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Everything posted by jimgun

  1. I could equally say that 80% disagree with "The over the shoulder option". The option with the greatest number of votes on the poll is clearly "Leave it alone." :|
  2. I'd prefer the dev's spent their time working on other stuff rather than deploy resources in changing a camera mode that the majority of people who have answered the question in the poll seem happy with. If something like this would be to happen I'd hope they added it as an extra option and further promote choice rather than change the current 3rd person.
  3. I'm posting this here in the hope that if it saves just one life...just one...it's worth it.
  4. Filter [MCY] GayBar We are from uk. We are old. At the minute have an open private shard. If we get enough interest we will up the slots and whitelist. Persistance is off at the minute as it's not working, but eventually we hope to get a nice community that enjoys surviving. We mostly try and talk first, but on a Saturday night with a few bevvies people get twitchy...come and join us as we are shit too :) Small vid showing a typical night. Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2g1rhwTLcix6bVqDx8iNdA
  5. jimgun

    Do you have Persistence turned on or off?

    I get that, but the fact why we have it turned off at the moment is because I was under the impression that with persistence on it affects the loot respawn...is this wrong?
  6. jimgun

    Do you have Persistence turned on or off?

    As the guy above says. Due to inconsistency ours at the [MCY] GayBar is turned off. Though we are all up for persistence with day/night cycles when everything's working.
  7. jimgun

    Not a public service announcement. Just a Video.

    Apologies. Title was not meant to be serious. :D
  8. jimgun


    Recorded in the control tower at NWAF on a full server.
  9. jimgun


    Thanks for the kind replies. I'm guessing it was one of those "Ok guys, control tower secure. Dave watch the stairs, Bill watch up the runway. I'm afk, I'll be back in 2 minutes." moments. :)
  10. jimgun


    Slow burner, escalates quickly, and I go all Tony Montana at the end. ps. It all happened as I'm introducing 2 new friends into the game. They are now hooked. :lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4edQ5BoD_w pps. can anyone please explain how I get youtube embedded in a post?
  11. jimgun


    Thanks for the tip. Much appreciated. :beans:
  12. jimgun


    Irish guy could have a place in one of my squads any day purely on account of his fucking persistence. :D
  13. jimgun

    Playing the good guy...

    Best interactions when playing friendly - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-twFYS5UyE May get killed - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbo03LcCUuo Act with honour and integrity - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TypqK4FHRXQ I will never play any other way but "FRIENDLY!" as I find it leads to the better things to be experienced in this game. :D However, I do acknowledge how fkin boring it would be if everybody was "nice".
  14. jimgun

    DayZ SE 0-4 (Experimental/Testing) Hacker

    My honesty and integrity was obviously too much for him. Shame it ended like that - I was having a laugh until I found out he was scripting.
  15. jimgun

    DayZ SE 0-4 (Experimental/Testing) Hacker

    Well then, UK-01 is one to avoid........ :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TypqK4FHRXQ
  16. jimgun

    Some poeple make it so hard...

    Wrong place, wrong person, wrong time.... :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbo03LcCUuo
  17. It does cater for both groups. If you don't like playing with the possibility of being seen around cover or playing with that advantage, then play hardcore.
  18. But if you don't want to be seen over walls, or around corners, isn't that what 1pp is for? It doesn't split anything, we are all playing DayZ. Glad you can enjoy both.
  19. ...wrong. I can see plenty of people who prefer 1pp asking for 3pp to be "fixed" or removed. The rest are people trying to point out that we have both 1pp servers and 3pp servers so what's the problem? Explain to me why if we have both for people to enjoy you want to remove one option.
  20. There is only this argument because people on the pro-1pp side of the argument want to see 3pp taken away for what they perceive to be for the best. Why when you can choose which you want to play? And please, no bullshit about why having both is "fracturing" the community. I only see one side pushing for the removal of the other.
  21. I like playing on 3pp servers. I like playing on 1pp servers. I would not like to see either removed. Fuck off telling people how they should be playing when both play styles are catered for.
  22. jimgun

    Server admin rules too strict.

    I agree with you on the price of servers. Disagree with your unhappiness about the terms of agreement/use. It's kind of play by their rules or do one. You do have choices. You could play on someone elses server for nothing, or not play at all. I like the fact that they have a set of rules like this. It means that admins that kick you as they don't like the way you are playing, or admins that in the middle of a firefight start kicking everyone on the server so you go into the log off animation then they can kill you, can be reported at least, and maybe some action may be taken. I must have personally reported over 10 servers. Let alpha and beta happen, and when the game is released and all the private/modded servers are allowed get your server then, and be happy. For now, suck it up or don't. B)
  23. Just about to go for dinner and this happened. Listen through headphones as audio through speakers is a bit shite for some reason. Can anyone help here? So, what do you think? Set up or was the guy unlucky? ( watch in HD :) ) Captured using shadowplay thingy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-twFYS5UyE
  24. jimgun

    Was I being set up, or was this guy just unlucky?

    *double post sorry*
  25. jimgun

    Was I being set up, or was this guy just unlucky?

    Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for beans..still, wish I knew what happened to Mr.Hungry in the end.