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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Are you retarded or just a monkey with a keyboard? I'll give you a banana coco just google Bohemia Interactive.
  2. T'was the four cyclist of the apocalypse!
  3. Hey dumbass that doesn't apply to a forum... Now kindly go lick a light socket.
  4. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    About pvp...

    If you are going to snipe, use the arma map editor. Goto the good sniper spots look around and find the spots that have an advantage over that one. then look around and find the spots that have the advantage over that one also. See the pattern here? Never pick the obvious places, or the next obvious place. I had a spot in Elektro that was so bad for sniping it was the perfect spot to snipe from. Could I see the entire city? Nope! Could I kill anyone on the hills? Nope but I did have a small window up there. Unfortunately I was on a peace keeping mission and was there to just shoot zombies. Never stick around after a shot or 2, bad form. Good luck and don't shoot the bambies!
  5. I don't know why but this made me laugh!
  6. I kinda wish they'd have a rare moment where your character would have a mental lapse of reality. Look out in a field and see like a group of zombies running and screaming towards you. Walk up to a pond in the early morning/evening light to see a water logged corpse floating in it. Then it is gone, but you hear some muffled crying, or sloshy footsteps behind you. I think Rocket has a good grip on the scares and I am excited to see what is in store.
  7. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Cheating itself

    If this has nothing to do with the mod, and everything to do with a future VR based game goto http://forums.bistudio.com/ . This is a forum for the mod, and since there is no forum for the game yet it is logical to take it to the source. (BIS) You started out by bashing BE e-mail them also, here at the dayzmod forums nothing will be accomplished... we'll besides me or someone else trolling/agreeing with you. Also I will no longer reply, I believe I am starting to repeat myself. Just contact them and take it up there. This thread has been bumped way to many times already.
  8. SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE HACKER!! OMFGAM BAN!! Never enough Rocket needs to fix it!
  9. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Cheating itself

    You gave Rocket squat, BIS should not change Arma 2 at the source to sedate the complaints of a free mod community. Rocket is not BIS (Dayz was done in his spare time but yes BIS made money off + Rocket got a difficult job set in his lap) We are getting a game, if you are to thick to think these problems can and will be addressed in the GAME, then by all means go elsewhere, wait, continue to complain. I can give a rats ass about your idea, complaints, imagined expertise on the VR engine. You proved nothing to me other then you feel know better then those with a inner knowledge of the VR engine. If the cheating persists after the standalone then come back and wave your "I"M RIGHT AND SMART AND AND AWESOME!" flag. Until we see the true game none of know shit. The mod is not the same as the game, learn it, live it, love it.
  10. Whacking is okay... but it isn't as fun as the real thing. Hacking! I meant hacking!! You dirty little monkey get your head outta the gutter.
  11. HEY! I asked for Slutty Zombie Strippers in the "things we'd like to see added" Thread... if some Modder adds boobs i demand compensation. Zombie lap dance? (eeewwww!)
  12. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Cheating itself

    This is a free mod, you don't hear the Arma folks complaining that they have the ability to create their own content. Not the same engine a modified version of the engine. Please by all means go play another game. By your logic tho if You run a company, you make money with it, if you want their competence to improve the product (making more fun for you), you must PAY them. (Stand alone > free mod)
  13. All I read was blah blah I'm butt hurt teleblah! Ffs if you are so angry go play something else... Oh and quit posting this feces too!
  14. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Cheating itself

    Typical response... yep i figured you'd say something like that. Never enough!? Hey so if i go into Burger King and bitch because Wendy's burgers are square everyday, this helps how? Remember this is a free mod of Arma 2, MOD... yeah I know Rocket should go to BIS and demand they FIX IT. You goto there forums and complain about BE and get back with us here on the FREE MOD'S Forums.
  15. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Cheating itself

    Whadda ya mean it's not all pixie dust and witchcraft? If you have a problem with BattlEye then send them a email. Tell them all about all it, I am sure they would love to hear your professional fix for it. But this topic has been posted here to infinity. How many times do we need to be told BattlEye sucks, scripting and hacking exist, and Rocket sucks at fixing it? We know we should all rage quit!
  16. Search funtion is your friend, there are plenty of these threads, also if you used the search function you might see the answer to your question... although i amsure you won't like it.
  17. You need a hug? ((((( HUG ))))) Feeling better now big guy?
  18. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Cheating itself

    Bitching about scripting in an engine built for scripting is bitchin! :thumbsup:
  19. I found 1 it was in great shape... in the Sea. :(
  20. Sorry if this came across like a suggestion. I am in no way asking for it to be added. I was just curious if something like this was added what the community thought. I really don't want the traditional quest type added to DayZ. (but what if there was) Just a simple humanity test, there doesn't even need to be a NPC, just some text and 3 choices. Again this was a what if type question. sorry it sounded like a suggestion. Also I am aware what Rocket says he wants to do here, and I am excited by it. My only suggestion i think I've ever made was for more sand in the box. (more options to effect the world around us) Really no need for a npc to be present, but i am sure a majority would follow your lead.
  21. His name wasn't Json was it?
  22. Yep definitely no safe zones or quests per say.(Unless player created and maintained) NPC could work but they would most definitely have to have a very limited impact on the world around us. Again I am not advocating the implementing of these type features. If anything I think Rocket should avoid player input on game features. I also do not disagree with your statement, just to be clear. IDK there is room for "other" hostile creatures in game, infected wild life is most definitely a way he could go about it. Roaming Zombies is a wonderful idea, its been said many times here and I concur. As long as he didn't go to overboard with it, almost any urban legend left with an ultra rare occurrence could "fit" into DayZ.
  23. Have you seen this thread? http://dayzmod.com/f...nds#entry232350 I believe Rocket has said some of this stuff would indeed be a fun addition to the game. We can only hope he decides to add something (random) to make us poo ourselves. Like this?