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Everything posted by joeoblong@yahoo.com

  1. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    50 kills, 1 server, 1 life

    For a time I was the 1/2 assed sniper of the group. We had a scout / sniper team join and i got to return to 1/2 assed gunner. The new guys are better then our entire group lol, good thing they enjoy random silliness instead of serious game play.
  2. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    50 kills, 1 server, 1 life

    Yeah no doubt, although it would be hard to stop someone from using one. Only saving grace is I seem to be real lucky when under direct fire. snipers eat my lunch tho! I am a gunner in our squad so seems then snipers like to try and take me down. You know i'd be rocking a lmg as my primary. bangbangbangbangbangbangbang
  3. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    50 kills, 1 server, 1 life

    Sos I've been thinking of issuing a forum challenge, picking a random squard on the map and seeing how long I could last vs. all takers. Just haven't really had time to play for more then 30 to 60 minutes at a time lately. I'd ask the forums what load out they'd like me to have and just go! Really could be a blast for everyone who cared to join in. Plus give those i've pissed off a chance to make me eat crow. :P Just a suggestion
  4. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    leaky chopper

    It is a known issue, here https://dev-heaven.net/issues/45758 I don't know if people didn't read your question or just going on assumptions. Anyway we are having this issue as well, admin is affraid to try the fix in the link above. (he's had some bad luck with attempted fixes) We had the same thing after like 2 days it held fuel again!
  5. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Survivalists vs Bandits

    didn't but wha huh waiiiit! This thread already exists! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/99339-survivalists-vs-bandits/ lol i hate when the forums double post!
  6. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Remove 3rd person or make it worse

    Ok i changed my mind remove 3dp!!
  7. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Remove 3rd person or make it worse

    Didn't read, it's all been said before, play on a no 3dp server on a private hive for all your happiness. See everyone gets what they want! Options in playstyle yay!
  8. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Survivalists vs Bandits

    Didn't take poll, because you don't give the option on 1 of pvp and survival. They aren't one or the other to many of us. I like trying to survive with the added risk of player killers. 2 not enough options for the hero or survivors. As a Hero I play to help the weak and kill the predators. 3 well all the above and more. :P
  9. Like I said it is a dirty tactic and they deserve the backlash, I am ignorant to a lot of what was said here. To me it's all Majik and pixie dust with some 011011110110111001100101011100110010000001100001011011100110010000100000011110100110010101110010011011110111001100101100001000000110111001100101011101100110010101110010001000000111010001110111011011110111001100100000011011110111001000100000011101000110100001110010011001010110010101110011
  10. Common sense would think that would be the best option. But here on the interwebz that is one thing in short order!! ;)
  11. Dotjosh Hey I want to thank you for your time and effort into the DayZ community. Your product has been a huge help to many. I do not (and I am sure many others don't either) feel you are in the wrong here. I will continue to use and suggest your product. I just wonder how many of these people raging at you ever hit the donate tab? As for the Vilayer defenders, what they are doing is questionable, and deserve some back lash. Any Map they are using and adding the DayZ script to should give credit to the original creator. That being said I don't think the original creator is entitled to much more then credit for this being his creation. Although if he objects to it being massively available to the masses then pull it/them down, let them collect dust in the unused bin. As for the Vilayer haters, what do you suggest Vilayer do here? Since their servers are what the customer are paying for, do they just not offer any maps? (Besides the original) The person who rents the space should be the one to install any of the "other" maps? If so you effectively killed the mass appeal of any given map. Vilayer does the work for their customers here, and offers "us" more options of play. The admins buy the server space and Vilayer adds which ever map they have available to it. I'd hate to think that custom maps would be restricted to just 2 or 3 of each. Que times etc. would hurt DayZ also... so what is the solution here? Does Vilayer just quit offering map options? I am not arguing either for or against here. I actually enjoy playing some of the other maps and fear this brew ha ha may hurt the availability of hosting companies map options. Although as I started out with ,none of this should be focused at DayZ Commander or Josh. He made a great program and gives many people without the knowledge an easy option. He isn't getting rich from it, he isn't an evil genius laughing manically in the background at screwing over the authors of maps... cut the guy some slack!
  12. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    One wolf does not a pack make.

    If you just use common sense then the difficulty for both solo and group play can be increased. Both should have advantages and disadvantages, just use those as a base. For the record I like the idea of added dangers. For both types of play. I am excited to see the SA!
  13. You mean it's not Majik and Pixie Dust that runs DayZ!? Umpossable!! :P
  14. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    How do I repair a chinhook in fallujah/

    On man give me some baling wire (wire coat hanger in a pinch), a fizzy alcoholic beverage, a 9v battery, and a straw! Rocket motor or flame thrower! Yes my man I got dem mad red neck engineering skillz yo!
  15. Derpy answered it. Now it's up to you to play with honor or cheat. I think you'll make the right choice... I am a optimist!
  16. No He said you could use them without fear of being globally banned. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. It's about being a cheater or not, you accuse (with no proof) someone of duping, yet cheat yourself. Honor it's obvious you have none. We both know it is highly unlikely it is a legacy. If it is I am wrong and he has nothing to be ashamed of, so i am then just a troll. But we both know people who use hacked in weapons are scumbags and helped ruin this mod.
  17. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    How do I repair a chinhook in fallujah/

    You sure? I was always told it spawned in, in working condition, and was unrepairable once damaged. I could be wrong because i am using 2nd hand info here! But I spend like 40 minutes trying until the admon asked me what I was doing. He gave me the tid bit of info soooo take it for what it is. :P Duct tape would fix it tho! ;)
  18. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Shoot all un-armed bandits on sight.

    Camo dude does not approve! :ph34r:
  19. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Standalone Product/brand placement

    Didn't Mt. Dew ok the use of their brand already? Could have sworn I read that somewhere!? Maybe I am wrong tho because it is fuzzy... to much Dew?
  20. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    entrenching tool

    Whoa necro! But kudo's for using the search function! Beans just for that!
  21. You accuse someone of duping but freely use a hacked weapon? Hypocrite much?
  22. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    How do I repair a chinhook in fallujah/

    OK my friend here is what you need. 1 Roll of duct tape, 2 tampons, a stick of juicy fruit chewing gum, a wet badger, and 42 rusty bolts. aka It can't be fixed. It'll be repaired at restart.
  23. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Are Choppers needed in DayZ?

    Okay then. I am just saying you are obviously intelligent, just the profanity doesn't really help. We have had a steady influx of door knobs lately. I'd hate to see some of the posters I happen to agree with (more often then not)get a suspension/banned. We went head to head before right? Yet we can still be civil with each other. Now by all means insult the people that you deem idiots, just be more creative and less profane. ;) Again I want to keep you around!
  24. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    A second Hive

    Ah shit! Shit just got real!! Erectile dysfunction bot has entered the thread.
  25. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Why no IP bans for hacking?

    And the whiniest hackusation all star of the year goes to! Tool!!