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Rising (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Rising (DayZ)

  1. Rising (DayZ)

    NL50 hacker playing now

    Snitches get stitches.
  2. I was toying with the idea of removing sniper rifles from DayZ altogether, but that will probably never happen. So maybe it can be viable as a server option. Sniper rifles are pretty much for PvP only, and if removed, maybe firefights will be more intense. People will camp rooftops with automatic rifles, instead of lying in some bush 800m away from the action. Urban combat will be like the old school Fallout games. Just another game mode that could make things interesting.
  3. Rising (DayZ)

    Servers with Sniper Rifles Removed

    Unfortunately these solutions never work because we gamers are trained to overcome low odds through farming, server hopping, glitching, duping, and of course sheer determination. I'm not saying don't reward the power gamers. Good players can snipe with the M16 or FN FAL just as well. I'm sure there are many other things to appeal to the hardcore gamers than a OHK weapon designed to murder other players. This is DayZ not CoD:Z. I am the one with the sniper rifle. I am the one who knocks. I also found that sniper rifles are 99.99% pvp, unless some dude has so in his stash that he starts screwing around snipig zombies. I never carry a snper rifle in my hand and i KoS anyone that does. So unless you are simply admitting to the fact that DayZ = nothing but pvp @ endgame, there is no reason why they can't be removed as as server option for tactical reasons. Maybe you should be the one to stop whining because you're too scared to step into a gun fight.
  4. Rising (DayZ)

    Snipers who camp heli crash sites

    Zombies are a sniper's best friend. This clown was just another of those random victims in b-movies where they rush blindly to some prize or exit and get butchered.
  5. Should have been like this in the first place. This is a zombie survival game not CoD with zombies. Now if you want to get into the city to gank n00bs you actually have to work for it, and watch your own ass.
  6. Rising (DayZ)

    Bring Side Chat BACK!

    Holy shit, take a breath son
  7. Rising (DayZ)

    New War Z screenshots

    People are angry because deep down there are many features that they wish were incorporated in DayZ, plus the s3xy better engine (visually anyways).
  8. Rising (DayZ)

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    If you are so manly why don't you go out irl and kill people? Why limit yourself to a game? YOU are the real pussy, calling other people pussy's. Pussy.
  9. Rising (DayZ)

    UPDATED DAILY: I'm Issuing a Warning to Any Snipers

    You have to see them first.
  10. Rising (DayZ)

    Thoughts from my first day playing DayZ

    I cannot agree enough, the amount of pointless buildings really kills the game for me atmosphere wise at the moment. Like you said, you work really hard to get near that building around millions of zombies (most of wch magically walk towards you most of the time), just to see a painted door. ESpecially when youre dying of thirst and out of ammo... really fun.
  11. Yes there should be more of a forced PvE threat. It is the best way to "balance" pvp really. when even the bandits own ass is on the line when he fires a shot near a town. and comon... we need haunted forests!! its boring and lame ,,, empty forests...
  12. He wasn't jumping on a bandwagon. This is jumping on a bandwagon. Fuck your clan, and fuck your TeamSpeak server. Use direct comms and vehicle chat in the game like it was meant to be used. Oh look at me! I know where DevilDev is 24/7, because I can just ask him over TS!
  13. This wouldn't be a problem if everyone were devoted Christians.
  14. Rising (DayZ)

    US 917 Seattle Cheater

    You missed me. Deal with it.
  15. Rising (DayZ)

    Guy wearing desert camo (pic)

    whyd you kill him idiot he's on our side. Support our troops! Hoo-ah!
  16. Rising (DayZ)

    Ugh.. bad day in DayZ

    And you have mine. too high to read, so i scrolled down wondering if it was going to be worth it.
  17. Rising (DayZ)

    Hackers should be rewarded for doing rockets job.

    I always wondered why Rocket's name is pink.
  18. Rising (DayZ)

    Why I kill.

    I don't do certain things for the recognition, but to each their own I suppose. I also don't expect my murder victims to give me recgnition, i mean if cred is what you want then you should seriously consider streaming, you will get recognition that's for sure. And to be fair having re-read my original post i did sound a bit harsh, and I cant fault you for enjoying the thrill of the hunt and kill being a bandit myself. It's just sounded weird that you feel the need to show how good you are, and listed that as your most important reason.
  19. Rising (DayZ)

    What a night!

    Bootleg version of game..
  20. Rising (DayZ)

    Why I kill.

    I've singled out these two reasons because the rest of your post has already been said countless times by other bandits. Your first reason is just fucking stupid. You're good at killing so you want to show it. Ooookay...... starving for attention much? Or are you some kind of diva? Is your existence so empty and lonely, that you need to make other people notice how good you are? If you are good at something, people will likely notice anyways. The fact that you need to purposely do this is, imho, quite astonishing. 4.) Ultima Online, Shadowbane, Lineage 1/2, EVE. These games all offered intense, nearly full loot pvp with almost no safe zones. If DayZ pvp is the highlight of your life, then you must be pretty young still.
  21. Rising (DayZ)

    Mountain Dew

    It could be collectable.
  22. i was camping the airfield cuz i know a sniper was there. he must have gone afk or something because i saw and tracked a newb holding a hatchet run towards the airfield. I was hoping the sniper would re adjust himself to pop his head up so i culd take him out. But as i watched (and prayed) for the newb who was looting around, eventually he made his way into the tower where the sniper was.... and i saw it all through the windows.... he hacked the sniper to death!! i was holy shit, holy shit! i didn't take the shot... i dont know if i was too frightened or if he simply deserved to live for that.
  23. Rising (DayZ)

    oh my god i just witnessed a murder

    If we can customize our characters, then we can identify and remember other people.
  24. Rising (DayZ)

    So much BS...

    Guns are too easy to find..
  25. Rising (DayZ)

    Why I kill.
