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Everything posted by joeoblong@yahoo.com

  1. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Grounded the little turd

    Actually his kids will probably grow up to be respectful and decent adults. He is teaching them valuable life lessons. Seems to me like some people need to learn them on here. He is doing his job as a parent, and my bet is his kids will turn out better then yours. (Lets hope you don't ever have any) ffs people its not like he whipped him into an inch of his life! He isn't metally abusive either. It not like he posted something aweful. A turd isn't a traumatizing thing to be called.
  2. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    I finally found a L85 thermal this morning, but...

    I disagree with the removal of it, and even with the stand alone as time passes every high end weapon will be common. At first sure things will be new and exciting! But after people search and save equipment, the forums will erupt into i wish "XYZ" weren't in the game. (Reasons will be realism, over powered, or something) I do hope they figure out a better loot system tho. But unless they have BIS run servers, you'll find servers that restart every 3 or 4 hours to refresh the loot. (Just as people do with heli crashsites now)
  3. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Should they disable spawning in kamenka?

    IT SUCKS!! Not getting this spawn point!
  4. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Grounded the little turd

    My mum always told me "I was the reason why wild animals ate their young!" I often look at my 3 toddlers and ask "Why did i do this to myself? I had it made... but Noooo! I wanted to be a daddy!" These shmucks claiming bad dad either don't have kids or are mentally defunct. They are kids either age wise or mentally! (Edit) Dallas you made me spit coffee on my keyboard! Now that is some top notch sarcasim!
  5. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    I finally found a L85 thermal this morning, but...

    Nope! I love the AKM!!
  6. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Why do people hate free rides?

    The one thing I love about that map so far, anytime I am lost or needing a lift someone shows up! Sometimes to kill me others to offer a ride! Makes life interesting.
  7. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Why do most clans require 18+ players

    I have an idea skippy! Start your own clan with nothing but -18 to enlist! Then hit these clans with pin point percision and prove yourself. YEAH! Argh beat by Zombie Charlie Sheen!
  8. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Grounded the little turd

    Damn fine parenting right there, My beans sir! (edit) After reading the entire thread, holy hell some people are ignorant!! Yeah you know who you are... well probably not!
  9. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    pitched tents in water - will they last?

    That's because he's a rock star zombie from mars with tigar blood!! WINNING!!
  10. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    pitched tents in water - will they last?

    IDK I live under a bridge (same spot multiple servers) and no one seems to find my camps... Of course they're more or less Geo caches then camps. (Edit) And if they are found anyone is welcome to take what they need. I just hate when people cocks trash my small camps. Not like they are filled with high end duped gear.
  11. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Your ideal Day Z map

    St. Louis to Chicago, not usually found in a game, giant map size, + the old Mrs. Sippy! Plenty of Strip club included.
  12. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Stuck in the Middle of Nowhere

    Well you can hit the respawn button. If it isn't enabled hit esc., place cursor where the respawn button is and hit esc. x2 but on the 2nd press hit left mouse button as soon as the menu pops. May take a few trys but this should work... unless it's changed in the past couple of weeks.
  13. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Is this legal?

    Whatever criminal! Police arrest that pony!
  14. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Where can I find...

    That sucks Oldy, just think of it as a $10.00 lesson in internet trust. Some people just suck!
  15. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZ Weapons - A Question?

    Spaztastic windows phone yay!double post. Now where was I oh yeah! Damn Finnish! I would think I'd feel better about my kids future over there as it stands now. I love my country don't get me wrong, just we are a nation of hypocrite. (myself included) and I fear we are on the decline. Politically and morally, when you got politicians who think science is a conspiracy something is not right! When we are quick to punish everyone for everything and never consider the ramifications something is wrong! Eh I'll shut up now.
  16. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZ Weapons - A Question?

    Satwcomic.com love you guys! Honestly if I had the means and a job waiting for me I'd move there in a heartbea. Except Finland lol stereotypes are fun! (prepares for the incoming ban from a certain mold breaking, funny, and kind Finnish Mod.)
  17. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Well shit, i guess i alt+f4'd.

    I was messing with a squad member, pointing my gun at him and lower it. He said if I pointed that god damn gun at him once more he'd consider me hostile. I lol'd and quick fired at his head. He starts shooting I start laughing until he nails me. I go to shot back my mouse hand smacks my power at and blam! Took me a second to figure wtf just happened. He swears I alt F4 and refuses to believe me. I bled to death upon relog lmao.
  18. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Random Venting

    I hated when people rant on internet forums. Don't they realize it is a waste of time! No one cares about their problems, we have our own we are trying to ignore! I bet those people have the intelligence of a (insert witty insult) and are all (insert derogatory statement)! They all just need to (insert a dumb solution) Sorry some days I just can't help myself!
  19. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZ Weapons - A Question?

    I've owned and shot guns since I was 5! I never have pulled a gun on anything I wasn't willing to destroy or eat. Onle once had to pull it on a human and she was a meth head, trying to rob the gas station I walked into. No I didn't shoot her, she ran out the door after putting her Lorcin 9mm on the floor. (fucking Saturday night special pos) she was caught within the hour. I also got cuffed and threatened by the Gestapo errr police!
  20. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZ Weapons - A Question?

    Until I was robbed, you could find almost every (legal to own) assault semi-automatic military style rifle in my house. They took the entire safe, which was the only thing recovered. I lost over 30 guns that day, and if I could only get the ones my grandfather and father left me, I'd be a happy boy. (they were just assorted hunting rifles and a .375 mag colt python) But yeah around here there are tons of guns to be found in a Zombie Apocalypse.
  21. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZ (Fan Film)

    OMG i can't wait to go see World War Z!! (dangle dangle)
  22. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    whats next for dayz soon ?

    I heard Rocket is gonna change the zombies into fluffy teddy bears, and we will feed them honey instead of shot them!
  23. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Found a L69A1.

    Kill it with fire! It is an evil evil insturment of hackerus lamerous, you will forever be tainted. Run, run my friend to the fires of msta and cast away the vile thing. It's to late for you but spare another of it's curse. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!
  24. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    but but but realism, zombies, SNIPERS!!! :rolleyes:
  25. I'm 42 my wife is 30 i can pretty much assure my curtain climbers won't be digging my music when they are older. I just hope to install a good foundation, it's the best I can do.