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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. And here I thought it got tucked in!
  2. Het is the Bee's knees 'round these parts! We don't take kindly to those who don't take kindly to Het! Also I think we need to start a get Het a better interwebz trust fund!
  3. Nope seems boring, yet i like empty servers!? (when I just want to veg)
  4. I don't get to angry at games now a days. Now the forums... :murder: :murder: :murder:
  5. Place a satchel charge on sniper hill. Wait. Boom!
  6. Here is a good place for answers. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/5-dayz-information/
  7. http://ciahome.net/forum/index.php?topic=2477.0
  8. Well if you could afford it, rent a server and lock it down! ;) single player DayZ. Not really a fan of this idea though.
  9. Why does this not surprise me? :D
  10. Oh wow! You sir are a genius! I thought my commenting on a habitual whiner's thread would cause it to fall off the forums! Thank you Professor Obvious I have been schooled properly. I know now never post in threads I don't agree with! I had a life once... I lived happily under my bridge, where every day was a fine day. I would stop the children who tried to cross my bridge, forcing them to answer a riddle or be eaten. Oh how those children objected, "its not fair!" they cried. Then it happened! Someone of power screamed "enough!", See for they did not relish in the tears of whiners as I did. They submitted to the crying hordes and tore down my bridge. Now in it's place is a rainbow filled candy tunnel, where all the children run and play without a worry! Mocking me in that joyless void. I moved on you see, I did not cry, I did not whine, I just left! I moved quietly in here and to my surprise! I found those tears flowed in abundance unprovoked. Ah yes my children I once more have a happy life! I pray those in power never scream "Enough" again.
  11. Oh no Taiphoz is making a complaint thread!?(or post) not again errr I mean this is a first! Maybe DayZ isn't the game for you. If you spent 1/2 the time you spend trying to change the feel of this game, and used it to find one your speed maybe we'd all be happy!
  12. I use to but after like patch 2.5 or something it was near impossible to find a populated server. So now I rock the Mike N. face.
  13. Rhino has a private server where he charges like $10 a month to play with him (on the server) I am not sure if this is indeed actually happening, (this is just my hearsay btw don't know and don't care) Only guy I'd ever pay to play with would be my evil twin... DAMN YOU PENCILDRAGON!!
  14. I always assumed you were a bit butch. (for lack of a better description) And I am originally from New York so I know plenty of angry women who talk like that. Like I said I swore I read you saying something about a boyfriend. I figured with the way you phrased things you couldn't be a gay guy! My friend John is a ex navy seal, worked on the docks, and is now a cop... he is also gay. One of the manliest man I know... never heard him saying anything close to the things you have. lol Yes in my little world, I stereotype gay guys with having an excellent vocabulary! O.P sorry for derailing your thread I'll stop now! Also forgive most of the moronic statements us guys sometimes make. In our world insults and compliments are the same thing! :P
  15. the only drawback to the chopper is... Is spoils every other mode of transport in game.
  16. I blame Fraggle! He is a bad influence! And/Or those dang Bronies!
  17. lol! My bad Jex although now that it is out, i liked you better when i though you were a woman! :D
  18. Jex please I mean no offence by this, but I thought you were a female! I swear I read somewhere you mentioned your boyfriend! Either I got it all wrong, or read a post and thought it was you. I even told the undead savior you were!! So zombie Jesus I was wrong! Yeah yeah both of you damn well know I make a habit of being wrong! :P (edit) Oh and OP I love lady gamers! So much I married one!! I treat them like I treat anyone else. My wife and I hated each other at first. (she was a guild mate) she thought I was a major asshole, I thought she was a drama queen (still do hehehe oh hope she don't read this!) We had a guild get together and fell for each other instantly! (yes she is way out of my league ;) just in case she does read this!) Anyway I flirt with the lady gamers, nothing disrespectful tho. And don't feel I favor/discriminate them. I not only think girl gamers can be good gamers I know plenty that are! For the limp noodles who disrespect you because of your gender, race, sexual preference... Grow up and L2Be a decent human being!
  19. If it lives up to the hype $300 is well worth it.
  20. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Grade A Griefers

    Can you show the source of this? I hear it all the time, about every style of play. I was under the assumption Rocket intended us to make our own story,(play how we wanted) hence the sandbox! I don't seem to recall him saying he intended it to be non-pvp unless it is was an event. I've been wrong before tho, so please source to provide evidence to your statement.
  21. You are both wrong it is going to be December 12th 2012... Woooo 12-12-12 scary! ;)
  22. What's not to love about the Oculus Rift!? I rarely get excited over vr type devices... I am over this one! Never again Nintendo never again!!