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Everything posted by kentk94

  1. kentk94


    The only time I want to know is when I suspect foul play. (hacking, duping, whatever...) Other than that, in the spirit of what is trying to be done with the mod, if you were shot by a stranger in real life, you wouldn't know his name either.
  2. kentk94

    Humans are the enemy in DAYZ not the Zs

    Internet tough guy alert...
  3. Death by any bug. Last night, for example: Ran to NE airfield, See infected spawn on the south side of the ATC. I run around the north side. As I approach the door, 4 infected spawn, one swings at me, breaks my legs and as I try to crawl in the ATC, the other 3 attack and I pass/bleed out. First week of playing: Climb up to a factory roof in Cherno to avoid mass infected attack, I'm trying to look over the edge (3rd person view) to see how many are down there, and I feel my self sliding. (i'm not hitting anything on the KB, yet I'm sliding) Off the edge I go....dead. Infected killing me through the barracks walls at the NW airfield Opening a door, it hits me once, and I die instantly. So yeah, death by any in game bug just sucks ass.
  4. kentk94

    Why this mod is failing

    This is not the truth, and it is utter bullshit! I play this fucking thing eating Cool Ranch Doritos and drinking Dr. Pepper . ;)
  5. Don't feel bad man. I was at the NE airfield and ran around the ATC tower. 4 military zombies spawned right in front of the door to the tower just as I rounded the corner. One swipe broke my leg and I was not able to crawl up the steps to get in a better position to take em down. I had all 4 on me. Game over. I was a little miffed that it went down like that, especially seeing I went the route I did to avoid the 2 that had spawned on the south side of the ATC tower. But, I know it's not a finished game and has issues. Nothing I can do about it now. Just respawn, and have fun getting my shit back.
  6. kentk94

    Items duplicating

    Tents are just extremely bugged. I placed a tent and put in a bunch of stuff. The next night I logged in and it was all gone. Someone could have cleaned it out, however I had a friend that was on who was able to see all of our stuff just fine. So it was just me. I placed some stuff back in my tent and logged onto a server that had more daylight. Upon connecting to the different server, my inventory had 1/2 of the stuff I placed in my tent, back in my inventory. I went out collecting more stuff and logged for the night. The next day, I logged onto the server that had my tent, and went to place items back in. Everything from the night before was there, nothing from my first night placing the tent was there yet, but it had duped the stuff in my inventory. So now I had 2 engines in the tent, 2 MP5s.... Yeah, it's good and bad. Good for you, bad for the rest of the survivors.
  7. kentk94

    Why this mod is failing

    Sorry, I disagree with you. I don't think Bandits are the biggest problem in this game and I don't really think this mod is failing. While I'm not exactly satisfied with the game at times and I'm getting increasingly annoyed by the number of bugs that keep growing, I still play and see thousands of people playing all the time. Bandits are not a problem if you know how to avoid them, or better yet, annoy them. I had one night, last week, of bad encounters with bandits. Once I spawned in a decent location that wasn't Elektro, I had no issues at all avoiding them, gearing up, and making it all the way to the 2 airfields in the northern part of the map...untouched. I never saw another person the entire time I was moving north. Honestly, the areas of this game that are driving me nuts are: Weapon damage issues - I realize this is an ARMA 2 issue, not a DayZ issue. Infected speed / pathing issues Infected Spawning on top of you immediately breaking bones while taking 1 swipe from an infected tent duping weapon ammo duping graphic glitching by the seaside towns tent placement bugs there are others too, but I'm sure it's all been covered in the bug forum. Rocket's working on the stuff, he's one man, and can't do it all at the snap of his finger, especially when some of the issues are kind of out of his hands, and in the hands of the ARMA 2 team. But honestly, I heard a discussion on the radio today about ADHD and how people these days are being over exposed to media and have this constant need to be doing something. There is no downtime any more, like there was years go. There is always something happening around you. This is also killing off the use of imagination to keep ones self entertained. I see a lot of that happening here as well. The game is what you make of it. You have all the greatest shit in the game? Great, now set up a huge camp and defend the shit out of it from others. Go help survivors, play M.A.S.H., Set up a camp where you put out bountys on bandits and you hunt them. Give people some of your "leet" gear for killing bandits and making the coast a safer place. The possibilities are endless, but if you expect people to hold your hand, then you're going to be in for a boring ass game.
  8. kentk94

    Ghillie suit spawn

    So because they were being sarcastic, this makes them idiots? :rolleyes:
  9. kentk94


  10. How the hell is this making things more challenging regarding the infected? Run through town, gather up 10 of them, run into building, run out back door and they lose interest. I'm not sure how they're more challenging...
  11. kentk94

    Gun nerf is bullcrap

    L2headshot = problem solved.
  12. kentk94

    /reddit Bronies/ sanc server gone?

