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Matze (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Matze (DayZ)

  1. Matze (DayZ)

    Famous last words... Dayz edition

    Let's open this door... slow and easy... Oh look, this rock looks quiet comfortable...
  2. Matze (DayZ)

    What about Green Mountain?

    Hey... I often read about "Green mountain" in this forum. It's like all are scared and don't want to go there and are trying to distract anybody from going there :D It's like the scariest place in chernarus etc... But why? Is this some kind of "running gag" to scare the shit out of newbies? :D Or whats about this mysterious litte hill?
  3. In the game there are different chat channels. Like "Side Channel", "Direct communication", "Vehicle Channel", "Group Channel". Do I missed one? Can somebody explain who can see what I write (or mark on the map) in which channel? What I know: Side channel Readable all over the server. But what if I do a mark on the map? Is it also visible for everyone? Direct communication Readable in a certain area around you (40m?!), same with VoIP. Marks on map visible for everyone? Or just when one is in this certain area? Vehicle channel Just visible/readable for people who are in vehicles? Group channel I have no idea.. :D So thanks in advance and please correct me when I'm wrong :) Edit: Oops, I think I got into the wrong section of this forum. Should be posted in "New Player discussion", sry for that.
  4. For example: I picked up some ammo for my PDW and shortly afterwards I'm going to log off. The next day the ammo disapeared from my inventory. Happend to me twice now... So how long does it take till the database saved my inventory?
  5. Matze (DayZ)

    [Video] Call me DayZ

    First of all: I didn't make this video. But I found it yesterday and thought I need to share it because it's beyond awesome :D I hope nobody posted this before. (I searched for it, found nothing) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS1wzdlu-WM
  6. Matze (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

    A friend and I found a pickup and repaired it (Fueltank and LeftFront Wheel). The engine is still damaged but it's ridable :D
  7. Matze (DayZ)

    How to give some food or drink to a friend ?

    By the way: You open his backpack by looking at him and selecting "Open packpack" (or something similar) with your mousewheel. On my keyboard it's "," and "." to change channel and "-" to chat. I'm using the german keyboard-layout.
  8. Matze (DayZ)

    The different chat-channels

    Mh, when my friend marked a place on the map on "Vehicle channel" I couldn't see it. But we didn't tested it out for all channel and ranges, so I decided to ask for help here ;) By double-clicking the ingame-map you can place marks on the map. You can also write a little describtion next to it.
  9. Hey, I've got some questions: 1.: I'm losing 3 blood per second. Somebody told me I will lose blood down to 6000? Is that true or will I die sooner or later? 2.: How audible is that coughing to other player and zombies? Thanks in advance ;)
  10. Matze (DayZ)

    Beginner questions and answers in a nutshell

    1)Yes 3)Enter on numpad 4)Rightclick on hatchet "Remove from toolbelt". The hatchet goes into primary slot, so remove your primary first. 5)Not every building is accessible 8)Crouch/Prone. If you already aggro'd some of them zig-zag up a hill or run through buildings (atm they are not able to run inside of buildings). Or run around a corner and lay down, they will lose you (most of the times). Or jsut shoot them ;)
  11. Matze (DayZ)

    Chernarus in Real

    That's not germany... it's czech republic, near the border to germany ;)
  12. Do i missed the advanced part?
  13. Matze (DayZ)


    Would be interesting to see how your computer handles 100km of landscape in every direction. Good luck man....
  14. Matze (DayZ)

    How to throw grenades and flares?

    Push 'F' till you see "Flares" or "Grenandes" in the upper right corner. Then just mouseclick ;)
  15. Matze (DayZ)

    are bolts 3-time-use only?

    Fireplace: Rightclick on the matches "Make fireplace". In the action menu (mousewheel) of the fireplace "Light fire" ;) To cook meat also go in the Action menu of the fireplace and choose "Cook meat"
  16. Matze (DayZ)

    DayZ Marksmanship

    Seems pretty usefull :) Are you doing this for most of the weapons? Must be a ton of work :x
  17. Matze (DayZ)

    More hospitals?

