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Everything posted by joeoblong@yahoo.com

  1. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Remove NVG and TWS

    No and here is why. Night servers will always be under populated. If the option for daytime and nighttime servers exist, most people will hit the daytime. The only solution is to have all servers on the same day/night cycle. Otherwise only the brave and equipped will prefer night time over days. As for fairness... This is Dayz we have no need for fair or balanced, just survival of the fittest. Sometimes you just have to be a big boy/girl and come to terms with "it ain't fair!" or die. I mean who wants the feeling of accomplishing something in a game when the odds are against you? Not me! I want everything handed to me. (edit) deleted my original post for something more mature.
  2. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    His wife Motherflappycanal doesn't want him giving out that info!
  3. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    oh Rocket got some splaining to do! oh wait nevermind!
  4. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Anyone still play DayZ??

    Yayz WarZ yeahz! Byez havez funz! I'llz stayz withz Dayz!
  5. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Battleye y u no work?

    Hit it with a hammer!
  6. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Question about admins?

    Google is your friend. http://billing.hostaltitude.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=17
  7. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Рецепты варентья

    3 яйца 1/2 чашки молока 1 зубчик чеснока 1 банка сардин смешать и съесть сырое
  8. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    "Oh, it's night. Guess I'd better leave"

    Nope! I love nighttime, you can pretty much move around the entire unscathed.
  9. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Tips for fighting in the bush

    (snickers) I love the bush everything i need is in there! Just saying.
  10. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Are players with Ghillies shoot on sight for you?

    NO! I would kill them because they had a clown costume on! How fucking creepy would that be in a zombie apocalypse!
  11. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Snipers aren't a problem. People should stop moaning.

    Actually this statement makes me think you've never tried to snipe in this game. A moving target at max range is a mofo to hit! Those who don't know how to range a target, or how to use mil-dots are not a threat at all. They waste alot of ammo, and can't hit shit.
  12. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Tips for fighting in the bush

    Some good common sense advice Sos! The "don't panic" bit is very important. I still find myself in panic mode from time to time (usually when i don't know where the shooter is) and have to remind myself to breath. (Deeply and with control)
  13. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Snipers aren't a problem. People should stop moaning.

    Well honestly in a (laughable) zombie type event, I would most definately have a sniper rifle in my arsenal. I believe if more people just went after the snipers they'd be forced into a med, short range confortation. As for me personally in a real life situation, I'd never let anyone close enough or die trying. (bullet is much better then eaten alive!) I cannot wait until high end gear is rarer. But i can imagine the crys over the next big thing, OMG the ak is op! To me if you veiw snipers as the biggest threat take them out. Now in the KoS game we play now!? I don't blame a guy for camping a spot, but i will find him and hopefully get him before he gets me.
  14. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Are players with Ghillies shoot on sight for you?

    Well considering that hasn't happened in a very long time, I will watch them (i am an observer) until they are gone. Now if they do get the drop on me, guess who's fault it is? Mine! It happens I had a dude walk up on me and "rob' me, luckily I had a rgo and took us both out! To me death isn't the fear, my fear is letting the other guy feel/think he won.
  15. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Why did I trust him

    My rule of thumb is if they sound young kill them. Damn whipper snappers need to stay of my lawn!
  16. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    A short word regarding Dayz standalone

    I'll be looking forward to putting a bullet into you e-badass. Be seeing you (hopefully) before you see me!
  17. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Snipers aren't a problem. People should stop moaning.

    Maybe instead of cryin "OMG SNIPA!" Do something about it. Some of the easiest kills in game are snipers. If you have some satchel charges or a M203 get creative and have a BLAST! I don't understand the constent crying here. I learned early on how to combat them. (Unless they are truly skilled) They are cake to kill or make Alt+F4. No need to complain start a group up or learn to be sneeky and solve it.
  18. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Are players with Ghillies shoot on sight for you?

    Actually I leave 'em be unless they are firing at me or a fellow survior. I rarely kill other players if they don't see me they are not a threat. Now if it is a squad that's another story!
  19. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    Do as Rick would put a bullet in his head he is lost.
  20. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Anyone willing to be my partner? :D

    Buuurn! Go go! LVG! This reeks of set up to me. How many pervs are adding shim on skype now!?
  21. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Need SVD Camo - - - ^ - - - (trade finished)

    Sorry Drakan had someone message me like 10 minutes after i posted that, I still have some mags so if you are ever in need let me know. (assuming that was addressed to me)
  22. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Exit Humanity

    Added to my Queue! I got 2 more episodes of The Walking Dead s2 to watch then I'll check it out!
  23. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Is this ok?

    Play DayZ however you want. As long as you are not duping, scripting, cheating knock yourself out.
  24. I like this idea also, but it is a blatant rip from ZombieU (or something like that) for the Nintendo WiiU. I thought we were immune to the virus. Yeah I know i am a Debbie Downer!