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Everything posted by joeoblong@yahoo.com

  1. Well if you log out in a populated area... Maybe that is your issue. It is simple to just run off into the forest before you need to log. Sure people will try and abuse this.(that is what makes these type games interesting) But if like anything in dayz, you plan ahead & you will not have this problem. As for walker do you ever not complain about the cheating and how cheating is unstoppable, yet everything suggested/tried you find fault with! Cheating happens deal with it man, if it bugs you that badly maybe go single player... Or does your computer cheat also?
  2. There is, if they do that... Plant a piece of lead into their cranium!
  3. Hey Venthos thank you! Both for the code and explanation. Think I may c heck out redux sounds like my kide of place! Beans my good man!
  4. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Zombies are too Powerful

    There once was a guy named Jed. He was angry he was undead. Then one day, he found a way to knock you out as you bled. You came in here to complain. We all thought you were insane. I knew in my soul, this post would be a troll, I hope it pulled your chain.
  5. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Ramdisk for Windows 7 64 bit?

    Never download anything from Russia! Never goto a .ru site, only things Russian you should be doing are vodka and the ladies! I apologize to the Russian gentlemen in advance! ;)
  6. This kind of gaming already existed and has faded into obscurity... I remember the old arcades. Dens of flashy lights, annoyingly loud noise, and drugs aplenty... Girls avoided that place of debauchery like the plague.
  7. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Did anyone else every notice...?

    *Stuffs Morgan into a locker* O'Doyle Rulez!
  8. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    [Forum] DayZ Community Heroes

    I want the village idiot status!!! Give me a clear name tag! :wacko:
  9. I resemble that remark!! Good day sir!
  10. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    F.T.S.exy pic [F-T-S] (we got your back)

    Welcome to DayZ! No refund on the beanz! (Pendragon is not affiliated with FTS/GRU squads) ;) Edit nice screenshots!
  11. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    DayZ Songs by zSc0pe

    Bone kicking ass and chewing bubble gum! Zscope played the new song to the guys here in the tower and they all liked it! (those of us who play anyways)
  12. As an old guy, listening to your rap-a-tap music! I liked it alot! NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!! Damn whipper snapper!
  13. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Found defect Night Vision goggles?!?!

    Good thing too! My Google has been damaged by a EMP!
  14. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Server restart --> Tents and vehicles gone

    It may, lost mine Thursday night, never came back. I actually was the only person who was happy about it tho. I already have started replacing my stuff. Only thing to remain was my jeep! Everyone is now out to shoot my poor Eugene! He took a spray of M-16 fire last night. :( I don't know who they are... Wait I actually do) Well no need to do the Taken speech then! Good luck!
  15. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Survivor Zombies

    This whole thread is OUT OF ORDER!
  16. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    When did the mod come out exactly?

    The shwarts is stronge with this one.
  17. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    skin customization.

    Trial and error.
  18. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    will becoming a hero have BAD conseqeunces?

    I was actually having this problem, I reinstalled the arma and dayz patches + put on a camo suit and never had it happen again. Or you can just jot down the cords where you logged out at (best in a remote area) and lug it to your body.
  19. Have you tried the ramdisk trick? Didn't help me, but it worked wonders on a friends laptop. You can find it on the youtuberz!
  20. I thought that was a given! I am of the school the admins should have alot of control over their servers. If they end up being abusive they will become unpopluated. They could always have a rating system for servers to help encourage fair play. I don't think it would be to hard to get the elves and pixies to work their magic and code this feature into a loader. This of course is if they ever decide to give admins the power of grey skull! oops sorry!
  21. I think a good compromise would be to disable the global death message, but allow only the shooter and shot to know who was who. I doubt this will happen tho, seems like until the SA we will have what we get. Just to clarify I don't care for the death message at all. I think it should be disabled altogether. But I understand alot of folks wish to know their killers.
  22. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Server crashed wiped it all!

    So here I sit at work when I get a text by the server admin. "Uh oh" I think! Admin "Hey ah Pen yeah we had a wee bit of a set back." Me, "You were touching yourself and it fell off?" Admin "No your mom pulled it off! Seriously tho the server crashed and it looks like a complete wipe... Sorry man!" Me " No effing sheet? Did you restart it? Flicking alpha Flick it good! I needed a new camp anyway, mine was full of crap!" Admin "Your pissed huh? yeah restart didn't do sheet" Me "Awesome! Not pissed at all. I was bored with all that crap anyway! Losing my Jeep hurts tho! Loved that thing! Eugene is out there alone in the cold zombie filled world!? I am stressing out man!" Admin "Really? Everyone else is raging. Lol you named it?" Me "Tell everyone if they touch my jeep i will cut them in r/l! I am heading right to it after work... If it ain't there i will burn that mother fudger down! Yes Eugene the jeep... Young un you won't get the reference! Google it!" Admin "Lol so you ain't pissed?" Me, "Nope, in my little world the zombies won this round Over ran my camp I escaped on the wings of a pony! Next time I'll be waiting with a carrot and a skunk's stink gland!!" Admin "You're a freak lol!" Me "oh your mom told you huh? It was Supposed to be our secret! It was only to the 2nd knuckle, so what I liked it!" Admin "..." I see people rage all the time about losing there stuff here. I just lost everything! All I can say it I am gitty like a school girl with a chance to do it all over again! But if someone touches my jeep, I'll be back rage quitting! J/k It's a game folks don't let the glitches split your stitches. Enjoy the hiccups and burps this game offers. Soon enough you'll look back with a fondness for it. When the game is all smooth and shiny we won't get these opportunities again. And always make a "I slept with your mom" comment to the admin... It makes them feel special. Point of this thread... I lost it all QQ!
  23. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Server crashed wiped it all!

    My base is gone, the jeep was hidden in plain sight and has always been. No ones found it yet! I was logged out just a click from it so I was happy to find it. The camp? meh! I will get all that crap again, the jeep tho!! I love that thing. Thanks for the offer tho, it's a private hive and a close community. Although I have no doubt some would trash my baby, then rub my nose in it! Luckily it is a local server so many of us live within 30 miles of each other. I would show up to their house and make out with their moms!
  24. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Server crashed wiped it all!

    Small update, Eugene seemed to survive the ordeal! He was sitting pretty where I left him. Everything is on him, only thing is he is out of fuel! I got alot of hackusations in TS tho! :D Seems I am the only one who had anything survive. :thumbsup: Now there are a group promising to blow him up if found! I threatened real lives and limbs if they do. Seems tho since the crash my craptastic comp is getting 11 fps now! I've tried to adjust, optimize, and trick it into giving more, just won't budge. I really don't want to turn down my options, I like seeing in the distance! But now the kids are running amuck, it'll have to wait. Wish me luck or at least until the spring when i can update my rig. Morgan screenie and server or i don't believe! ;)
  25. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Server crashed wiped it all!

    That's what you get for running with hetsteak! Them 2 are screwier then a tornado riding a merrygoround!