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Everything posted by joeoblong@yahoo.com

  1. Have to say I adore the green mountain idea. I usually don't think the player base should make design choices, but this one is special.
  2. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    Every game I've ever played has had haters. Who the fuck cares what some random shmuck thinks? Mock their rage and get on with your bad self. The gamer community is full of ding dongs with stupid opinions. (myself included) If you enjoy a game then enjoy it! Some shmoe gives you shit about it, laugh at their ignorance and move along.
  3. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Regular players "lost" to private servers?

    I play on both! An hour in the morning after work (non-official hive) until my daughters wake up. And a couple hours (official hive) before work with my squad. Yeah I'm carebear like that.
  4. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    OutBreak Diaries (A DayZ Machinima)

    Looking forward to the next part. Very nicely done!
  5. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    A present for the DayZ team from the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland.

    Although I can identify with not liking surprises, he did look pleased with the compass. Also is it me or does he look tired as hell? Dude take a day or two as laze about.
  6. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Yahtzee "Zero Punctuation" reviews Dayz

    Yahtzee's reviews always crack me up. If you display the same attitude on those forums as you do here. That's like calling the kettle black, huh pot? I pity you, all you seem capable of is whining, crying, and bitching. I know Machine "life is pain", go ask mommy for a hug already.
  7. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    custom faces

    What a terribly insensitive thing to say! Funny as hell but insensitive.
  8. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    50 shades of grey?

    Easy big fella just making sure. Try what Bozo said, if all else fails take a hammer to it. ;)
  9. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    50 shades of grey?

    is your arma patch up to date also?
  10. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    I admit defeat

    Look out we got a bad ass over here! (hides)
  11. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    standalone treats

    I think Rocket owes me big time! He can repay by coming over and mowing my lawn or doing my dishes!!1! Or just he can create a game unlike anything out there... Yeah that's what he can do to repay me. Or a back rub (wink wink) come on Rocket you know you want to.
  12. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Favorite gun and why?

    Crap son I got a spare DMR just name the place and ill let you have it! Lol now you have to ask "is this a trap? Or worth the risk?"
  13. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Anyone at Kamenka/Komo able to kill me?

    Go watch a movie and come back to it after you're done.
  14. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Favorite gun and why?

    Mk48 mod 0 Mucho bullets, red dot, bang bang bang bang bang! Enough said.
  15. Lol u mad? Sorry het made me do it!
  16. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    [Video] The moment I quit DayZ

    Oh no, he quit, Rocket just shut the lights off... It's over. edit I'm tired
  17. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Quick Query...

    Yup picked up a AS-50 at a chopper crash site, ran into the woods logged off for work. Next day BLAM! CZ 550. :( But hey the gods smiled on me that day because I shot a Bandit and got my favorite sniper rifle the glorious DMR.
  18. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Already quit game, lemme pass on some wisdom

    What kind of person quits a game, and then continues to post on their forums?
  19. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    In my day...

    Bah bye.
  20. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    [VIDEO] Duping / duplicating yourself / equipment ! ( HOW TO)

    Oh look a cheater.
  21. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Humanity should reset at death

    Oh look who is crying again!
  22. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    I heard hero the hero had a bigger "package" then the bandit skins. no fair! Quit crying children as you bandits like to tell us, "it's only a game!!"
  23. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZmod died?

    Oh noes! Wh-what are we gonna do, n-n-now that you are leaving this mod is surely over?! Eocket and team might as pull the plug you quit it's over.
  24. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    Wow! I am sure all caps will get you your way. It works with mommy right?