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Everything posted by ratszo

  1. ratszo

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Yeah you sure are fun... Rocket said last patch he wanted weekends off. It didn't come Friday so F"off til Monday. When i find my pink tutu skin, everyone will know how pretty i am.
  2. ratszo

    Will familiarity kill this mod?

    The real hook of this game isn't content. --tho content will come. The hook is persistance..., the holy grail of online gaming. MMO's do it thru paid subs. A model that excludes most pc gamers. A free mod offering this is a new take on the idea. An idea any gamer with the pc specs and a arma file can play. Russians play this game. Ever ask why? I think it's because Russians don't have money for crap. They play Arma because the platform give value for money. It always has. What were we talking about?
  3. ratszo

    How did it happen.

    The bleed out timer is very slow --that's why people complain, "I shot 3 mags in the guy and he was still running!". I'd like better: Zombie hits you once, you're down; twice you're dead. Then rifles will have thier normal Lethality; rather than this carebear settings.
  4. ratszo

    We just beat!

    I agree, but who else is buying the latest mobos, gpu, cpu set ups? Who's paying retail for this stuff? Gamers..., no one else.
  5. ratszo

    We just beat!

    You've noticed the unfinished titles we're expected to pay $70 bucks for? Then the Devs whine to us saying, "The publishers made us do it!". Ubisoft thinks pc gamers are all torrent rippers. Console gamers pay; we don't. So they say. Was talkin' to buddy, he's thinking of buying 3x SLI for Arma3.! Notice Nvidia & ATI put out the hareware for gamers but don't pay nothing to Devs who drive their sales? "Wanna know what grinds my gears?"
  6. ratszo

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    I'd rather you waited til Monday. Weekends don't need patches. It's Queen Victoria weekend in the Commonwealth.
  7. I'd shoot guys with CZ rifle --gun's only good for shooting other players. A player moving towards gunfire is probably up to no good. Basic kit guys with only a mak anywhere inland. They got nothing to loose, everything to gain from a pk.
  8. ratszo

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    So, you register on this mod's forum for the sole purpose of trolling the newbies. Well played, very classy.
  9. Must be the way blood loss is done in this mod. In other pvp mods one shot center mass puts you down calling for a medic, two shots dead. It's not lag, no way. It's the slow drawdown on blood that keeps a guy on his feet so long. But i guess we might not like zombies taking us out in 1, 2 hits either.
  10. ratszo

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    This is Arma, nothing's changed. Teamwork & tactics, our fieldcraft & training make Arma veterans quite at home in this mod. The new guys will either learn or move on. I don't understand what the OP is on about. Playing Domi against ai is good training, but this is PVP. And in Arma PvP life is cheap, don't matter who shot you, you're done. Don't be a victim.
  11. ratszo

    friendly server

    Have you looked at Celery's zombie coop mod for arma: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3619
  12. Can we preview the skins? How many will there be? **waits for the Village People to cross my line of fire**
  13. ratszo

    Any chance for NPC factions?

    Can be done. Safe-zone with AI guards is an interesting idea. Armed convoys..., death squad para drops? Arma has some badass AI.
  14. ratszo

    A quick thought on global chat

    The Arma in-game VON works well. I play PR:Arma mod and no ones uses TS3 'cause it's not needed. Sadly, Dayz code broke the VON. Rest assured tho, Bis is working to fix the problem. Once von is working stable in Dayz, we got lotsa cool stuff to look forward to. I'd like to see direct comm have two modes --normal chat range [20m.] and SHOUT! range out to maybe 100m. Could see using 'vehicle' chat for shout. Global, side, vehicle, direct, command and group channels offer a full range for future features. Great to be part of alpha.
  15. Not a hack. US4 has been wonky timewise the last few days. Looks like AM/PM is inverse. Right now, 9:30am eastern, it's dusk in game, past 7pm.
  16. ratszo

    Beach respawns..

    Look at this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3064 I spawned ingame acouple of hours after this announcement and was still where i should be. Twice in one week is hard bro.
  17. ratszo

    Humanity should reset on death...

    Ya know, not shooting people works well. +300 every 15 minutes, right? Like the idea of a +500 or so bounty on bandits. And say reach +10000 for Baf skin with body armour.
  18. ratszo

    Keyboard/Mouse Layout and Keys

    Start at the Bis site: http://forums.bistudio.com/ Play the regular single player bootcamp missions. Good luck!
  19. ratszo

    Player count per server plans

    15x15km is 300 square kms.
  20. ratszo

    PC Gamer article with features to come

    Ok, just as long as the dog ain't smarter than i am: As in, "A boy and his Dog". http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072730/
  21. ratszo

    Player count per server plans

    Bis has stated the netcode in Arma3 will be improved. Playable netcode is a recent event in Arma2. Before v1.60 last december, pvp was very bad; unplayable for many, players would skip all over the place. I don't know anything 'bout servers, but i bet bigger is better.
  22. ratszo

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    "Adapt & Overcome"..., Really is very good advice. For example, if you dispise spawn camping pukes, make it your mission to kill the bastards. If you don't want to lose your gear to a bandit, don't walk into his gun sight. If you lose your gear to a bandit, spawn back in, go back to the area, find'em. kill'em, and take your gear back. This is Arma. The only rule worth remembering is: "Don't be a victim."