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Everything posted by joeoblong@yahoo.com

  1. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    The funniest DayZ clip I've ever seen.

    This is the second video I've seen today with Mitch Connor... I think I love him! (Edit Link to More Mitch) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/105344-best-buds-are-back-with-a-new-scaring-people-video/
  2. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    How to get rich?

    Unless you need it then the devil VR engine refuses to give to the needy. Find one then your pretty much gonna see um' everywhere.
  3. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Ninja Blood Bag Bonanza

    Great tale as usual! Yea I agree with Derp, I would love in on this bonanza of blood banter! I am looking forward to the vid!
  4. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Some people like to kill unarmed.....but I have a secret weapon

    Oh nice! Boom the great equalizer! Beans sir all yours.
  5. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Best Buds are back with a new Scaring People video!

    Just when I gave up all hope of ever seeing you make another vid... here you are! BEANZ!
  6. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    That is odd as hell! I know last night they seemed to have a weird issue were you were stuck on loading screen, but pretty sure that wasn't what you were talking about. Try sending them a e-mail and see if its on their end. t
  7. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    The day I met everyone's despise in DayZ

    Final I am warming up to you you will fit in nicely 'round 'ere!
  8. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Endgame content in Standalone

    We are the DayZ collective, we take no prisoners, we will never surrender, resistence is futiluuuugh Brians... Brians... Huh what? Oh yeah BRAINS!
  9. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Why I quit (yes another one of those threads)

    This was the first thing I thought! I had more then once been huh!? Oh! Durr derp!
  10. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Endgame content in Standalone

    Inception no need to apologize to me, I think I knew what you meant. Hence my rational (i think) reply. ;) We've posted here long enough that I know you would never ask for WoW style shit for DayZ. I am helping my server admin set up a new server. It has refueled the fire I have for DayZ! He is trying to create a unique & new experience for his servers vets. (with hopes to close the buggy as hell original sever) There are more vehicles, guns, he has been trying to remold Chenarus with new cities and towns. Some ships out in the harbor. (funny as hell watching the zombies just walk off the deck) It isn't for everyone, but the community we have will dig it.
  11. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Endgame content in Standalone

    Its a windows phone what do you expect?
  12. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Steak's new record..

    (Pulls off tranny Bigfoot mask) It was old man Smasht who sabotaged the Mystery Machine!
  13. Holy shit Het, I spit Dew onto my monitor! lmao If you spit Dew is it Spew? B hope you and yours didn't suffer to badly. My whole family lucked out (NY), worse they suffered was no power and a few new shingles needed for the roof. I worried the whole night since I am in the middle of the country now a days.
  14. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    More info needed. Do you have the other mods installed? Do you get a message upon logging into new servers? Do you have Rmod is it in additional parameters?
  15. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Endgame content in Standalone

    "End Game" makes me shiver every time I see it mentioned here. Unfortunately tho it has become a standard in "online" games and people expect it now. If it's not there they feel slighted. It is scary that we gamers have devolved into hamsters on a wheel chasing a carrot. Like I said there needs to be more sand in the box and the end game can create itself.
  16. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Steak's new record..

    Het when will you just take Hamburgers keys away from him?
  17. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Best way to find out when standalone is up?

    I am the former troll known as Ben Mother F*ckin Franklin. Now a days I try to be a kind helper elf, for the greater good of forum goers everywhere... or not! Actually I am just someone who enjoys these forums.
  18. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Special Event "Race day!"

    What the frack Fraggle why didn't I notice this sooner!? Looked epic! Kudo's my good chap!
  19. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Best way to find out when standalone is up?

    Undead Charlie Sheen used to be a regular here, started playing WarZ. I assume he is probably over on there forums eating brians and brains, or he is just playing one of the other metric shit ton of new games that came out. Sos I would bookmark http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ and http://twitter.com/rocket2guns and just check in on them every few days. I would think he'd make a note of it on one of those.
  20. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    How do you make friends?

    I win them over with my steller personality, superior intellegence, gracious good looks and incredible charm. Or I break there leg from a distance, shoot 2 guns as I walk towards them, then run up to them and say don't worry I killed that asshole! Proceed to patch them up, feed them, and hook them up with the "gear" i got from that asshole who shot you. :thumbsup: works everytime!
  21. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Endgame content in Standalone

    Inception, I believe there will indeed be more to do in the SA. Lets hope no instances or any of that crap, But things to gather, build, repair, hunt/fish/grow need to be incorporated into DayZ. Now to be honest I do yern for some type of public "dungeons" where it is near impossible to complete even before the PK's arrive. Something along the lines of thousands of Zombies and some grade a loot in random areas just waiting to be discovered. (I doubt this feature will ever be in DayZ tho. ;) I am cool with that, as long as I have freedom and no questing. Hopefully Rocket will bring his "A" game and knock our socks off in the end! Kaczor I agree with Box! Now go and lash yourself with some wet cardboard!
  22. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Random Abilities

  23. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    No Michael its not like that at all. Sure things are added, but it isn't like Arma at all. (well it is actually Arma with Zombies)things are removed and added yes. It is his vision for his server... And so far I like it. It is more realistic (hate saying that, but for lack of a better word) imagine if a real outbreak occurred, there would be plenty of vehicles guns, and canned goods to last years! The big guns will be rarer then on the old server. Some guns are being added also, but the spawn rate is small. (we hope anyway) We are dialing it in removing some things and adding others. More vehicles seems to be needed. Honestly the problem with DayZ is the amount of cars in the world doesn't feel right. We dont want 100's of them but enough that it is not impossible to find one either. Its his server, he pays for it, all I can do is play it or not. So far I love his vision, and can't wait until it is open for the rest of our server! (edit) Also op!? Lol you crack me up! Isn't everything? Zombies can punch and I can't! OP!!! I know you have your idea of the ideal DayZ, the good thing is now you can achieve it. Rent a private hive server and make it. If you have a community or not will be the judge whether it is good or not.
  24. joeoblong@yahoo.com


    The admin of our soon-to-be dead server just fired up a new server with this. At first I thought it was a bad idea... But I am sold! It adds a new flavor to the mod. Once he get it all dialed in, I imagine things will get interesting. I haven't played on any other servers since I got the invite to test the new server.
  25. joeoblong@yahoo.com

    Standalone and Helicopters.

    I was being 1/2 sarcastic, they would still have to make these things a lot easier then they are in the real world. I have plead for us to have as big of sand box as possible. So we can affect the world around in every way. I want believable not realism, immersion not over complexity. We need a game not a job... If I wanted a career, I'd play any current mmo. I think the helicopters could use a overhaul, but let's not get carried away.