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Everything posted by SneakStrafeShoot

  1. SneakStrafeShoot

    Day Z Footage

    Howdy. My group does a bit of Day Z / War Z / Arma RP gaming. We're a small gaming clanand we'd love to have you in our group. Early 2012 gameplay, before everyone you met was hostile... Overwatch let's you craft vehicles?! Let's use them to kill! Saving the group from a sniper on Takistan... Our group on Takistan, thanks to 1337Dominic for the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM8MxYM6Xts
  2. SneakStrafeShoot

    back at the beach.....PoS game

    If people didn't complain, nothing would ever get fixed in the world. Go suck rocket's dick some more!
  3. SneakStrafeShoot

    It's good to talk

    Not to be a dick, but open up the options menu and READ.
  4. SneakStrafeShoot


    Shouldn't have bought ArmA II for DayZ! Try Dynamic Zombie Sandbox, or *gasp* normal ArmA II multiplayer matches!
  5. SneakStrafeShoot

    Beta Patch - Why?

    I kid you not, half the reason for the beta patch was so that people cannot use the gamma ghetto-nightvision tweak. Seriously.
  6. SneakStrafeShoot

    What do you do after you get some basic survival gear?

    Kill everyone I see, eat their food, burn off their ammo and repeat.
  7. SneakStrafeShoot

    Will this run dayz?

    Throwing it out there - If you are planning on buying ArmA II to JUST to play DayZ, save your money. Don't.
  8. SneakStrafeShoot

    Public Teamspeak for DayZ + More

    Teamspeak 3 - Server: ts.hzgaming.net No password. Only basic rules - - No trolling. - Push to talk microphones only. - If you are playing DayZ, please stay in the General Chat channels / DayZ channels.
  9. SneakStrafeShoot

    Announcing your presence and to kill or not to kill

    I always shoot on sight. Doesn't matter who the other person may be.
  10. SneakStrafeShoot

    Shoot on Sight

  11. SneakStrafeShoot

    Oh dear me,what a game!

    At least you didn't get nuked whilst driving a freshly put together car. Not playing DayZ again until there is a BattleEye ban wave. Period.
  12. SneakStrafeShoot

    Website Maintenance

  13. SneakStrafeShoot

    DayZ Stories

  14. SneakStrafeShoot

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    I am no longer friendly since 1.6. If I see you, I will shoot first. And I used to be the person with a keybind to say "I am friendly". Not anymore.
  15. SneakStrafeShoot

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    - Boring as fuck for first 30 mins - May spawn near friends only to die 15 mins later - Killed by first person you see Tired of people calling me a CoD fag or a noob considering I've been playing ArmA since 2009. I'm about to just quit playing Day Z because when the community is as hostile as the game, something is wrong.
  16. SneakStrafeShoot

    Fuck it, kill everyone

    Who's with me? Apocalypse War 2012
  17. SneakStrafeShoot

    Friendly? Hostile? Both!

    Can't believe I didn't get shot the moment they saw me ^.o
  18. SneakStrafeShoot

    cant see nothing but land after the

    I had the same problem, dude. Every single server I joined. Only way I was able to fix it was to kill myself and respawn.
  19. SneakStrafeShoot

    Red "X" on each server

    Two things - 1. Download and install the newest beta here - http://www.gamefront.com/files/21860827/ARMA2_OA_Build_93825.zip 2. Just because you have installed the beta patch does not mean you are playing the game WITH the beta patch. To fix the red X, you need to do this - Copy the "arma2oa.exe" from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead It will ask you if you want to overwrite the file. Say yes. Problem fixed
  20. SneakStrafeShoot

    Bring back the startgun

    Every weapon is powerful when aiming for the head.
  21. SneakStrafeShoot

    Bring back the startgun

    I am dying laughing at you people saying "Taking away the starting gun has removed PvP". Your ignorance could feed the starving children in Africa for years on end. Removing one of the weakest guns in the game did not remove the aspect of PvP from DayZ - it heightened it. Now once anyone gets a decent weapon, they will kill anyone they see to not lose it. And before anyone tries to discredit my opinion and call me a CoD fag...
  22. SneakStrafeShoot

    Is it possible to trust?

    Join my clan's teamspeak. Day Z channel, it's about 20-30 channels down from the top. ts.hzgaming.net
  23. Could you please stop parroting that mistake. It was not a hack' date=' nor was it a glitch even. It was an unbalanced feature of the game that could be abused, you could argue it was an 'exploit' but I would personally not agree with that term either. Calling people who changed their gamma hackers is just as stupid as people who respond to every complaint with "go back to CoD" as if they improve anything ever by saying it. [/quote']
  24. SneakStrafeShoot

    Elysium | Department of Defense

    For one I expected your troll to make it's presence, but the image is genuinely funny lol. I hope you have a nice night Salty, because your vagina represents your name entirely. LOL