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Everything posted by joeoblong@yahoo.com

  1. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Fun on Fallujah!

    "you have any cookies?" I laughed.
  2. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Funny Vehicle Kill

    Lol you are a strange potato!
  3. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Disturbing Trend

    Yep been banned a couple of times, I just flip them the bird and move on. I figure if they ban for stupity the server will be dead soon enough.
  4. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Why do you even play dayz ?

    You are really an odd person, just because you say it is so, then it must be. I remember the people like you in UO, instead of becoming an anti pk, asking to join their groups for safety, or leave the high risk areas, you ran to the forums complainting about all those ass hole pks. Yes they ruined your fun (people like you ruined that game), just because you didn't want to learn to defend yourself. (which would expand your fun and ruin those ass holes fun) Look it is overly obvious you are not cut out for a game with FFA rule sets. It is okay honestly in a few months at most this mod will be turned over to the community and you can mod it the way you deem fit. Tell me how that works out for you. Again maybe it's not us playing it wrong! (again for the record I only KoS bandits and KoS'ers)
  5. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    More enter-able buildings, wil it work?

    Maybe have the loot despawn after a set period of time?
  6. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    How old is your char now?

    Did you lose a bet vs. My squad too! :P Me -1 them +7. Damn new guys, killed me with the guns I gave them! Really the they boxed me in faster then I expected.
  7. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    In a duel, What side arm would you want?

    Wrist rocket! :P Aka sling shot!
  8. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    I hate the general bandit.

    I like general bandit... But that private bandit!!
  9. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    What kind of player are you?

    I am a hero, I KoS bandits (unless I know them forums,r/l,etc.) I shoot survivors I see trying to kill other survivors/heros.
  10. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Remove NVG and TWS

    Actually your little display here proves one thing, you are a self centered egomaniac, I thought the op was a whiney little nimrod! You sir take the cake! Oh yeah this little hand holders wah fest is still active? Sheesh!
  11. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZ dreamscene (animated wallpaper)

    Whoa this is so going to be on my desk top! Beans and canteens my friend. Excellent work!
  12. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Dayz game model to military sim?

    This thread tickles me rotten! Yeah I'd try it tho.
  13. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    3096 NiTro

    Please tell me you saved the tents afterwards!
  14. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Thank the lord

    Woo hoo now let's get on with the real discussion. Sultry Zombie Hookers or Smutty Zombie School Girls?
  15. (edit) stoopid smurt fown
  16. M16/M203 and a M240 (was a MK48 mod 0 but I done died) M9 sd. I make many holes and big booms!
  17. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Why do you even play dayz ?

    Well for you folks who seem to know "how" DayZ is supposed to be played... Maybe you are playing it wrong. Just saying, you have equal chance to find everything anyone else does. (minus the cheaters) So instead of begging for the omnipotent Rocket to fix it maybe you should. Don't like KoS'ers hunt them down and fix it yourself. Yeah I know it's hard, tough you want easy... Guess who is playing it wrong! We have the tools as a community to combat KoS, just some of us implement them and some want the devs to hold our hands. So before you blame player behavior, balance, or them playing it wrong. Maybe it's you who is playing it wrong. Remember this is their story too.
  18. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    A magical box of kick ass weapons

    You are scum if you use them, but no you won't be globally banned. You can be and do deserve to be server banned for using them. No better then the script bitch who scriptewd them in imho. Play with the tools we have not the cheap cheaters tools.
  19. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Why do you even play dayz ?

    I play for the freedom to do as I please. Unlike every other game out there, DayZ allows me to play as I want. Sure I have to deal with other players and combat, run away, die to them. Isn't that the point? If you expected a "Zombie apocalypse survival game" never gonna happen as long as the rule set is FFO. (for the record I'd have it no other way!) I am sure we the players will be able to impact the world around us more so in the stand alone. (being a sandbox and all) I think alot of you thought DayZ was gonna be something it will never be, as did I. I never expected the game to have so many unimaginative sissies playing it. OMG remove this or that, KoS sucks fix it! (it does suck, but it should be up to us to fix it. We have the same tools as those who KoS) If you want to complain because you are bored, fusterated, or feel it is unbalanced... maybe it isn't the game for you. I won't argue about humanity being borked atm, there should be multiple skins based on this system. (I think he has something planned in the SA soon enough) But until then we have to deal with what we have.
  20. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Head on car crash

    I have to say odd and funny!
  21. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Dear Enistre, If You Wish To See FunkyTown Again...

    Jackl I have dispatched my zombie associates to every town in Chenarus. We will find you and extract any and all payments from you and your band of merciless thugs. Please comply by walking onto any town and waiting for my man to apprehend you. Regards The Law Office of DayZ Forums and associates. P.S. She will be waiting for you on top of the city hall in Elektro. Just drop a flare or two up there while you wait! ;)
  22. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Dear Enistre, If You Wish To See FunkyTown Again...

    My secretary is infected she is typo prone... But you should see her take dictation! (awaits another suspension)
  23. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Dear Enistre, If You Wish To See FunkyTown Again...

    Jackl As the legal representatives of the Funkytown family, we have filed a lawsuit for the unlawful death and rape of our beloved Fuckytown. The video will be used as evidence in our case. It clearly shows you running him down. You are clearly heard saying he was "inside" you. Your lack of remorse when the kind and noble Funkeytown died is a disgusting act of savagery. The only saving grace is Mr. Town died for freedom! He was a hero with the manner he chose to face his demise. Not only are we demanding for compensation.( 3 brown cows a moo'in, 7 goats a naying, and a rooster in a pine tree) We would also implore you turn yourselves in to the authorities for your crimes. This act of gross misconduct should bring shame to the community at large. We would hope those individuals would bring you to justice if you are to cowardly to turn yourselves in. Regards The Law Firm of Dayz Forums and associates.
  24. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Last day of DayZ: Last Death.

    I'll be playing both although I assume more time in the SA. I am excited to see what the community does. (which is why I also plan on getting Arma 3)
  25. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    50 kills, 1 server, 1 life

    Well considering I lit up our chopper, killing the door gunner & wounding the pilot. I single handedly effed up the entire squad because i didn't pay attention to where i was positioned. All i knew was I asked if it was them landing to the south (which turned out to be my north) when they said "no" I went all Rambo on them. The new guys just rolled in TS, we got a big laugh out of it and as punishment i had to jump from the chopper without a parachute. The long walk back to camp allowed me the time to reflect on "knowing which direction I am facing and the value of using that thing called a compass"