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About Chefmoto1

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  1. Chefmoto1

    Selling M4A1 CCO SD

    I'll trade it for two ghillies.
  2. Chefmoto1

    Selling M249 SAW and FN FAL AN/PVS-4 both w/ammo

    When you say giving away, do you mean you don't expect anything in return?
  3. Chefmoto1

    "Wookies Bush" - Sniper & Clothing Store

    What'll you give me for any of this? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/101991-selling-m249-saw-and-fn-fal-anpvs-4-both-wammo/
  4. Chefmoto1

    Black Market Gun Store

    Selling all this... http://dayzmod.com/f...s-4-both-wammo/
  5. Chefmoto1

    Cookies Gun Store ( No we don't sell cookies! )

    Selling a SAW w/2 300 round belts FN FAL Night Vision w/4 mags 4 STANAGs Antiobiotics I'll take as much STANAG SD as I can get, a couple ghillies, and NVGs. Or best offer. :)
  6. Chefmoto1

    Need: 200-rd M249 SAW mags

    3 spare as well with another M249. What can you offer?
  7. Selling: FN FAL AN/PVS-4 w/4 mags M249 SAW w/3 200 Round Belts 4 STANAGs Antibiotics Looking for any of this: STANAG SD Ammo Ghillie(s) NVGs Need at least the SD ammo.
  8. Chefmoto1

    Trading Antibiotics

    Trading antibiotics to the best offer. Wookie suit is best.
  9. Chefmoto1

    Respawn Timer

    Thank you. I appreciate the feedback. True, I can see how this could end up only punishing the player who didn't shoot on sight. I'd still like to see it implemented where at least it could reduce on respawn whoring though.
  10. Chefmoto1

    Respawn Timer

    Dude. That post wasn't even directed at you. It was posted in response to the guy with the weird name who had absolutely nothing to contribute to the thread. I didn't expect anyone to "fanboi the shit out of my post," I even said I hadn't thought it all through and was open to hearing criticism towards it. Good god. This entire forum needs to get the sand out of their vagina, there's no reason we can't have a civil and rational discussion about it.
  11. Chefmoto1

    Respawn Timer

    I like both those ideas. I still feel like a respawn timer would be something beneficial to the realistic feel of the game. Deal with your respawn point like a man, and stop killing yourself constantly to get that 'perfect' spawn.
  12. Chefmoto1

    Respawn Timer

    Well I searched. My apologies if it's already been beaten to death. No point in getting so bent out of shape over it. It's a post in an online forum with a suggestion pertaining to a free mod.
  13. Chefmoto1

    Respawn Timer

    I searched and found nothing explicitly mentioning a player respawn timer. Perhaps you should take at look a this one though: Anyways, let's try to stay on topic.
  14. Chefmoto1

    Respawn Timer

    It wouldn't. But it would discourage player killing as a whole in general, if people are more afraid of dying, then one would think they'd like to avoid risky and dangerous behaviors. Not to mention it could completely cut down on respawning until you have a perfect spawn. It's obviously not a perfect suggestion, just something that popped into mind and I thought would be purely beneficial to the gameplay without any true downside. This was actually my first post in the forums, and I thought it was just a helpful suggestion for the SUGGESTION forum. If you've got nothing helpful to say, don't waste space posting it.
  15. Chefmoto1

    Respawn Timer

    First of all, I'd like to thank Rocket for developing this awesome mod and for all the work he's put into it. I also realize the mod is still in alpha and I'm grateful that we're allowed to participate in the development of Day Z. Now, I've noticed all the outcry about the incessant PvP and I have to agree that it can be excessive. I understand Rocket's vision is for the player's to make their own decisions, but in order for this mod to continue being as realistic as possible, PvP needs to have less reward. In a true apocalyptic scenario, everyone would simply not transform into shoot on site savages and avoid other humans at all costs. I believe cooperation of all sorts should be encouraged over outright player killing. My suggestion is fairly simple: a respawn timer. Now, I haven't even fully thought this through, and I don't know how long it should be, but it could easily help cut down on riskier behaviors that people would avoid in real life, or would be much more careful about. It would also eliminate some of the pure death matching that goes on, as it would stop players being killed, respawning multiple times until they're close to their camp, and then hoofing it back to their tent/body to recover their gear. I realize this isn't the be all and end all fix for the death matching, but it could definitely encourage players to adopt a more careful play style and even possibly help with cooperation between players due to "safety in numbers." A respawn timer paired with some sort of humanity system could bring this game much closer towards being a zombie apocalypse survival game, rather than a FPS/Death match/Kill players for uber leet weapons game. Discuss, and let's please keep it civil.