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About Celestia

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    Saint Joseph, MO
  1. Celestia

    New Packs

    You have two inventories essentially. A active one and your backpack an inactive one. If you go up to something and say take you pick it up in your main inventory. If you want to put it into your backpack you have to press G click on your backpack icon and then a new option will appear below that saying open bag. From there you can click to move items into your second inventory the bag or from the bag to your main inventory. Switching bags will take the items from the second inventory, your bag,and put them on the ground, then take the new bag. If its a fresh bag its empty if its off a player it will have whatever they had in it. And now you will have that bag, if you want your old items you must look at the old bag and say open (X) pack. (coyote, alice, czech, ect) You can move things directly into a bag most of the time if you look at the (Gear) on the ground press G, left click bag, -open bag-, then it should be possible to move things from the nearby loot pile directly to the bag, if the item allows for it. Tents work much the same way only are a stationary thing and make sure to hit save tent plenty of times whenever you place one or make item changes, or you could face a tent rollback whenever the server restarts. Can't move stuff from one bag on the ground to another bag on the ground though. You have to actually pick items up to put them anywhere else. Hope this helped somehow, when i started i was really confused by bags too.
  2. Celestia

    IF this was an actual game...

    I believe you know what we all stand for in general. You at the helm making your own game. Community will support you if you make your own development studio or go to another studio. Your own launch or if needed a Publisher, as long as you get to do it your way. I would like to see you have access to something like the forge light engine and make a hell of a zombie survival mmo. Or any other engine that allows similar large scale seamless transitions across terrain with many players all at once. One login server with 30,000 players paying 10.00 - 15.00 a month , maybe 20$ to purchase account and digital download one month incld. One world would really make peoples opinions of you matter. Thank you Rocket for what we have and have to come.
  3. Celestia

    How fast can you get the basic gear?

    The ease of loosing gear has to be kept in balance with the ease of acquiring gear. Sometimes you spawn run over get all your basics then get shot right away and start the 20 minute process over again. Other times you go 5 days and don't find a map. Just hatchets and baby booties. It takes me about 25 to 30 minutes because regardless of server. High or Low population I got to the firehouses and they have been looted or just have chem lights and other low medium value stuff. I consider myself pretty lucky if I manage to get a map and a watch in the same market, yes I have bad luck.
  4. Celestia


    Uneccessary post - which can derail threads. Boats are cool I've never found one though. Im currently trying to find a lower ping server with a UAZ, pretty much a jeep to make my home server.
  5. can still just run face first into bushes or get a pack of zombies. Doesn't break any mechanics as far as the game is concerned you are jsut a terribad survivior to die to 15 zombies 1 minute in.
  6. Celestia

    Female characters.

    The few females Ive been in vent with seem to spawn run around cherno being women and then get told by guys to go prone and they teabag them or other stupid things. Occaisional sexual advances and then after having their fun kill them. 1.) they dont speak and get treated KOS. 2.) They manage to speak they get treated worse. They then will in frustration questionably announce why do guys have to be like that. I find it pretty funny, they cant get over themselves and think they have some kind of privilege to survive a zombie apocalypse.
  7. Celestia


    I discovered a few hours ago after playing for 2 days in the dark, throw chemlight - pick chemlight up. can still use pistol or rifle didnt try any melee weaponry. And thanks for that info on the moon cycles I just purchased arma 2 just for dayz. I did wonder why a little bit ago it seemed like a full moon then nothing, I didnt make the connection at all. Edit - Cant you just take some painkillers for the shakes?
  8. Celestia

    SERIOUS Hacks happening.

    About an hour ago my friend and me were running through a field when a guy spawned about 50 female npcs that seemed to shoot in random directions, i took off running while A-10's spanwed and despawned all over while my friend tried to kill as many as he could before all of them turned their gaze on him and shot him dead. After that a horde of random male characters took off in every which direction but a large group came barreling towards me so I disconected, saving the scraps Ive gathered over the past week.
  9. I know its hard to find anyone with good intentions, been going around trying to indentify myself as friendly with my guns lowered and people jsut come out of the woods shooting pretty much. I find it really gamey to just KOS everyone for their beans and ammo. The Walking Dead I just got done with season 1 so im a little inspired haha
  10. Status on this? Im in the general area, about 3 minutes away, if you would like id come help for the cost of the blood bag to heal you. Skype name Trixiejacks . on goodwill i hope you wont blow me away after healing lol
  11. Is it just perhaps my luck that most survivors I come across will instantly engage, either by freaking out and spraying in my general direction or if they dont jerk upon seeing another player they take aim for headshots. Seems like most survivors i encounter are just freshly killed bandits. Or possibly they are just the general idiots that flood into cherno with makarovs shooting at everything that moves. I like to identify to people over comms if i hear footsteps or see them, but so far unless Im a fresh spawn with nothing, or hold a person hostage in order to get them to chill and become friends everyone seems to just try and keel me dead! Also Id like to know if there are any general friendly places to go where people arent so hostile, obviously NW airfield and Cherno are KOS fields for the most part. Or is the only hope to become a total rogue and kill everyone for their beans and coke