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Rising (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Rising (DayZ)

  1. Rising (DayZ)

    Incredibly low view distance.

    You deleted some important file that lets you see further. Its broken now.
  2. I'll gladly snipe you off your bike, take your supplies, and dump them in cherno store. We don't need handouts, we don't need your charity. Supplies belong to the people, comrade.
  3. Rising (DayZ)

    Snipers = Shoot on sight

    Tyler Bro, it's just you
  4. So i've been playing for a good while now, even before bothering to look at the forums, and I thought nothing would surprise me. I've been betrayed, I've been lied to, Ive been tortured. I've seen it all...... or so I thought. So after a day's journey, which in itself is another big thread, I was left with the unfortunate situation of near death and hounded by damn zombies. I spotted a survivor near the coast, he was hunting around the farms. I desperately needed a blood transfusion, because I'm not sure if i could survive more Matrix-inspired zombies. They are pretty damn good target practice I'll tell you that. Anyways I made sure the guy was unarmed, and then I approached him, or her rather, now that i remember I think the character looked slender. I had my gun up, I was unafraid. I walked up to her, steadying my crosshairs the entire way. I had control of the situation (Editors Note: What is it with you trigger happy kids these days, slaughtering unarmed civilians? Even if they have a hatchet, when you have a firearm, you should be in control. Sometimes there are more creative things to do than just shooting anything that move.) When she spotted me, she freaked out and booked it. I chased after her, texting "halt". Eventually she ran into a barn, I followed her. She ran into a small room, and I stood in the doorway. "I need a blood transfusion" I typed, and i once again made sure she was unarmed, and no sidearm at her hip, don't want no sneaky surprises now. Then I pull up my gear, and drop the blood pack near the doorway. "hurry up" I txted. I waited for almost a minute, no response, and all this time I had my gun trained on her. "Give me a blood transfusion, im dying" I typed again. I was blocking the doorway, there was no where to go, but I suddenly realized that maybe she was a newb and didn't know how.. so I explained in detail this time, how to pick up the blood pack, how to scroll the mouse to give me the transfusion. Ten seconds later, she slowly walked forward, and started to comply! Smart and friendly. Even if it was under a trained assault rifle, I felt a sudden joy of happiness, of hope, that in this world, people still helped each other! My world colorful again, as did my mood. I thanked her gratefully in the chat, and told her to wait a sec while I rummaged through my bag to drop her some suppiles. I had food, drinks, and medical supplies in my bag. And then, in the next five seconds I still don't know what the fuck exactly happened. I didn't even realize there was a large door to my left. I was standing in a doorway of a small room in a large barn, but I didn't realize the there was a closed big door just behind me, and while I was looking through my bag, the door suddenly opened, and a zombie was there. I closed my bag and turned to shoot the zombie, thinking to myself "wtf? zombies can open doors now?" I don't remember if I fired, everything is still a blur. I remember hearing a loud BANG! and the player in front of me dropped dead. Head shot. My mouth also dropped, and I just stood there stunned for two seconds, before I saw the death message and realized there was a killer out there. I quickly ran and hid in a corner, still shaking in disbelief. I realized later that he was probably either walking by, or had camped there for awhile, saw the newbie rummaging around for loot, then saw me while an AK follow her inside the barn. How that door suddenly opened I still do not know, perhaps we aggro'd the zombie and it finally reached us, but the moment was freaky. I eventually snuck out the back door, and managed to circle around to reach the tree line that was between the coast and the farm, and chased the sniper away. I have seen cruelty, but not like this. Damn you Rocket! I cursed in real life. Damn you for removing server chat! i felt helpless. I patrolled the southern coast once, hoping maybe she'd respawned and might be in the area, I could still give her the supplies and explain that it wasn't me that shot her in cold blood after her benedictory act. But there was no sign of her. That pretty much depressed me for the day.
  5. Rising (DayZ)

    I thought I've seen everything.

    oh yeah I forgot that I passed out twice in front of her. Credit to her for not helping herself to my bag, or looking around for a hatchet to end me. I was in pretty bad shape, otherwise I would have hunted for sheep, literally.
  6. Rising (DayZ)

    Please.. Dying.. Of Hunger..

