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Everything posted by kentk94

  1. What the f%#k do you know about anything, you sell shoes for a living and I believe you'll shoot your wife the first chance you get. oh wait....
  2. kentk94

    Stop with the WarZ threads

    He must be here from the Blizzard game forums.
  3. kentk94

    Warz might post a threat to Dayz

    Seriously, did you create your account just to bash this game. You have no idea that this is going to fail and are just spouting off complete nonsense. Left4Dead was fine as were the first few Resident Evil games. Sorry "YOU" don't care for it, but it's in no way a piece of crap because you say it is. <rolls eyes>
  4. kentk94

    Deer Stands

    Nah, I'm pretty sure it's illegal. Maybe since 9/11 when everyone got so sensitive....thanks a lot Bin Laden.
  5. kentk94

    after you get murdered......

    I did it once, and it was pretty hilarious actually. I went all Patrick Bateman on a guy while he was killing zombies coming up the stairs in a building I was hiding in. afterwards, He and a friend found me in a grocery store and cornered me. I knew they wanted payback, so I charged the one guy swinging wildly with my hatchet, took him out, and then I ran around to the other side swinging at his friend. I managed to get in a hit on him, but he took me down with an M1911. But damn it was hilarious to watch it unfold. Truth be told, that was really the only time I've done that. Most of the time I'm camped out up north and concerned with checking out new areas that I haven't been to yet.
  6. kentk94

    Destroying Friendships

    You know OP, after reading your replies to people replying yesterday and today, you no longer have my sympathy on this matter and I'm starting to side with the people who tore into you here. This post is not "Months" old, it's one, ONE, month old. And who the f$%k do you think you are demanding that this be locked? what the hell man, I'm starting to think we were all just cleverly trolled on this thread.
  7. kentk94

    Destroying Friendships

    Well said man. wait...no, actually it wasn't. I'm glad that you feel a need to completely talk down to someone who doesn't share your opinion on how to play a sandbox game. See sir, YOU, are the gamer I hate most. Sounds to me like you want this to be hardcore DM 24/7. Telling someone how to play makes you look like a complete ass man, seriously. This isn't your way or the highway. And for the OP, it's a simple call that I've made in the past. If I don't agree with what my friends are doing, I stop playing with them. Yeah, it sucks, but I'd rather have fun on my terms and not someone else's.
  8. kentk94

    A Sad Story

    Awesome stuff out there! Loving these stories. How many times do you see this stuff with today's current crop of FPS games? Rarely I'm betting.
  9. kentk94

    Capture the Flag: DayZ edition

    How bout "Capture the zombie"? Stick a zombie in the middle and see who can aggro him back to camp. Make it so that the opposing team can shoot him too and then he respawns in the middle again. >)
  10. kentk94

    Is rocket satisfied with us?

    Where exactly did Battlefield start as a mod? As far as I know, Battlefield 1942 was the first GAME made. Me thinks you are thinking of the current "Modern" battlefield. Because yes, Desert Combat was a mod, created for Battlefield 1942...
  11. kentk94

    what exactly is end game in dayz?

    I wasn't aware DayZ was an MMO and thus needed an end game. Apparently some folks don't get, the concept, of a sandbox game.
  12. kentk94

    Where do you log off?

    Just like many have stated, I generally log out in the woods of whatever town I'm near. Usually I find a good tree to hide in. I try to find a great spot where I can get a good overview of the buildings I plan on looting, that way when I log back in, I can scope them out before running in Rambo style...
  13. kentk94

    This is a simulator not a game.

    Regardless, a simulator is still a game... damnit..Puppet beat me to it.
  14. kentk94

    Would you take the shot?

    I wouldn't have taken the shot. While I have taken lives on occasion, I generally do it for reasons other than "just because". I don't want zombies suddenly heading towards me to find out what's going on. I also don't want bandits heading towards my gunfire either. If he was afk, and didn't even bother with you when he got back, I say let him go. And yes, I realize not everyone would do the same to me. That's the great thing about this game. There is no right or wrong way to play.
  15. Honestly, I'd rather see things worked out to make this game better before we worry about difficulty. That can be tweaked pretty easy. Right now the bugs need to be fixed before we start worrying about difficulty.
  16. Apparently you don't hang out over on the Diablo 3 forums often. This community is a pussy cat compared to the Diablo 3 community...
  17. Wish I could answer that for ya bud. Been at work all day, but I'm dyin to try it out when I get home. From everything I've heard, it's much better and he keeps making improvements.
  18. kentk94

    Why Day-Z Fails

    If it's EA or Blizzard, they'll destroy it and make a disaster of a game...just like anything else they touch.
  19. kentk94

    I've killed a lot of people

    In '87, Huey released this, Fore, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.
  20. kentk94

    Why Day-Z Fails

    Alpha, that is all. And wasn't this only 1 guy making the mod? I'm not sure how fast somoene expects this to become a top notch game with one person working on it. (perhaps I'm wrong though, I'm basing this off of information I've heard/read elsewhere.)
  21. kentk94

    Rocket is a sadistic bear f**ker

    Is the guy...? BEAR F#$KER!! DO YOU NEED ASSISTANCE!
  22. kentk94

    Spread The Word: Surrender Key

    I don't want you getting mad at me and coming back for revenge later. Best to just kill the threat now and remove it. ;) I just can't take that chance. Hey man, I got 5 kids to feed! on a serious note, I get what you're sayin, but I haven't run into many others that have a heart. :(
  23. yeah, this happened to a buddy and I the other night as well. We logged into a server together and had to create new characters. We were a little upset that we had to start over, but quickly noticed something was off. Elektro was on fire. A little while later, jets flew overhead and the city lit up on fire again. Windows blew out and we were disoriented. It was interesting to see, but something felt off. We tried another server and sure enough, there we were, back to our original state in the bodies we left behind the day before.
  24. kentk94

    This game is so f*cked up!

    Hiding’ in the back room Crawling’ in the hallway Gotta make my mind up Which direction isn't safe? It’s DayZ, DayZ, Gotta go prone in DayZ Everybody’s lookin’ forward to sniping all the Cherno n00bs, DayZ, DayZ Getting owned in DayZ
  25. kentk94

    THIS CANT BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!

    now to bust out the ever popular.... U mad bro?