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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Happens man, just find some people to bandage, morphine, blood transfuse. You'll be back in no time. Or just embrace the bandit lifestyle and start robbing, murdering, causing chaos.
  2. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Have bear trap want a CZ 550

    Damn it someone stole my Hilux! :( I was finding these things everywhere and never bothered to save on in a tent. <---- is a dummy!
  3. Well glad to see ya back fo sho! Also the guy hating on you... haters gonna hate!
  4. This has been brought up before, and i still think this is one of the best ideas out there. Lets hope we see something like this in the SA.
  5. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    NW airfield

    This made me spit coffee onto my keyboard. Very well played sir! Beanz!
  6. I just want a Lo-jack so i can plop a chunk of lead into the car jacker who stole my van man!
  7. Plus where are the fire trucks? I wanna fire truck so I can drive around Cherno with sirens blasting, and red lights a flashing.
  8. But you can and do get an infection, that is what the antibiotics are for.
  9. I wonder if people who play games ever think about their ideas? When you come up wiuth a "good" idea, think how can this be abused in the long run? What is the flaw in my idea? You know be critical, don't just suggest something with no real thought behind it please.
  10. Now remember children when you feel on top of your game, and believe you are the apex predator... some mofo will put you in your place. Just as it is in nature.
  11. Ruh roh! Lol yup I hate when that happens!
  12. Good idea to put the disclaimer in there Z. Welcome back!
  13. Z nice to see ya back, but didn't you get banned? I swear I thought you got the hammer. Well anyway glad to see ya back buddy.
  14. Not true, the amount of bandits in this game assures I can fulfill my murderous urges and never become a towel head. Survivors who shot at me and the humanity hit is not that big of a deal after a few weeks of heroism.
  15. I snuck up on a group of guys with a huey, threw the grenade right next to them... nothing! I was so pissed I ran up to them and yelled "BOOOOM!" next to them. Needless to say they lit me up like a Festivus pole!
  16. Leaf blowers are OP and need to be removed, they destroy the balance of the game. Only COD kids and metrosexuals would use a leaf blower. Real manly men use a rake... Made of sticks and straw! :lol:
  17. I was having this as well, I put on a ghillie, reinstalled both arma and Dayz patches and haven't had it happen since.
  18. Although I agree with the sentiment of these replies, who really cares if these type servers exist. Other then the easy gearing up and coming to a pvp servers, there is no draw back. It keeps the carebears in their own little world fighting the never ending zombie scrouge. (snickers) Which in turns keeps them from coming in here asking for shit to be removed, bandits to be punished, and moaning & begging for their version of "Balance", we all win! The weapon inflation is indeed a serious problem, but luckily most of them can't survive in our world long enough to do damage. Now if it is a private hive server cool nothing needs to be said/done. Otherwise instead of black listing them maybe lock those characters out of real servers? Just my 2 cents.
  19. Yup they earned every bullet i place into them.
  20. This game has a uncanny ability to never spawn what you are looking for! I thinks it's the Debil!
  21. Man I hate to be "THAT" guy here, but if there is a way to kill another player, players are going ot kill eachother. (For no other reason then they can) Now if there was no way to kill, this game will fail and be no fun. I am hopeful Rocket will be able to dial it in so everyone can enjoy his world. Zombies need to be a threat but if you think it'll cut back on the pvp you will be disappointed. I just pray he can add enough content those who despise pvp can have fun too! Otherwise the wolves will eat all the sheep until nothing is left but wolves. (or Rocket will nerf the wolves and they will leave) I will do as I do within the mod, hunt the wolves and try to impact the sheep in a positive way. I consider myself an apex predator and the wolves are my food. I just wish I had the skill to own those words! :D
  22. Every game I've ever played (that allowed it) I've been a PK. When I begain my DayZ, I decided to be an anti pk (I hunt PK'ers for those who dont know what a anti does) for the plain fact it looked like everyone was a pk. I am enjoying the change. (edit cuz i am a doof) I think it is easier and safer to just go as a bandit. So of course that is the smart route.
  23. Karwin I have no problems saying you make the best damn trailers of anyone on here! I'm a fan and here's my beans!
  24. You must be new here. You do realize he was patching the hell out of the mod up until like June right? Then things got rolling and the mod kinda got pulled off the burners. I much rather have a buggy mod and him doing whatever it is he needs to do for the SA. ;)
  25. A well placed 40mm high explosive round, killing whatever I was aiming at. Love my M203! Or some good old fashion lead tossing with a LMG.