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Everything posted by kentk94

  1. kentk94


    YEAH!! Internet tough guy claims that he'd do something badass...on an internet forum. Here, have a golf clap.
  2. kentk94

    Crazy Graphics Glitch [PLEASE FIX :( ]

    I had the same problem. You know how I fixed it? By using the "search" function on top of the forums... You should try it sometime. You'll even get quicker answers than sitting here waiting for others to respond. I promise. Plenty of threads have already addressed quickfixes to help with this. It's not perfect, but there are some temp. actions that can help until the devs from ARMA2 can fix it.
  3. kentk94

    Seriously Pissed off!

    We're not defending Rocket/Bohemia. We're simply stating a fact, or perhaps you are completely clueless to the hacking going on in games like Counter Strike, Battlefield, Call of Duty, Combat Arms, Diablo 3, Quake, Wolfenstein, Starcraft, Minecraft, Project Blackout, Warrock....would you like me to keep going? If you think there is a 100% foolproof method, you're fooling yourself. The more "foolproof" a game is, the harder they work to hack it. We're not defending it by any means, we just realize that it's going to happen, and all we, as players can do, is sit tight and wait for a fix. Are you willing to provide them with the code to fix this? If so, the devs are all ears I'm sure.
  4. kentk94

    Seriously Pissed off!

    Brilliant. Lets resort to shooting someone IRL over a video game. While I'm sure you weren't serious and were just venting, generally forum moderators aren't very forgiving when it comes to these matters. Like so many others have said, Don't get attached to your gear. You will lose it often, and to be honest, the gear you had, minus the suit, you can get back in 15-20 minutes on another life. Yes, hackers suck, and No, the majority of the people here do not support and condone it, but we can't exactly solve the issue ourselves now, can we? Every game has hackers, and it sucks. You have an idea on how to solve it? I'm sure the Dev team is all ears.
  5. kentk94

    Would You Play a Cherno/Electro Capture the Mountain Dew?

    <slaps forehead> Yes, cause this is 100% real fucking life.
  6. kentk94

    Would You Play a Cherno/Electro Capture the Mountain Dew?

    DayZ is a sandbox game. People can play this any way they want. Kudos to the OP for trying to organize this. Best of luck and I hope it works out man. Sounds like it could be fun provided the hackers and overall douchebags keep out.
  7. In other words, what you are once again saying, you are right, everyone else is wrong. If nobody can convince you, then your mind is made up and it's pretty much 100% pointless debating with you on an internet forum. Un-fucking-real. Every day I see more and more reasons why I can't stand people.
  8. I might have, once, but I don't normally keep track. I rarely stick to just one server unless I get tents/vehicles. Just a few days ago I started keeping track of one server that I generally play on. But it really all depends on what time of the day I log in. (no, I'm not a server hopper, before anyone makes that assumption, I just like to play on servers that are almost full, so sometimes, keeping with the same server isn't that easy.) All I'm pointing out to you is that "Kids" are not the only ones who do this. In fact, I once knew a guy who was in his early 20s who purchased hacks for every game he played. He would use them, get people to rage in chat on him. Then he would screen shot their chat and cut just that part out. He then photoshopped an entire Windows Wallpaper of various game chat of people raging and made it his default wallpaper. He used his own money for all of this, and wasn't a kid. I've heard of a few in their 30's and 40's doing stuff with hacks as well. So again, my point is that it's not all kids. Probably less than you think.
  9. Hmmm I don't remember where I saw it, but I seem to recall a post where someone wanted people to stop calling these people kiddies. You should probably listen to him. I hear he is "the mutha fuckin man!" Anywho, while I haven't ever seen any of this in game yet.(Thankfully) It exists all over the place in these types of games. Sounds to me like you forget the first rule of dayZ....wait, or was that the 2nd? First rule is, you don't talk about Day....wait, that's something different. Rule #1: Don't get attached to your shit.
  10. What smash said! x10 Calling other people "Kids" every time they disagree with you, is kinda like being a kid yourself. Long story short, you're not hip, not cool, not even witty. At the end of the day, you're just another user sitting behind the anonymity of the internet trolling a forum like a tough guy. bra-fucking-vo good sir. <golf clap>
  11. I'm sure "hello kitty island adventure" and "matchbox revolution racing" are pretty heavily moderated, so you probably don't see much of this on those forums. But so far, on every single forum I have EVER been on, THIS is the type of behavior you see. WoW, Diablo 3, Battlefield, CoD, The Old Republic, Lord of the Rings Online, FFS...I can go on and on.
  12. Ok, so I guess you said they suck, they must suck. Didn't realize I was talking to so many of "the fucking kings of DayZ" here. My examples were simply to point out that there are things to do in a sandbox game if you have enough brainpower to come up with shit... I'm completely and 100% fine with bandits and murderers. I'm fine with other threats other than crappy AI. I'm just not fine with folks who seem to think that they have a right to tell everyone else how to play. There are plenty of ways to play this, none of which are wrong, but stop telling everyone how YOU want them to play. If I want to run through a field spamming AK fire lining up zeds for miles and miles, that's my choice. If I get killed by a bandit, I don't fucking care. I respawn and have fun getting my loot again. I'm not attached to it like so many of the people here on these forums seem to be.
  13. I'm sure depending upon what graphics card and drivers people are using, it's going to be a crap shoot. It sucks, but unless you're a coder that knows how to fix this shit, this is the best we can do for now. :(
  14. kentk94

    Whats with the....

    I'm sorry Beny, did I hurt your feelings by "Hating". Yeah, I'll go along with you, even thought I can't fucking stand that lame ass hipster phrase. I am hating. I'm hating that I have to waste time on a post because you wanted to try and get people to open it by giving us a shit title. The reason I am full of "hate" is because I have to deal with fucking morons and idiots at work all day long. Then I come here and get to do it again. Fuckin a man, I'm livin the dream!!! oh and also, welcome to the internet.
  15. kentk94

    Whats with the....

    What's with the... people who refuse to use search? people who make shit titles to get people to open their topic? people in general?
  16. I'm telling you the same thing I told someone else who made a post like this. This post is completely necessary and full of the best ideas I've ever read, AND it's original. Thousands and thousands of forum goers will suddenly have a flash of guilt after reading your post and will IMMEDIATELY conform to what you say. I believe in you OP, It's true, oh it's damn true! If you haven't figured out how people on the internet, in a fucking game forum act towards one another, then I don't know what to tell you other than you're wearing blinders buddy. But hey, good luck with your crusade. I'm sure you'll be WILDLY successful at it.
  17. You're not very imaginative are you... You wanna hunt people, fine. Set up your own version of Hard Target. You and your buddies find one or two people that have nothing. Tell them they have a head start, and then you hunt them. There is nothing to do.....this is the lamest thing people use to counter their "I'm a bandit" argument. Use your fucking imagination for once. I've seen some seriously creative shit online. Like the group who picked up survivors on a bus and made 2 people fight to the death for their lives. This game is what you make of it. If this is what you want to do, fine, but FFS, stop staying there is nothing else to do.
  18. kentk94

    The curse of the Dew

    LMAO...man that sucks. Isn't that how it seems to go in this game though? You finally get some awesome shit, and a glitch kills you.
  19. kentk94

    who here wants a tent!

    I saw your title and all I could think of was:
  20. kentk94

    Fuck you Bob...

    He thought your tractor was sexy.
  21. kentk94

    Respawn button

    You're missing options, like "No, it's fine as it is". Infected are so easy to lose that running to the next area that has quality loot is not really an issue. I once ran around a tree 3 times and the infected that were chasing me gave up. I laughed pretty hard at that one...