    There are five hospitals as far as I know... 3 of them are in Cherno, one in Elektro and the last one near Berezino. And I think in Stary Sobor were some kind of medical tents? (Not sure)
  18. Matze (DayZ)

    Tips on Not Getting Shot on Sight

    To point 8: I think since the last update/patch of Arma2 or DayZ (not sure) M1911 and Revolver won't kill anybody with one shot anymore. Don't even zombies. Correct me when I'm wrong, but that's what I noticed yesterday. I needed 3-4 rounds with my revolver to take down a zomie :/
  19. Matze (DayZ)

    Reloading Revolver

    Hey, I got some issues with reloading my revolver... I can't reload it till the mag is completly empty. So for example if I got one round left I'm not able to reload. I push 'R', he's doing his "Reload-Animation" but nothing happend. Still one round left... So I need to go through town with one round left, shoot one and then need to reload. I think that's not how it's supposed to be...
  20. Matze (DayZ)

    Reloading Revolver

    I've got 3 mags. First one with 1 round and the other ones with 6 rounds left.
  21. Hey guys, after about 2 hours of searching my comrades in Dayz we finally found each other. We logged out yesterday at a fireplace and all is nice. But... Now I can only play if everbody is with me, because I don't want to leave the group and riks to die. But I think the next time we will all be together and able to play is on Sunday, but I don't want to wait :( I heard of servers with their own database so it won't effect my other character on the "global" server. How do I know whether a server works with his own database or not?
  22. Matze (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    I'm member of Squad with 3 other real-life friends. So I don't have to fear somebody could shoot me in the back. And I think that's a very good point in DayZ that you can trust your comrades blindly. Yesterday we were in the woods, almost in the middle of nowhere when we reached a little house, it wasn't even a barn, just a little house with a red clinker building next to it. The building was apparently accesible we decided to look for some loot, because we slowly but surely ran out of food and water. So we headed for the door which was wide open, and fortunately there was a water pump right in front of the building. We didn't see anybody for quite a long time, so the last thing we thought about was other survivors. Just before we was about to climb the littel stone-wall to the forecourt somebody shouted "On the ground! Other player in the building". So, instantly we lied behind the wall. We quietly sneaked back to get a better view to the windows. And in fact there was somebody looting the building, we was able to see him bend over the loot because we came down a hill and were on a little higher position then him. And through the other windows we saw another survivor who was direcly looking at us. So we were confronted with at least 2 survivors inside this building and maybe on of them knew we are there, outside in the forrest, waiting for them to come out. We basically are "friendly" player who don't kill anybody without a reason so asked them to come out with their weapons down. But sometimes the worst thing you can do is to trust other players blindly, so nothing happend. Meanwhile both of them were out of sight. So there were two possibiltys. The first was they were in prone position, and the other was there was a backdoor to this building. As nothing happend we decided that at least one of us needed to go in there to have a look. So Jones, equipped with a shotgun, went behind the clinker building to get as near as possible without being seen. Then he headed to the front door, slowly went in and... nothing. Nobody was there. There wasn't even a backdoor to this building. First we was confused. Are we going crazy? No, we all saw them, they probably just took all they could grab and just disconnected. As coward as possible they avoided this precarious situation by just leave. We all was some kind of disappointed because this was the first time for a long time we got some "action" in this game. And if they would came out, with their weapons down we really hadn't done anything. So they got both options. To fight like mens or to get out of there and go their way. But they unfortunately used the most coward way.
  23. Hey guys... I'm playing DayZ for 4 days now and I think it's going pretty well. But my biggest problem is that I can't remember which magazine fits into what weapon. There are plenty of combinations. For example the G17 takes G17 Mag, M9 Mag and M9 SD-Mag. So there are magazines that fit into more than one weapon, and that's what killing me :D For example: I find a weapon and I don't even know whether I have ammo for this one or not. Is there no other possibility than memorize every combination? Or are there other tips in the game which can be helpful?