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About acros

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  1. acros

    Stable Update 1.12

    what problem with car?
  2. acros

    Stable Update 1.12

    haha best way
  3. acros

    Stable Update 1.12

    error connect 0x00040073 now do fix?
  4. acros

    Stable Update 1.09

    now to build flag?
  5. no do build territory flag?
  6. acros


    admin sell cars guns etc can report to this server?
  7. acros


    Hello all monetization on daisy servers is prohibited?
  8. acros

    Experimental Update 1.08

    @jakub_bohemia when ~ update to stable?
  9. acros

    Experimental Update 1.08

    when release? and up Q
  10. many mods give error start server Unknown type 'ActionDrinkPond' delete any mod give error other Mods: @BuilderItems @Summer_Chernarus @CF @Unlimited Stamina @DayZ-Expansion-Chat @MedicalAttention @Disease Injectors @BuildAnywhere_v3 @DisableBaseDestruction @VanillaPlusPlusMap @Code Lock @BaseBuildingPlus @Base Furniture Mods 20 @OP_BaseItems @Base Fortifications @Base_Storage @dbo_surfaces @(WIP) TrailBrozer SUV @Kamaz_Truck @Dingo_Truck @[CrSk] GAZ-3309 @[CrSk] VAZ-2107 @[CrSk] BMW 525i E34 @IRP-Land-Rover-Defender-110 @Gerphelius Zil-130 @MoreGuns @WeaponReduxPack @FIDOv PACK 4 @[Remastered] Arma Weapon Pack @MasssManyItemOverhaul @SQUAD MSF-C @Cl0uds Military Gear @MunghardsItempack @WindstridesClothingPack @Modular Vest System @FlipTransport @Banking @Trader @TraderFix_v2 @PartyMe @BulletStacksPlusPlus @Server_Information_Panel @SIX-DayZ-Auto-Run @Community-Online-Tools @ZomBerry Admin Tools (Servermod) @CFDZPlugin (Servermod) @BaseBuildingLogs @InventoryPlusPlus @Ear-Plugs @PVEZ (Servermod) @VehicleActivityLogs @DayZ Humanity @No more Ah! @Vehicle Maintenance @DayZ-Expansion-Notifications @PvZmoD_Spawn_System any ideas now fix it?
  11. acros

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    hey guys)))) where can I get mpmission livonia?
  12. wondering why I was banned? Nick {Spec.Ops] Leopol'd
  13. acros

    Pending Update: Build

    respawn helicopters will??????????????????????