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About Atroxy

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  1. I don't think it will matter much in the end. DayZ is a licenced product by Bohemia and they can do whatever they want with it in the long run. Bohemia has got plenty of experience and I don't think DayZ will suffer because of his departure. I think this has got more to do about the fact that he doesn't own the rights to the game and he wants to be a free bird.
  2. Atroxy

    grouping in DayZ.

    Are you calling me dumb? I do believe there is something like curtosy and replying with a little bit of common sense. I aint going to repeat myself. Read my posts.... . Guys. There is no grouping system build into the game. Everything has to be done externaly, why they can build in a party system into the game like in arma. I don't see why so many are revolting ... .
  3. Atroxy

    grouping in DayZ.

    If you have read my past posts, you would have read that I'm not new to dayz and yes I know perfectly well how to navigate in dayz. But this is not the subject. I'm talking about a matter that rocket himself spoke about a while back. I feel like I'm being critisised for an idea that was mentioned by the creator himself. An idea I wouldn't see any downside in. An ingame tool that would only give players benefits and will reduce friendly fire. This topic is not about questioning someones ability to navigate, it's a case of allowing friends to party in an easier more accessible way. Like Isaid before, arma has a party system aswell. And I don't see why people would be against it, honestly.
  4. Atroxy

    grouping in DayZ.

    No, and i don't see what it has got anything to do with the subject hand ;-)
  5. Atroxy


    Something I found interesting in dayz overwatch where the npc missions, where for example a chopper or c130 crashed and bandits are securing it. These targets have valuable loot and rare items and can be found on random locations. Once these have been looted by the players they helis and planes or even convoy trucks get overgrown and slowly rust away. It gives players a goal to pursuit. A chance to gear up and encounter pvp when they want to. It might also reduce the amount of KoS deaths on the servers.
  6. Atroxy

    grouping in DayZ.

    I mean creating an ingame party without having to rely on maps or external tools. I don't believe it's that hard for them to create an ingame party system like we see in mmo games were you invite your friends through steam and they join the same server and enter your party at the same time. Arma has a party system aswell ...Ofc I know how to navigate. I've been playing dayz ever since it first launched. I know chernarus and many other maps. The reason why I brought this up, is because this subject was spoken about a whole while back. And rocket said that grouping is something they are looking into doing, but no details have been brought up ever since. So I wonder where they stand on the idea of letting people party ingame, with ingame tools.
  7. Atroxy

    grouping in DayZ.

    I know it's a subject rocket has spoken about in the past. But wonder what his thoughts are about letting people group and giving people the tools to find eachother? I know there are risks of people grouping to lay waste to anyone who crosses their paths... . But when I want to play DayZ with friends it is always such a pain in the *** to find eachother. I wonder what the possibilities are for grouping?
  8. Atroxy

    BattlEye initialization failed

    That doesn't work either. I've been having the same problem. I uninstalled both battleye folders and re-installed them through the installer and by doing it manually. No result. For some reason it doesn't want to recognize the latest battleye version.
  9. Atroxy

    Weird problem

    No body know how I can update combined operations to the latest patch?
  10. I have no idea what the problem is or how to solve it
  11. Atroxy

    Weird problem

    Hi, I've been having a whole bunch of problems trying to get this mod to work. Now I think I'm finally heading in the right direction. However, there is one problem. When I start dayz by using steam (by making a shortcut of dayz in steam) the game starts and when I look at the game version at the bottom right corner it is the correct version. But when I try to log onto a server it gives an error. Basically it just started OA and not combined operations which caused the problem. Now when I start the game by selecting combined operations in steam and I look at the version of the game it says "1.60.87580". Which is obviously not the latest even though I installed the latest version ... . I have no clue where the problem is and how to solve it. Anyone got any tips?
  12. Hi, I've been searching and searching for a solution to this problem, but after many tries I have given up. So I have the physical copy of Arma 2 and the steam version of Arrowhead. Both installed and both work. I also installed the latest AO update and installed it. After that I got the latest version of DayZ and placed it in the arrowhead folder under addons, @Dayz. When I launch combined Operations i get entry errors and stuff. But it does load. When I select a server and try to join it says that I have been kicked from the server. After that, when I try another server it gives me "Files (a bunch of files are listed) are not signed by a key accepted by this server" ... . And I get it with all the servers. I also updated the latest beta patch etc. Still this message pops up. The funny part is, that I have been able to play DayZ. But there's only 2% chance I get onto a server. Has anybody got some advice? Anyone who had this problem and found a working solution? Many Thanks