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About Cyberrblob

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Cyberrblob

    Help on Gaming Rig

    Yea I will be using a headset too! thx Ted Ill take a look
  2. Cyberrblob

    Help on Gaming Rig

    I am starting to build a gaming rig from the ground up. Purely for dayz really as that is all i play atm. Been a long time since I have built a PC and wondered if i could get some help. any good websites or good deals on parts. best processor gfx card for money etc? any help would be appreciated
  3. Cyberrblob

    Stuck in a building!

    Outside the building now with same character and cannot do anything still. when i right click inside inventory i get the receiving message for a very very long time
  4. Cyberrblob

    Stuck in a building!

    yea the v key wasn't working. I tried just running at the door and eventually it let me out. Think its to do with my fps. weird how i could move around but not equip weapon or vault :/
  5. Cyberrblob

    Stuck in a building!

    logged back into dayz to find i couldn't open the door or use my weapon or items. basicly all i can do is walk around (cannot vault) can use tab button to show inventory but nothing works. tried restarting PC and also different servers multiple times. noticed fps has taken a massive hit too.
  6. I literally just got kicked and banned from this server for no reason whatsoever... maybe because i just looted a DMR