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Everything posted by roundkickkid

  1. roundkickkid

    Dayz Tournament

    The problem here is infection pose a threat early in the game but once you gear up and get some good weapons they are kind of a push over. Now while you could make the zombies even more difficult when you are at the end game stages that means early players are going to get demolished even more by zombies.
  2. roundkickkid

    What happens in Cherno?

    Ya its always like that but if you are careful you can get in and get out alive, or like me get in and stay there for 18 days.
  3. roundkickkid

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Joined through the site and got approved but can't seem to be able to talk on the teamspeak for some reason, it says I'm a zombie team member though. Really excited for this group, seems to have everything I'm interested in, even some role playing aspects. EDIT: my fault had wrong button mapped for teamspeak, everything's fixed now!
  4. Now this is what I would like to see, more dramatic testing and honestly I wouldn't mind a server wipe every patch, I feel like that would benefit the game more, testing wise. The only thing that would suck would be all the people who would complain about it but really I don't care, I want a good game and that will only happen with real testing in an alpha testing environment.
  5. Best thing to do with MineZ and Dayz Anyways, keep minez the friendly way it is (even if PVP picks up its a lot more skilled based PVP than Dayz because its just swords and bows in MineZ) because some of my friends will like that more. That way when they want to play we hop on Minez, but when I want unpredictable, hardcore, realistic survival I'll hope on Dayz.
  6. You can if you break there legs, that way they have to crawl and the zombies will tear them apart.
  7. Okay so you got that rad m16 with 5 mags, a trusty revolver which you always get head shots with (if your name is Rick) and food and water for days. Now what? What do you do after you get some of the basic items to have fun? Do you go and slaughter as many zombies as possible, try and shoot anyone who looks at you funny, or do you try and help other survivors out?
  8. roundkickkid

    Join A Large Squad For A YouTube Series

    What timezone are you in and what time do you usually play, I would love to join a decent group that plays for fun
  9. roundkickkid

    Taking Someone Alive

    This is why I want a few role playing servers even though they probably would be tough to maintain. It adds a whole new layer of enjoyment to the game if you are willing to give it a try and have a little creativity. If I got kidnapped I would totally roll with it for the fun. Here's an article I saw about someone being kidnapped in Dayz http://kotaku.com/5923400/dude-gets-kidnapped-in-dayz-tweets-the-whole-thing
  10. roundkickkid

    IRL Dayz Video [Pre-Production]

    Okay so as a filmmaker that loves dayz I though, "Hey I should totally make a Dayz video, no ones done it yet." Then someone did make one like, but not like what I had in mind. I wanted to go the more dramatic approach and since I am filming a 3 minute zombie short (non dayz related, its actually a dark comedy revolving around society and less about brain eating) Ill have some supplies left over that will be needed to be used up. So I am thinking about writing up a story that sums up some of my experiences in dayz. Now the question is how would the community of dayz like to see a video be done? I have a few ideas: 1. Like a normal film, where there are camera cuts and complete control and placement of the camera to create a cinematic feel. 2. POV view with a helmet cam. This could create that feel of actually being in the game and actually being there. This would be a more "video game feel" 3. A "chose your own path" style video were the story happens in several videos, each one ending with several options you can chose and what to do and would lead you to the next video. This would be interesting and could touch on the many different decisions you have to make in Dayz, and the consequent that follow them. This could also be done in either a cinematic movie style or POV video game style. What would you guys like to see?
  11. roundkickkid

    IRL Dayz Video [Pre-Production]

    The weather has been quite rainy lately with lots of overcast days. Now to just find a cheap motorcycle helmet for the helmet cam rig I am building. Trying to hurry with pre production because of a film festival that I am working on coming next month so will try to keep you all updated.
  12. roundkickkid

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Hm getting a Dayz cap would be pretty cool. If I get one I will totally dress up as a player from Dayz for the Zombie 5K I am running in during November. I also need to build my 3rd person camera rig so I can record it.
  13. roundkickkid

    IRL Dayz Video [Pre-Production]

    Got a rough layout for the script set out that I feel good about and I also got some of the makeup required for the zombies in today. Got my bean reference in there too so don't worry about that. Now to just make sure I don't need to touch on any other subjects that I might be leaving out, and if I am leaving anything out can I fit it in without it seeing forced.
  14. roundkickkid

    IRL Dayz Video [Pre-Production]

    That's the thing I'm having a hard time deciding how I want to go around doing the video and I was looking for input.
  15. roundkickkid

    IRL Dayz Video [Pre-Production]

    Great post, glad you put your input in otherwise I don't know what I would of done. Sarcasm aside, I see why you have that signature, your posts are shit.
  16. roundkickkid

    IRL Dayz Video [Pre-Production]

    Bump....no one else? This is becoming more quiet than the inland.
  17. roundkickkid

    Why did u become a bandit??

    Now that is a signature!
  18. roundkickkid

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Almost midnight here but debating on staying till some servers are updated, any idea how long that takes? Kinda want to try out this new update!
  19. roundkickkid

    I've learned my lesson!

    Dude I am in the same boat as you, I try to help people, not expecting or even wanting a reward for helping them, only to keep waking up on the beach. In all honesty unless im chatting with you on skype it seems that one of us is probably going to end up dead and lately its been me. I think its about time I join you and become a bandit :\
  20. roundkickkid

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Yay, not to figure out how to use this new six updater thingy. ya probably could of typed that last bit out a little better :|
  21. roundkickkid

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    find the location of the beta' date=' arma 2, and arma 2 oa, under the launch options. then select the box next to "run beta" [/quote'] Sweet found it, thank you!
  22. roundkickkid

    IRL Dayz Video [Pre-Production]

    Thanks for the tips Nickprovs. But really out of 100+ views only 1 response? I want to know what the people want to see, something like a cinematic movie, or a first person point of view where you can control what happens or something else!
  23. roundkickkid

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    So after I install the beta patch how would i launch it after the new version of dayz if I use the Arma II launcher (version 1.4.0) to play?
  24. roundkickkid

    Why did u become a bandit??

    There is an advantage, teamwork and survive in numbers. Honestly though I am getting tired of waking up on the beach so I am starting to debate about becoming a bandit. I spent days in cherno helping people who were being chased down, being a lookout for the weak, I felt like a freaking super hero (standing on top of buildings didnt help) but then I would die for no reason. People would spot me when I didnt even see them and they would shoot me. I would help people, not expecting a reward, only to get shot. So looks like I might become a bandit, not shooting on site, but if we have a stare down I might just have to pull the trigger. Don't worry, I'll aim for the knees, maybe I'll just wound you and I'll let you crawl away. Thing was I was always willing to team up but it always backfired on me, I'm just tired of getting the short end of hte stick.