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Everything posted by joeoblong@yahoo.com

  1. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Sooooo yeah, I ain't to proud to say i am a tad bit jealous of those selected. But I guess that's life, those testers better test the mofo outta it!
  2. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZ Standalone Closed Testing?

    This is an interesting development. I look forward to hearing more about it.
  3. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    Good questions mods, although I am disappointed none of you asked about my custom Ben Franklin skin. Derpy you asked about muffins (important I agree) but left out ol' Ben? Tisk tisk! The only thing that made up for it was Sula's angelic voice. Sula one day please just jump in TS and say "Mr. Franklin you've been a very naughty poster!" ;)
  4. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Who ever owns the camp in the woods on the EHD server.....

    Hey person with that dog in london, I shoved his nose in poo. I was bored and not sure if it was his poop, but found it entertaining anyway. So I am posting here since odds are you'll never see this anyway. Really no need to shout this out, camps are looted all the time. It is always helpful when lost to come across some needed supplies. It's part of what makes DayZ special. I'll give you beans just for the fact you didn't trash it, because that is what the e-cool kids are all doing!
  5. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Best Place To Build a Camp|

    I just build small camps, and lots of them... No where is safe.
  6. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    I e-mailed BattlEye about their global bans.

    Shhhhh they weren't!
  7. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    going out of server and going back in later problem

    Private hive and public hives. Public hives are linked together private are not. Unless that server had reverted back because of a hacker. You went to another server. At least this is what it sounds like. Also update my man, things are better now. (edit) download DayZ Commander it makes life easier.
  8. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Flying from one map to another ?

    Its not his videos are edited and fictional. He says those thing for continuity.
  9. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZ Commnuity Challenges - Evidence required

    Throw 100 flares and/or glow sticks in cherno/elektro! Then blast some dub step!
  10. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    What is DayZ to you?

    DayZ reminded restored my faith in gaming and the gaming community. I thought we were forever stuck with wow/cod clones. Turns out there are alot of gamers who enjoy not being lead around by a leash. DayZ returned a feeling of fun I haven't experienced since UO.
  11. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    What would you do in a close engagement?

    other. I usually observe, staying in cover, if they stick around, I'll direct chat them and offer help. Yes I get betrayed, yes I've met some great people. 1/2 the fun of this game is the interaction. Positive or negative i usually have fun with it. Although the self-righteous blowhards sap any enjoyment i am experiencing.
  12. I checked it out this weekend. I had fun. The thing I love about DayZ currently is, there seems to be servers for all sorts of play styles. Will I be playing plus alot? Doubt it, but I didn't hate it.
  13. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Modded Dayz is dull because..

    The great thing about this mod is the fact that the server owners can do what they please. Want no gear they are out there want dm style with zombies? You got it! All friendly love fests!? Step in and feel the loving! I admin on a slightly carebear server. We have like 100 vehicles (just added a couple of air vehicles this weekend.) you do start with a set if nvg, a block 2 mags, and a map. The nvgs were my idea since it seems we are nighttime when everyone else is daytime. The map is to help new players to team up. Do I spend all day playing here? No! But it is fun, our community is growing and civil. (seems like douches don't like entire servers hunting them) Our local bandits are up front and completely feared. (they love that) Side chat is never a battle ground! Sure the bandits mind feck people over it, but we rarely get the " come at me bro" jerks. Personally my favorite servers are ones with mature communities. Who don't whine when killed, or flex their awesome fps skills verbally. I don't care what style it is 1 vehicle or 1000. Side note here best server I've played was a role playing server. Everyone was respectful as long as you didn't go out of character. (edit) a confused drunk if you are reading this reopen your server! :)
  14. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Yay Max is buying me a gift!!! Sorry to hear the move was a pain. :( I look forward to the chaos order to be restored upon your return. This cult of baby blue needs a voice of ummmm errrr reason, yeah lets go with that!
  15. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Just saw Rocket again.

    This thread was awesome, Then Max P made an appearance!? My holiday wish came true!!! Hope to see ya back soon Map P. The Mods these days! :rolleyes: Only 3 things I expect out of DayZ Max P, Zombie Hookers, & A Ben Franklin Skin. Hope your holiday was filled with cheer and merriment Max. Now on topic, you effing people are seriously distrubed... I LOVE IT HERE!!!
  16. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZ Yearly Awards

    Poster of the Year? Has to be Hetsteak! They both have brought nothing but sunshine and happiness to these hollowed halls. Mod of the Year? IMO Frags since he murdered Max P and hid his body. Although Sula's purrrs are nicer to the ears. I'd like to throw my scarf into the triangle for Dumbass of the Year!
  17. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    A not-announcement announcement for the forums!

    Hey Rocket what you need is someone to tactfully and with diplomacy respond to all the repeated comments you recieve. I would be happy to fulfill this position for you. I believe my post history proves I am the right guy for the job! Some examples you ask? Sure! "We've decided to release it in every country but yours tomorrow... you'll have to wait until the 30th of February!" "As soon as I am done with hiding these dead hookers!" "When will what be released? Duuuuuude look at all the pretty colors!" Seriously tho I am in no hurry, I'll amuse myself here mocking the Cult of Baby Blues. I know it'll be done when it is done. Hope your holiday was good and everyone in your whole famn damily was filled with holiday cheer. Don't forget Rocket, I am the man for that job, so if you need my services just let me know! *edit* To the guy above me, really? He just gave us a brief update, but no thats not good enough for you is it. Nope all that matters is you get your game NOW! So he hasn't been able to keep in personal touch with you about everytime he takes a poop or goes pee pee like a big boy! FFS you self entitled little pricks are 1/2 the stress he is feeling. Give the man room to breath and get this right. It'll be done when it is done, He'll tell you what he tells you, and the status of the damn game is it is in progress! Happy now snowflake?
  18. I take what I need, and leave the rest. I think only scumbags trash camps. (with the exception to duper camps) But being as it is DayZ it's all fair game.
  19. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    How do I remove CD-key stealers ???

    you're screwed... Or you can use the googles and find out for yourself in step by step instructions on how to do anything to your system.
  20. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    What do you have YOUR visibility at?

    A typical beat me to it!
  21. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    How do I remove CD-key stealers ???

    Then wait for the stand alone.
  22. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    How do I remove CD-key stealers ???

    Use the search function or google it. Also in B4 Graveyard!
  23. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Reactions to Banditry

    I guess I'll chime in. I am constantly being reported as a hacker on my server. I will switch profiles once in awhile just to stir up some fear. Although my banditry is more along the lines baiting and ambushing. I've mastered the art of misdirection so they think I am somewhere else, while I am really placing a satchel charge up,(on a bait car) or positioning myself to kill them. I hear all sorts of stories of deeds I've done, even though it wasn't me. I feel all tingly inside knowing they fear him so much that anything bad that happens is him!
  24. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Dayzmod.com | Forum Ranks

    What rank does thy speak of? Look in your profile settings and all shall be revealed.
  25. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Should Heli Crash Sites be marked on the Map?

    I don't think it is what you think it is, but no if it is.