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Everything posted by joeoblong@yahoo.com

  1. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    My goodness you expect the "team" to work 24/7 on the mod? Jump at every bug / problem that arises on your demand? Shit will get fixed! Quit acting like a child, go back to whatever bridge you crawled out from under. FFS man Rocket must be swamped with shit, the stress must be mind boggling. But no "you"people can't see past your own noses, "FIX THIS FUCKING SHIT ROCKET! FIX IT NOW!!" is your battle cry... Cut the guy some slack, he will get it done when it is done. Quit being a bitch, go play something else since you obviously aren't cut out to be an alpha tester. And please don't buy DayZ when it goes alpha, wait for the release. TLDR : Quit being so demanding. *edit* Better?
  2. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    What you would to to a scripter.

    I'd like to install a machine by their computer. They execute a script and it punches them squarely in the Nuts / Ovaries. Seems simple enough.
  3. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    Man so many gamers are demanding little brats. I personally love the attitude by Rocket and the team. You kids need put in your place.
  4. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Is there a background story for DayZ?

    Excellent Smithers! *rubs hands together feverishly*
  5. Hardly anyone is gonna listen to ya Jack. I agree and refuse to use suspect gear. Turned down a pair of nvgs and a as 50 from a kid i work with cause i think he is duping that shit. I almost have him convinced to bring me to his camp. In time i will nuke it when it is actually gonna stay nuked.
  6. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    Don't know wasn't there and can view the server logs. No one really knows but the admin and that player. Contact the servers admin if you can with as much info as you. Can remember.
  7. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    I like to berate them. Always ask them why their pee wee is so tiny, is that why they script? Or call them an •insert animal• fucker. But the reason I came here... Do we really need yet another packer host?
  8. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Hacking is getting out of hand.

    The mod will still be here. (possible opened up for others to mod) But it won't be as secure/polished as the stand alone. Either buy the stand alone or don't. Just don't QQ over it.
  9. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    I am the manhunter.

    In a world filled with undead. One man must overcome impossible odds. To search out his own destiny. Finding his way among the hunters and the prey. That man is... The MANHUNTER! This film is rated xxx and should not be seen by anyone.
  10. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Hacking is getting out of hand.

    Did we need yet another thread on this? Hacker thread 6,872,999 created. Script bitches suck, killing the mod, yadda yadda yadda. We know!
  11. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZ backstory; inspired by The Stand?

    Well to be honest no matter what the back story is, it's all been done before. Mr. Hall has said he was influenced by movies and such. Remember rule # 1 nothing you think is original or unique.
  12. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    Battle logging is bad, take the death or go play hello kitty zombie island.
  13. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Some men...

    I drink every one I come across! Just as I would in reality. Screw the curse I am going out quenched!
  14. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    M4A3 OCC or DMR

    DMR in town makes life exhilarating! I just use my secondary on zombies tho. I'd keep both and dump the mp5 sd.
  15. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Just killed a guy and got L115A3 LLR

    -100 to manliness +50 to douchieness +50 to penis envious -9000 to reputation amongst non-script bitches. There's your fucking stats. (edit) auto correct bullshit.
  16. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    L115A3 LLR Just been given this. Is it hacked?

    Be a manly man and drop it in a dead zombie.
  17. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    i see it now

    Someone's got a small peener and is angry. Rawr! Seriously Joker gtfo you are worse then a piece of dog shit stuck on a shoe. Go play WoW or something we don't need you here.
  18. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Looking for regulars on our servers

    I've been trying to talk my admin to turn it up also. Love them Kiwi/Ozzy players. When I first started playing I had an ozzy and kiwi rescue me from a large pack of zombies. Them dudes were fantastic! I had a blast playing with them. At the end of the night they popped my cherry. (both unloaded on me and said welcome to DayZ motherfucker!) been hooked ever since. Also that is some grade A humor right there!
  19. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    LOL! Ty for as50 LSW, Token on us 1123

    Dumb ass said "Reason I don't respond much to this is because how uneducated people are on certain topics. Rocket has said it himself you can not get banned. Second off, an admin can't even prove somebody has a hacked weapon in unless they see it." Admins have a log that shows everything in your inventory. Admins do ban (from their servers)and no Rocket won't help you.
  20. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    This game is unplayable

    Mine plays fine.
  21. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    I need help.

    Figures im at work! I'd help ya out if I could. Demon rescue this poor pup and you have my beans!
  22. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Server 1931 FUNNY LOL

    this post is dumb and I am dumb for reading it.
  23. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Found AS50TWS take it or leave it?

    In my opinion if you use it, you are no better then the limp dick shitneck that spawned it in. Admins do ban you from their servers, and don't think rocket is gonna blacklist them either... He won't.
  24. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    LOL! Ty for as50 LSW, Token on us 1123

    No you can't get globally banned this is true. But admins can and do ban ppl with hacked weapons. And they should. You are no better then the scum who hacked it in. Just destroy it like a real man and go on with your bad self. IMHO you should get a "time out" for using known hacked weapons. Add 15 minutes per offence.
  25. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Played during a pretty bad thunderstorm

    And alot of um! Good thing they are so common.