[email protected]
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Everything posted by [email protected]
He is a forum mod. He doesn't have any sanity! Dubstep for lyfe yo! (dances a spaztastic rhythmically challenged jig)
After trying out and practicing with all the sniper rifles for a while now
[email protected] replied to sostronk's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Really? I mean those 2 are frickin awesome, but blasting someone's face with a svd or m24 is more rewarding. (imho) Although I am still rocking the dmr, night servers yay! :) -
I'm cool with that as long as rocket makes the bandit skin this guy! http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=YDBvPm0Ydq8 Yes bandits you are this hard core in my mind. ;)
Tried Cheneraus today after months
[email protected] replied to dakilla187's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Okay if you insist! I hate peanut butter... I mean durrrr what are you a peanut or butter! What kind of shit yoiu trying to pull you are either one or the other, any nub knows you can't be both!! Stupid peanut butter make your lifestyle choice and quit this rubbish! Besides we all know Jelly pwns you! -
tents placed in water and nonenterable buildings
[email protected] replied to mallemo's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
And a rusty busket. -
Not a care-bear thread, but asking for a solution
[email protected] replied to Jurkey's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Please refrain from insulting my undead overlord and non-savior. Or I shall smite thee heathen! -
I shot myself at one of my camps. I swear if I would of answered myself I wouldn't of shot me! The dupe bug is good for a minute of "Oh shit who is that!" fun.
When and where from did you heard about DayZ and what forced you to buy it?
[email protected] replied to borntobewild's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I read an article on ihatemmorpgs and they had a destiny video up. I search YouTube found more vids. reminded me of UO in a way and jumped right in! Been loving it since, and a bonus were these forums. Love me some DayZ forums! -
Camp sites - (Pictures)
[email protected] replied to sheriffhd's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Unless you are really lucky or willing to exploit the loot fairy Jex we ain't ever gonna find them! I go and check dailly but they just wont frickin spawn for me!! >:( I swear to god if and when they do spawn I will probably be struck by lightning or shot in the back! The evil psychic vr engine is a mean crule mistress. -
So i spawned in novy sober
[email protected] replied to Subtex's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I used to hang out at Novy Stoned, but then I had kids and had to deal with Novy Dirty Diapers! :( -
Speaking of which, were the hell you been? You been cheating on us and trolling some other forums?!
Lmao okay not only ignorant but a coward! (run away little boy) And ah hahaha! Look guns aren't rocket science! Now I will agree not everyone can figure it out, but you are trying to say no civilians can... I am saying they can and do! I can assure you even some military members would be stumped! (just like anything, can you operate a flexo graphic printing press? No!? Yeah me either but that doesn't mean we couldn't figure it out) Now if you were to talk tactics then yeah I would've never called you out douche. All guns operate on the same principle, I am saying if you have a basic understanding of fire arms (which alot of people do) any one of them can and will "figure" it out! Guns are a simple tool, military type guns are build for the lowest common denominator. But go on skippy keep thinking the way you do, and when an afghani with an RPK blasts one of your friends remember that guy isn't just some idiot with a machine gun but a highly trained professional. Or god forbid you end up in africa and see a child with the same weapon ripping thru a 1/2 dozen of your buddies! Yeah Guns so hard to operate that kids with ZERO education are blasting away! Yea ok you are right... Now why don't you go back and masterbate in the mirror and tell yourself how AWESOME you are. Tool!
Do you know how society works? Firstly the Zombie Apocalypse is never going to happen, so get your mind fuck out of that. Have you paid attention to history? But you go ahead and believe your little pipe dream. The military is the answer for sure! I am not going to justify your questioning my service. Because we all know the interwebz is filled with lairs. You are to dense to realize the foolishness of your own statements. This all started because you think that military grade small arms are hard to operate,clean, fix, what have you then what a civilian weapon! If you can shoot a gun (which anyone can or be taught to) then you'd realize what a idiotic statement that is! This is when i considered you a blow hard douche nugget. They are built so Joe Shmuck from backwoods redneck town can figure it out... What makes you believe the average citizen couldn't? Oh that's right because you are a cut above those nasty freeloading civilians! If you don't think anyone can come across these weapons in a apocalyptic event then wake up they can and do! The military will crumble sure not at first but when you realize you've been left to fend for yourself... what then? Tool!
Holy fuck are you dense! Dude you really are a tool! Where did I ever say I'd go solo? When did I say I'd kill anyone!? You are truly a ignorant piece of meat! (in game i am in a hero skin. Out of game I am a bastard,) but I wouldn't leave the community behind to protect my masters interests. You on the other hand believe your family would be ok, you and your unit would be doing gods work! LULZ! Yeah and when your fuel & electric runs out (what in a week?) and your food dries (maybe a month?) up you'll be a murderous band of out laws! Probably raiding peaceful communities of farmers and woodsman. Who would band together because the government left them to rot, or killed, stole, raped them. Because that's what your master trained you for. Next time you are with your "Unit" ask your CO what is the true agenda of the puppet masters.War is power and money boy and that is a lesson you'd be wise to learn. The blood of your brothers is meaningless. I am a bitter ass hole, but at least I am not as ignorant as I once was!
I am now currently under contract by your government! How ya like those apples Skippy? I am one of the best in mu field although I really don't give a fuck whether you believe me or not. Just saying when you are not so cum drunk from slurping on what you are told to slurp, you'll see the light. Now run along little warrior!
Look dick lips we can compare penis sizes all day. As far as I am concerned you are just a e-wannbe. You think you know some shit and no one without military training could. I have both military and civilian life experience and I am tell you believe it or not. The military would crumble, you're family would be fucked, the government only cares about those with power and you have none. Also some of the dumbest dipshits I ever met were in the military
Fixed! Monty Python is the only reason I like this thread!
Lmao your a tool! the military is a three headed beast plagued with indecision. In a real apocalypse they would fold like every other structure of government. As for your theory on how awesome the military is? The guys on the line yeah! But those calling the shots? They failed to learn from Korea,Vietnam,Falkland islands,Granada,Bosnia,Iraq,Afghanistan and the many others i didn't list! They would fail in maintaining anything in the end. Also dip shit military weapons (small arms) are designed for the lowest common denominator to use. They are easy to pick up and shoot. I love the bs pulled here like it is actually hard to fire, clean, aim, pick your ass with military small arms.
Don't listen to this guy he is a dozen begals short of a bakers dozen! All the cool kids are rocking the windows phobeep beep eeeeep! (user disconnected)
No it is bound to your acct. Whether you like it or not it persists. You can however play private hives and start over. If you really want to rid yourself of the skin find someone and swap medical care between ya. Otherwise your a bandit and as a Hero I am bound to shoot your face. (bang)
Well for starters we now have raptor zombies, and a mega boss the undead t-rex! Zombie hookers on every street corner in Elektro and Cherno! Elvis and Tupac opened a kicking club in Berezino. All the hackers got aids in r/l! Hmm what else oh yeah turns out Rocket was M Night Shamalan and the infection was really a alien ghost who just wanted to feel love!
Maybe Dayz isn't for you. I haven't had a hacker run in for like 3 weeks. I have been shot in the back but I will not throw around hackusations. For all I know they got the drop on me, has been know to happen... Even for a all star super pro master blaster bad ass such as myself! So what chance do you stand? (wink)
Why are vehicles so weak?
[email protected] replied to Inception.'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Damn zombie suicide bombers! The Undead Taliban strikes again. -
Ben Franklin doesn't approve.
humanity is persistent thru death. Hello bandit! Do lots of good deeds to revert it or get use to it.