    You're doing it wrong. Kill 17 zombies = no food. Kill 1 human = food, ammo, bandages, painkillers, navigational gear, etc
  7. Rising (DayZ)

    What hasn't killed you ?

    Never been killed by a rabbit, but the other way around. I remember when i was a newb, i desperately tried to chase down and axe a rabbit to death, in a fit of starving rage. I don't think they are real animals man. They , and the birds that sometimes fly overhead, are just part of the dream.
  8. ya know, like the singer ? I didn't know how it was properly pronounced until i saw people using the term "zeds".
  9. Rising (DayZ)

    Some People Are Real Scumbags

    Behave, little bro
  10. This is a problem. 80m is too close for comfort. That's literally three seconds away from a hatchet to the face.
  11. Rising (DayZ)

    congrats Hellspawn US469 on your DC/Ghost kill

    I really don't think anyone is retarded enough to DC when fired upon, then log in the same server minutes later. You are vulnerable for a few seconds and most likely the attacker is still nearby. You tried to jump someone, failed, then got owned. You are mad. You need to calm down and think logically.
  12. Imagine if there could be some way to perform autopsy on bodies and track down the killer. /highdeas
  13. Rising (DayZ)

    So I just bought my third copy of OA

    I also purchased a second copy of OA on steam for when my buddies come over and want to screw around.
  14. Rising (DayZ)

    So I just bought my third copy of OA

    I don't have a problem with dual boxing. It offers no more advantage than teamspeak or playing with someone sitting next to you. I used to do that with my cousin, we could rock entire squads in BF3.
  15. Rising (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I went to nwaf last night for fun. Just as i got there, i saw a wookie standing next to a helicopter get his head blown off. For the next 15 minutes there was a frantic sniper war, with several people trying to flank and flush the perimeter. I had to pop two guys just so i could leave safely (without logging). So yeah, if you get in trouble there you're basically on your own. Try to crawl to safety.
  16. Rising (DayZ)

    I am a wolf.

    I usually play alone. Today bad luck, lagging zombies get few lucky hit. Blood drained half. I have matches, but too lazy to find wood and sheep. Rather find human sheep. Went down to farms near cherno, hunted a few human sheep. Killed three before finding cooked meat, water, bandages, supplies. Yum yum, blood now at 10k. Everything is colorful. The world is right again. note to newbies: if you were unlucky enough to be killed by one of my brethren, do try to remember where you died. I found lots of human bodies with compass and map, but i already have. When the wolves are full, they do not waste. They will leave goodies behind for any lucky passers by to find it. Such is the natural cycle of life. So don't be too disheartened, and try to find your corpse before the next full moon (server restart).
  17. Respectfully disagree. Spawn with map. Much better than gun. When newbies die, hopefully they can find their corpse.
  18. Rising (DayZ)

    Steamsale on Arma2: Combined Operations

    ^ haha owned. We all knew Steam would put it up on a daily or flash deal, question was when.
  19. Or maybe they too thought it was a good idea, and wanted to see how it develops? Being a bandit doesn't mean just destroying everything in sight. That's just childish. Or one of those cheesy b-movie villains.
  20. Rising (DayZ)

    Hunting with Low Blood Blur

    you need another player to perform cornea transplant on you.
  21. Rising (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    It's definitely something great to do when you're bored. I bet even ex-bandits have done medic runs, Killing isnt the only fun in games. Btw im still down near karmenko/bolata, PM to save a life..
  22. Rising (DayZ)

    Respawn button CONFIRMATION

    So it's essentially an "I LOSE" button.
  23. Rising (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anyone near Komarovo or Balota? only got 700 blood left... found a hiding spot and passed out
  24. I had to log out because it was almost time to go to work. I know DayZ is my alternate life but I can't leave it running all the time.