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About platinums99

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  1. platinums99

    Integrate this please - SMK Animations

    "Searched" - No results found for 'smk' As with all of these addons they can be customisable, so if integrated, you may have only your extra prone, and others may have their tuck and roll. Seeing as you're being so helpful got a linky to the previous thread? ty
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vklOq6KFQy4&feature=g-vrec Briefly. Climb over walls, combat roll, combat prone, press to wall. etc
  3. platinums99

    IE2 GMT P/H SERVER (with many fixes)

    request to turn crosshairs and tags off?
  4. platinums99

    Melee Weapons Ideas (Megathread) Post your ideas

    go play dead island..... this is Dayz with bullet physics so the Arma engine would be wasted on this melee crap..
  5. platinums99

    Camp perimeter Alarm

    An alarm you could set up at your tent in the wilderness. It would sound on the radio if someone/thing was breaking an infra red light/sensor. Useful to know if theres someone in your camp when you come back to drop a load off, or at least know its been pilfered,so when you run back there after dying to find it empty you wont face a long haul back to a town empty handed. alarm you better be server with a light field not a trip wire, as that only goes off once. perhaps different types of sensors. Lazers!?
  6. platinums99

    UK Team looking for more

    how often do you play? evening mostly?
  7. platinums99

    In game Bounties and Notepads

    Didnt the war z add notepads first... are we really stooping that low..
  8. platinums99

    How Sund/Audibility works?

    Thank, I just have been hearing stories about people crawling up on snipers and taking their guns from their backpacks and killing them.Surely i thought they would be heard at that distance..
  9. platinums99

    How Sund/Audibility works?

    Has anyone got any sites with info on how sound works in the game, ie, when i'm crawling obviously i hear leaves russtling, or if i'm on tarmac scrunch noises. Whats the audibility, how close does an Opfor have to be to heaR me, likewise with runnining/crouch walking. TIA
  10. platinums99

    DayZ Mobile app for Android (v. 1.50)

    COol app, this will come in handy for a quick map. I have the S3 screen is quite big; however a 7'' tablet would be ideal for this. Thanks