side help

    The Seagull as well as boars and cows were/are used as a method to spawn gear. It isn't used much anymore but we kick for it and issue local bans based on the cords for players to appeal on our community forums. We also check GUID and IP against submissions on the CBL and submit https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry a combined list to it monthly.
  19. (OCN)Vortech

    CBL ban appeal

    Yeah now that we've confirmed you're not on the list you need to determine if it is a local ban, BEC ban, or BE Global Ban. Show us a screenshot of the message OR write out what it says and the server location ID.
  20. lol, it's official. You're an idiot. No disrespect, but you're something else man. I tried to help you, I tried to give you the opportunity to find the error in your ways yourself.. Unfortunately you couldn't see over that pile of BS. :lol: You were too lazy so I'll just leave this here: Now that WE have your attention: https://code.google....ist/people/list https://code.google..../source/browse/ http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?23627-Dwarden http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/7818-jwiechers/ Good luck with all that.
  21. I see you still didn't take the time to read about the CBL.. I see you don't understand the job the filters do.. I see you don't know who develops the filters.. I see you still don't realize who maintains the commits.. :huh: lol, the whole conversation is over your head. Sorry.
  22. (OCN)Vortech

    What tool is this?

    Spectator mode is nothing new, lots of other TPS & FPS titles have the functionality. Only in the cynical world of DayZ where players assume server administration tools equate to admin abuse. For every server that an admin abuses his powers there are ten more that do not, if you suspect something then report it and move along to another server where the potential abuser cannot effect you. FYI, private hive administrators already have tools that "can be used in so many bad ways to get an advantage" yet the Earth continues to spin and players continue to populate private-hive servers. :thumbsup:
  23. (OCN)Vortech

    What tool is this?

    It is a modified Kegetys' spectating script http://www.kegetys.fi/arma/ by someone at SE 9. A representative claimed they'd release it but I haven't seen it materialize.
  24. (OCN)Vortech

    Suspicious Createvehicle.log?

    GUID posting is allowed, unfortunately IP address has to be removed from these forums. OP when you find cheater activity in your logs please take a moment to submit https://code.google....st/issues/entry your findings to the Community Ban List (CBL) https://code.google....munity-banlist/ so everyone can benefit. :beans:
  25. (OCN)Vortech

    Are these legit logs?

    GUID is ALLOWED, unfortunately the IP has to be removed from these forums. Like Excelsior said, those logs are not legit. Drop tha hamma! OP please make sure to submit https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry your logs to the Community Ban List (CBL) https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/ so that everyone can benefit.