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Flex Plexico

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About Flex Plexico

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  1. Flex Plexico

    [Video] Lingor Island Prison raid in UAZ

    Could I play with you guys some time? I've been playing for a while, I'm no noob.
  2. Flex Plexico

    We Shoot Without Warning

    Nice god mode. Very clear..
  3. Flex Plexico

    mic not working in game? LOOK HERE!!

    I have the steam versions of the game but I run DayZ through DayZCommander so how should I go about running as admin? Same way, just access the F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead folder and select the properties for the ArmA2OA application?
  4. Flex Plexico

    {PAF} suspected hacking - US 1543

    Desync Issue? Have you never been the victim of a hacker while you lay down watching over NWAF or NEAF with your AS50 missing 4/5 shots on a non-moving target?
  5. Flex Plexico

    Why does connecting take soooooo long

    I'd like that list if you wouldn't mind :D
  6. Flex Plexico

    As long as I didn't hack it in right?

    So basically I will not receive any punishment whatsoever for using the hacked in weapon ?
  7. Flex Plexico

    As long as I didn't hack it in right?

    Banned globally or just from that server? I keep hearing from people that I CAN get banned but others say that Rocket said as long as you the player didn't hack it in, it's fine. Can anyone confirm this or anything. I want a straight answer so that I can either dispose of the weapon or use it at free will.
  8. Well I recently killed a hacker on the hill Dobryy just outside of Elektro and he had an AS50 TWS. I picked it up but haven't used it yet cause I don't want to get banned. I was just curious if I am allowed to keep it and use it freely as I please without being punished or anything of the sort? I'm sure I will get plenty of hate for wanting to keep it and use it but if you could at least answer my question that would be nice.
  9. Flex Plexico

    Bikes and Bandits up by the Airfield (video)

    "uh oh.." lol hahaha, great vid.
  10. Flex Plexico

    Admin Abuse on US348

    Oh my bad. Well, they're hackers as well. When is this going to be handled if ever do you know?
  11. Flex Plexico

    Admin Abuse on US348

    While on server US348, along with 3 other friends, my buddy had taken our White off-road pick up truck out to go pick up one of our other friends when he encountered one of the admins named Zombiegore in another off road pick up truck with a passenger. My friend, Girls gone Cherno, got out of his truck and proceeded to take shots at the admin(s) disabling the truck and killing both people in the enemy pick up truck. Immediately after he killed the 2 people, we were all kicked seconds after and the server shutdown. The admin who abused was Zombiegore. Time Zone Is UTC-05:00 Eastern Stand Time at Approximately 8:55. My friends are: Deeka Reaper Girls gone Cherno and myself, Flex Something needs to be done! !UPDATE! - For the past 50 minutes, My friend, Girls gone Cherno, and I have been waiting to join the server over and over again and EVERY TIME we get back in the server we see them and kill them as they keep trying to take both trucks and then they immediately restart the server again. The admin who keeps restarting the server, kicking us from the server, and locking the server to safely get away with the vehicles is Zombiegore, although he is with 2 "accomplice(s)" who go by the name of {TWD} Rick Grimes and {TWD} Shane Walsh. We believe these people to not only be admin abusers but hackers as well because every time we kill them, seconds later the EXACT same people are back within seconds/minutes and fully geared again. This is all happening right outside of Stary Sobor.They have restarted it about 3-4 times now while kicking us off and every time we kill them and they immediately restart. Shameful...
  12. Flex Plexico

    Anyone else feel that .50 cals....

    The AS50 is even more powerful...It has the same damage as the M107 but it's quieter, less recoil which can allow you to get back on target much faster, and it does more damage to vehicles than the M107..
  13. Flex Plexico

    How many murders do you have?

    I demand a pic !!
  14. Flex Plexico

    How many murders do you have?

    Hey, I am currently at 56 murders, I'll post a pic up soon. I wanna know if anyone has a higher murder count or the most you've ever gotten! POST A PIC/SCREENSHOT!!