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Rising (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Rising (DayZ)

  1. Steam: iCeD MeTeL I figure the chances of getting backstabbed/robbed is lower if we share the same passion for football and united :)
  2. KeanuReeves: But if everyone becomes a bandit, you will be killed!
  3. Rising (DayZ)

    What the fuck.

    Desync. I've chased after people before, and when i found them they were just standing or doing that standstill running motion. When players aren't moving and they dont look like they're trying to hide, its a connection problem. No one stands still, even newbs look around.
  4. Yeah get the new CPU asap. I have a HD5970 which is on par with your 570, i have everything maxed out @ 1080p. i5 2500k 4.0ghz on air
  5. Rising (DayZ)

    Ghillie Suits as of

    I killed a bandit with a ghillie suit but i couldn't loot it off of him. Did he use a hack to change his skin or something?
  6. Rising (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I just cleaned a medic camp and have lots of blood bags. PM me if you're near the south coast and need some help. My only condition is that you disarm while waiting for me... if you have a gun i wont come near or i will just shoot.
  7. Rising (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    I was just exploring one of the army/medical camps near the south coast, I forgot which one because i had been speeding through the game for the past two days, just recklessly running around looking for a fight. I found an m16 because i stumbled across a random heli crash , and two clips, and i was firing into a farm at a player who had an Enfield and was snooping around. A noob appeared behind me, about 150m away, when i turned around and spotted him he went prone. I approached him cautiously, and when i found that he had no weapon, i didnt shoot him. I tried to text him on direct chat (didnt have my mic) but he didnt respond, so probably just a new guy. I let him live, and entered the farm. I pushed through the farm looking for that guy, but didn't find him. I did hear some gunshots at the nearby medical camp, so i went there. There was already a fight, i saw two guys die, and when i went a bit closer, someone popped out of a corner and we both fired almsot at the same time. He broke my leg and put my blood at 6k, i went down, i dont know if I hit him. I was proned while i blind fired in his direction a few times, then tried to climb back into cover. I saw the bastard try to flank me... he tried going BEHIND the tents to finish me off. At that point, my adrenalne was pumping and I was fighting for my life. I knew I could respawn in five mins if I die, its no biggie, but at that point the testosterone took over and it was about male pride, about survival. When he turned around the corner I was waiting for him. I tapped four times, bam bam bam bam.... he dies. I was the last man standing, I beat him. I crawled over to his corpse, but to my dismay he didn't have any bandages or morphine. I was slowly but surely bleeding to death. I crawled around the camp looking but finding nothing but corpses, guns, ammo, and sodas. The noob appeared. We looked at each other... then he stalked around probably looking for loot. I just laid there in the middle of the camp, and i dropped my m16 on the ground in front of me. I typed in the text chat "im not gonna make it man.. here take this". I dont know if he read it (can you read direct chat if youre on the group channel?).... but 1 min later i died. Eventually, if he's prudent and checks the bodies, he will find plenty of good loot, the lucky noob. I got my karma, and a great story to boot. Lovin' DayZ!
  8. I'm sure that despite the serious loopholes and abuse, there must be a legitimate reason to keep letting players DC instantly off a server? Most mmos and online games out there force you to stay in the game for a few seconds to a few minutes when you force disconnect. Or is this an ArmA engine limitation thing?
  9. Rising (DayZ)

    For God's sake, SAY SOMETHING!

    Grow some balls.
  10. Rising (DayZ)

    new feature: military

  11. Rising (DayZ)

    Third person vs First person view

    Thats what i meant, but im too baked to express all that at the mo. have some beanz.
  12. Rising (DayZ)

    Zombies are seriously too fast.

    That's why I only use a hatchet when im serious about pwning zombies. I only have my gun out when i want to defend myself or if im looking for a fight. And thats how i view other players too. If they haev a hatchet i keep my distance and talk to them. But thats just me, if you want to kill zeds with guns, then i highly suggest you shoot them before they close the distance. Like you said, it's a real pain in the ass when they are literally right on your ass.
  13. Rising (DayZ)

    Zombies are seriously too fast.

    I thought that was intentional hahaha fckin ridiculous how i line up for a headshot and bam the bastard zig zags out of my shot
  14. Rising (DayZ)

    Zombies are seriously too fast.

    Are you guys serious? Or are you playing under 30 fps, or have a terrible ISP? I dunno which version of DayZ you're running OP but i can run in a straight line from chasing zombies and never ever get hit, unless 1.) i run into a tree or any obstacle and stop, or 2.) i try to run up a steep hill and slow to a walk, then i might get whacked once. But even though zombies can run as fast as you, they still can't technically hit you because when they do the animation you run out of their range. This is actually game breaking because zombies are no longer a threat at all.
  15. Rising (DayZ)

    Third person vs First person view

    Fine then add PvP servers.
  16. Rising (DayZ)

    Zombies are seriously too fast.

    If anything i think they should be able to grab you and slow you down when chasing you.
  17. Rising (DayZ)

    Third person vs First person view

    Hmm, first time I've heard playing in 1st person as a form of elitism. I honestly don't think that playing in 1st person makes you any better, or more hardcore, because like i said its supposed to feel more immersive. I'm not trying to take away peoples fun. But the reason i feel playing in 3rd person being more enjoyable is because it's much easier. I admit i play 3rd person most of the time when available because its just so much easier. Why do you think the first thing most guides out there tell you is to zoom out to 3rd person. I'd like to know if Rocket has made any official statements about this. If he lets it go down to popularity then yeah, i'd imagine 3rd person will stay. However the game feels different when played in first person, and it is up to the devs' vision on how the game is to be, not just popularity and some people insisting it makes the game fun for them.
  18. Rising (DayZ)

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    This isn't CS.
  19. Rising (DayZ)

    Third person vs First person view

    ITT: People with weak eyesight. Those of you that "dizzy", you dont play any competitive FPS? The only time I would use 3rd person is a melee based action rpg.
  20. Rising (DayZ)

    Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

    OP has Good for you. Now that 98% of the people in DayZ adopt the same policy, your reasons are moot because the next time you get spotted you might not have the option of shooting first. You'll be dead. Your shit gone. Have a nice DayZ.
  21. Rising (DayZ)

    Livestream of DayZ

    English is basically a bastardized version of german, all of you should know how to speak it inherently
  22. Rising (DayZ)

    Third person vs First person view

    Do you have head bob turned off? I dont get dizzy playing 1st person unless im indoors and i look around too much, too quickly. I'm shocked that so many people either prefer 3rd person or have gotten used to it. It's not how a milsim should be played and is one of the reasons i either avoid games like Resident Evil or dont take them seriously at all.
  23. Rising (DayZ)

    Don't Stream snipe!

    But you just made a thread telling people not to do it.
  24. Rising (DayZ)

    Lack of Decisions

    The world itself needs to be more dangerous than other players.
  25. YES. Anything to lower KoS incidents. Some people kill anyway but most do so in self defence (ie no choice).