    Seriously, you can't be this fucking stupid. Pull out your desk chair and sit down for a schooling lesson little kid. Your - Your dick is about as small as a pea. You're - You are a complete fucking moron. Get it now? This is how it works. Your brain is not working, because you obviously dropped out of school. You're the biggest fucking newfag I've seen today. Shall I continue with the lesson idiot?
  13. kentk94

    /reddit Bronies/ sanc server gone?

    "You're" an idiot.
  14. kentk94

    It's coming ............

    That's what she said....
  15. Yeah, I'm with this guy. You clearly have NO clue how to do this. I had issues getting out of Elektro due to snipers working in tandem on the hill. Eventually I spawned in a different location and was able to make it north. I ran through two-three different towns. Not crawled, not crouched, RAN! and I managed to make it just south of Krasnostav in about an hour with an Enfield, revolver, tons of ammo, 5 sodas, 2 water bottles, matches, compass, map, tent, hatchet, food, bandages and a few other odds and ends. It's pretty clear that you really suck at this. There were times that I had 10 infected on me. I ran through 3 pine trees, hit prone. No more aggro. In the immortal words of Internet trolling. L2Play Jourmand...
  16. I found a bike in the woods the other day. I held onto it for 3 days. I had loads of fun with it. I drove out onto the NW airfield and rode in serpentine patterns to taunt others...and the Z's. Then my friend logged in, respawned in Elektro and found an ATV. He took off with it and we met up further north. The original owner of the ATV caught up to us and killed us. Some might say we suck, but my friend respawned and found the same ATV in Elektro by the fire station. He drove off with it again and high tailed it into the woods, only this time he made sure not to stay the same course. They're out there. Just gotta have luck on your side or have a large enough group looking for parts/spawns.
  17. kentk94


    Because there are far too many CoD/Battlefield newfags that take pleasure in ruining your day by making you constantly start over again. I ran into a guy wasting everyone on a hill overlooking Elektro. He ended up driving past me on his motor bike in camo. He stopped and got on voice comms. I knew I was going to die, so I had fun with it. I ran circles around him, taunted him in voice chat telling him how much his aim sucked as I'd make it all the way through Elektro without dying. Then He asked if I wanted his bike. To which I said, sure, I'll hop on so you can feel better about shooting me as I ride off. I went over, got behind it, went prone, stood up, went prone, stood up. And then he shot me. I respawned, ran through Elektro again, but this time I ran into 2 people on the coast. One had a shotgun and demanded that I stop immediately. I knew I was once again dead, so I just kept running until he finally gunned me down. These are the same people that think it's hilarious to download aimbot's and wallhacks for other games, and then they save screenshots of people raging about them. I'm pretty sure they ate a lot of paint chips as kids. But whatever, I just keep respawning. PvP is a big part of this game and there is no way to avoid it. You can either accept it and move on, or you might wanna think about getting your own server and setting your own rules then.
  18. kentk94

    No loot in Elektro

    if you spawn too close to the area, it will not spawn loot.
  19. kentk94

    First Time at The NW Airfield

    My first time at the NW airfield. I got killed by the infected as they glitched though the barracks wall. I kept taking hits from a pack in the back of the building, as I was mowing down infected coming in from the front, with my AK47. I've been there 10 times, at least, and only seen people there 2 times. I died to sniper fire once, and the 2nd time someone spawned right behind me in the fire station tower and I shot him before he got the drop on me. Other than that, my visits have been pretty uneventful.
  20. kentk94

    ATTENTION All players:

    I'm sorry, but I will only respond if you retype that whole thing in your Aussie accent all while blaring "It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll" - by AC/DC.