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About crusader_111

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    United Kingdom
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    Paintball, Military, Gaming, 3D Modelling, Game Design
  1. crusader_111

    Combat Logging - Massive Game Killer for DayZ

    Dying is part of the game, if they want to be a Bandit then so be it, what kind of Bandit is up to them but you should never justify combat logging with bad game mechanics, in any game no matter the reason.
  2. crusader_111

    Combat Logging - Massive Game Killer for DayZ

    Not enough
  3. crusader_111

    Combat Logging - Massive Game Killer for DayZ

    Part of my point is this guy/girl must of been at the ready to combat log, I didn't even hit him/her and they combat logged and I had a bolt action rifle and from what I saw he/she had a fully modified M4 which if he/she just turned around would of totally rinsed me but no, they took the cheap way out. Also if they get away with it and are able to ghost you then what...fuck it shit happens? No. How the games meant to be is a persistent world including the players in it. If they start ghosting everywhere and vanishing as soon as trouble arises DayZ will never become the game Dean wants and what we want.
  4. crusader_111

    Combat Logging - Massive Game Killer for DayZ

    I think advancing play-ability i.e not dying to ghosting/combat logging assholes really helps in the whole 'testing' section and if it helps players to enjoy the game more and want to play/test more than in my eyes its a massive bonus.
  5. crusader_111

    Combat Logging - Massive Game Killer for DayZ

    Its a must though, I mean I bet if I didn't leave immediately and log off he would have ghosted me and stole my 3 hours worth of pristine gear. I hate people like that and personally I wouldn't even give them a warning I would outright ban. You know its a douche thing to do and plainly a massive/unfair advantage thus you shouldn't do it but you did it anyway, that was your choice and would gladly ban people who did it. *You* - Is directed towards people that combat log, not you Frosti haha
  6. Well it seems there is no punishment for combat logging in DayZ yet. I know its in Alpha but I at least thought they would of copied over the old combat logging method until they fully redesigned it. Played about 3 hours, got decent gear watched a guy massacre 4 other guys went in to kill the bandit and the first shot I take, I miss and half a second after I take the shot his character stops moving and disappears. So it seems its alright for these epic douche bags to kill people at will when he/shes got the surprise/advantage but combat logs when it doesn't go in his/her favor. In my opinion a basic anti-combat logging system should be implemented ASAP above all else as it is ruining the game. Even the one one from the Mod would be perfect. I also realise this is a time for testing not playing but if people are allowed to run around with weapons to kill other players then its a must.
  7. Little read? Thats the start of a bloody book
  8. Its already started severely wearing off DayZ, now its going on to other games like 'Rust' being produced by Facepunch Studios, I got an Alpha key for it and its amazing. Rocket said he doesn't care if the hype is wearing off DayZ and would actually prefer it. Well he got what he wanted, but I don't think he expected other amazing games that just needed an opportunity like that to snag enough people to make a difference to make DayZ not the most unique/best Survival MMO out there. A shame really, I had high hopes but they have dwindled and gone to a more promising game. I might still play DayZ but I'm looking forward to a lot of other games now and DayZ is low on the list.
  9. crusader_111

    Wrongfully banned from [SZG] DE888 #1

    Plenty of other servers mate, there will always be people like him/her so you just have to prevail and move on unfortunately, nothing we can do about it because its his or her friends server that they bought so they can do as they please on it
  10. crusader_111

    Need Urgent Help!

    It's exactly that, they can manifest things in their minds and make them come true, damn good gift you got there guys >.<
  11. crusader_111

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    Climb down the stupid mountain? Just shut the fuck up and leave now, after that statement I've stopped reading what you have put because of your ignorance towards Rocket and the development team is disgraceful. Go play Defiance if you don't like how DayZ is. Christ.
  12. crusader_111

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    As of this update I find the zombies are now broken, Several instances where I have not been moving at all and no zombies anyway near me and then they suddenly aggro on me from a far. Every single time I've had 0 Eye and 0 Ear meters.
  13. Your threads bb-code is messed up
  14. crusader_111

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    This is ridiculous, your removing someones hard work on making all of these and the meaning they have for the people they are made for, for what they have done all because some people are butt-hurt about keeping ultra-realism??? There are plenty of other petty things to complain about when it comes to realism and this is not one of them, and the fact you are making a so called 'Hot-Fix' is disgraceful because there is nothing to FIX. I would hope server owners would have the decency to stay at 1.7.6 just to show respect to the creator of the skins and models and to the people this was specifically made for.