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Everything posted by Scrove

  1. So I just killed somebody about twenty minutes ago and they had a MK17 TWS SD, as I don't see it on the wiki I can take it he was a hacker?
  2. Scrove

    so what are the devs doing to help admins ban hackers ?

    Well Rocket just explained that he has to figure a way to do it at the engine level. Which means a game patch rather than a mod patch. Not much else can be said on the subject other than that.
  3. Scrove

    so what are the devs doing to help admins ban hackers ?

    Are satchel charges not in game? I've killed at least two people that had them in their inventory awhile back, didn't take them as I had no need for them.
  4. Scrove

    So, does crashed heli loot respawn?

    They are bugged, found a couple today. None had any loot and could not interact with the choppers.
  5. Scrove

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    If we had the old sniper will we have problems now? IE Will we get banned for using it even though we looted it legit?
  6. Ok you want a game mechanic for it? Make it so zombies migrate in from the north and west edges of the map, make it so that you can clear out zombies in the towns, make it so that you can build equipment to manufacture parts for cars, casing and powder for bullets and other such things, make it so that to get these things running you have to travel to the north and western parts of the map, make it so your tents/vehicles storage area doesn't reset on server crashes/restarts. Those are just a few ideas that poped into my head, are they possible? I have no idea. How would they effect the game? Still not sure, I'm a player not a developer and I can only see how it would effect me and my friends I know.
  7. No offense taken. Ah, so trying to help people and expecting them to be grateful is just fucking stupid? Right I'll just keep going about killing people that aren't in teamspeak, as apparently that is the only thing that isn't "just fucking stupid.". There is no reason to do anything but murder other players on sight that aren't in teamspeak, there is in fact every reason to do so. There really is no balancing of information or moral decisions to make, you either kill everyone not on teamspeak/comms with you or you die. That's pretty much it there. Don't get me wrong, I play because I enjoy it, but to pretend it's anything but that at this point is lying to oneself.
  8. Who are the good guys? What is good in this mod? I used to help out people, go out to them give them blood transfusions, painkillers, food, water, ammo, whatever they needed. But 99% of the time they would either kill me right away or after I've helped them, no reason to help other people, seriously, they can go to hell and I'll be happy to help them along, especially if they come out of the coast and up north into my territory, they brought it upon themselves by being dicks.
  9. I just want more zombies than we have now, lots more. I don't spend any time on the coast unless I've come to collect a friend that has died or some such, and while down there I will kill everything that isn't my friend. Why? Because they are a threat not only to me but my friends. Once done getting together we move back up north, I've actually played very little on the coast and intend to keep it that way.
  10. Scrove

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Military base too, we had shittons of those things laying around in the medic platoon and with the supply guys. It's a fairly common item.
  11. Quadruple the Zombies, I mean it. Seriously, do it.
  12. - Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc. As such that needs to be stopped, immediately.
  13. Skins should provide bonuses/negatives towards the temperature gauge rising and falling ;0).
  14. I've found that I don't actually loot towns anymore, it's just easier, quicker, safer, and with better rewards to kill survivors from a few hundred meters out, take there shit and go about my day. Never actually offensively engaged players before, but now it's necessary. Sorry about the killings guys, but apparently I need it more than you as I'm unable to get through towns successfully. Expect this behavior to be on the rise, after all I'm totally safe out there watching you collect my food for me, and it's literally zero risk for reward to blast your legs out and then kill you. Zombies respawn is too high, zombie count is slightly (not by much) to high (mostly in small towns/clumps of buildings, cities are great imo!), and the speed/glitching of the zombies is a factor in the numbering being too high. If they where slightly slower and didn't glitch I don't think it would be to much (other than the respawn timer). Also wilderness zombies in small groups (that don't respawn by the time your finished killing them ;P) would be a great addition.
  15. Scrove

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    Zombie count needs to be lowered just a smidgen, speed lowered just a bit (so they don't warp all over the place, unless there is another way to fix this) and respawn timer adjusted so that I can clear a building and not have them respawning inside while I'm watching. Other than that I really like the increased zombie count!