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About Evil_

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  1. Evil_

    Things I would like to see

    With number three I think your right because its fixed now. As for number four what I mean is when you have both a melee weapon slung on your shoulder and a primary weapon slung and your holding yet another item in you hands, your not able to hit any hot-bar items and have it work currently.. What I was suggesting is that if you where to hit the corresponding number key for a hot bar item while holding another item, in the circumstance I have described, you would just drop the item on the ground and pull out what ever item you had selected. I hope this clears that up for you. Your so right, I did. I will be adding a lot more to this as my wife and I play teat the Alpha. Thanks for the input.
  2. Evil_

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    This here is an example of what is happening to the items you think you loose when putting them down. I have lost a lot of stuff like this.
  3. Evil_

    Things I would like to see

    First off, I love what you are doing with DayZ. I mean I finally got my wife to play it with me!!! That being said there are some things which we would like to see implemented if possible. 1. Sewing kits and Leather Sewing Kits should not be measured with the pristine/ruined system that applies to water bottles and gear. They should be treated like ammunition and given uses. For example- in RL you would have a needle and thread and maybe some pins in a sewing kit. It is unusual that a needle or pins will wear out even with heavy use- the only thing that would need replacing is the thread and or patches themselves. Perhaps a new kit may have 10 uses- each use could bring the item back up one level and use 10% of the kit. When other kits are located the player should be able to add the uses from one kit to the other. Meaning that: kit A has 80% kit B has 40% if you add kit B to kit A- then kit A has 100% and kit B has 20%. In this way kits of all uses will actually BE useful- as it stands only a pristine kit need be in the game. It might also be cool if you could use the parts from a damaged item to sew on extra pockets to pants or coats or add uses to a sewing kit. 2.Bags and Kits- storage within bags. -First Aid Kits- now take up 4 inventory slots and hold 4 slots so they are basically useless. The kit should save you space in your inventory. Especially since it takes an extra step to get those items out of the kit when they are needed. -Spare Bags- Right now this is not really an issue unless you are trying to bring a bag to a friend. HOWEVER, in RL you can fold up a backpack pretty small and add it to another pack. A folded backpack should never take up the same amount of slots as it can be filled to. Something similar to the pants taking up 2 slots when stored but holding 4 or 6 when worn should be implemented. This should not apply to backpacks which have metal frames such as the hikers backpack because they cannot be folded down like the dry bags and kiddie bags could. In the future this would make getting bags from one place to another ie your camp much easier and realistic. 3. Losing your carried item when you hit v to go over a fence. It goes without saying that these items should be dropped where you are standing or maybe not allow you to press v while they are in your hand. Unfortunately these items often despawn or teleport 20-30 meters away- making recovery difficult or impossible. In RL you could set these items on the other side of the fence before you go over it. 4. Holding a 2nd rifle disables your hotbar. While this change makes sense, you should set it down and grab whatever from your hotbar.
  4. Evil_

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Yeah i was. I would assume the same but I have not experienced anything like that until now. I figured that would have been one of the first bugs to fix when bringing this out of ARMAII to make the SA, seeing it was such a large and glaring issue then. But I'll keep that in mind for the future thanx for the input. Knowing her that is highly likely. :-D I have watched the replay one to many times now and yes, you could be correct. The unfortunate reality is that this sort of death is so similar to the old mod hack that did almost the same exact thing makes me very uneasy as i played DayZ with all the glorious script madness that occurred with the mod, and have had to take many a break from DayZ to save some sanity. I hope that this does not turn out the same way. You are correct and i pretty well cover that in my above response's. As for telling her to log out, not a problem. Play in windowed mode and getting stuck inside any thing can be resolved by running at what ever is in your way and closing the window this will cause the game to think it has crashed and your character will continue through the obstruction and be standing on the other side when you log back in. Very helpful advice and your response along with the others is why i now think that it is possible I was not hacked. lagg + running inside + second floor = Death Alpha Alpha Alpha. I have to keep reminding my self of that and yes I'm a little gun shy about the nefarious scripting from the mod showing up in the SA and so far this is the worst thing i have experienced in the alpha test not brought on by my own actions or some other players.
  5. Evil_

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Well i just got broken legs then instant death standing in a police station next to my wife. Good to see that players can still perform DayZ magic even using the same scripted spell's as in the mod, and things were looking so promising. http://www.twitch.tv/evil__live/c/6836003
  6. Evil_

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I've noticed a lack of loot as well kind of hard to try out the new stuff if you cant find any loot or enough of the basic loot to get of the coast to get inland. On a side note so this should be called the useless pants patch cause i havent seen a pair pants with more than 4 pockets any where and i just spent the last 2 days scouring the map and other servers to no avail. also the fruit stand doors can not be closed from inside all you get is the climb ladder option because the door and the ladder are on the same side when opened fyi this sux when trying to evade players/zombies. Still love testing out the game though and shall continue to my wife just picked up a copy. Let me just say THANK YOU!! she now plays this with me, I Ph@-kiNg love you guys. update: WE FOUND PANTS!! apparently you have to go back to school. I think the repair kits should use % the use not the condition format, ie: 100% - 0% not, Pristine - Destroyed
  7. Evil_

    Stuck at loading

    After my erlier post I used the link provided and did a manual uninstall and reinstall of DayZ useing the files from this torrent. Worked like a charm. Thanks Mate!! Now to just recover all my kit I lost from the damn scirpt kitty "ie. HACK" killer that got me before the update......AGAIN!!!
  8. Evil_

    Stuck at loading

    Well this is what the .rpt file reads when I try to load in to the server. maby one of the divs could use this to fix the problem. "LOGIN LOADED: B 1-1-A:282 (]NWM[ Ev!|_) REMOTE Type: Survivor1_DZ" 19:27:33 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,[0,0]],[0,0,0,0],["","amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_zevl",100],[114,[-18668,0.00146484]],6112]" 19:27:33 "LOGIN PUBLISHING: B 1-2-A:1 (]NWM[ Ev!|_) REMOTE Type: Survivor2_DZ" 19:27:35 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #1952268354, users.card=12 19:27:35 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 1952268354 19:27:35 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1952268354 (]NWM[ Ev!|_) 19:27:35 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #1952268354, users.card=12 19:27:35 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 1952268354 19:27:35 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1952268354 (]NWM[ Ev!|_) 19:27:35 "DISCONNECT START (i): ]NWM[ Ev!|_ ("2634566") Object: B 1-2-A:1 (]NWM[ Ev!|_) REMOTE"
  9. Well After getting hack killed for the umpteen dozenth time, I think they should rename this game to DayH. I've survived zombie encounters, and even a couple normal player run ins, BUT! its the freaking HACKS! that you need to look out for in this game. Shame, this could have been a lot of fun if I didn't have to re-kit every time due to some game Hack these script kitty's run. Update: I just got the DayZ SA a couple days ago and as it stands i haven't yet been killed due to a nefarious players lack of sportsmanship, and the game as it stands in development is a great enjoyment to play. So much so my wife will be joining me soon.
  10. Evil_

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    I made this icon for my teamspeak to help players get to the main web page For DayZ. I also used the image from the main page on "HOW TO GET THROUGH A DAY" as well hope thats ok. ;) Put this Code in to the discription of your channle in TS3 to get it to work: [center][url=http://dayzmod.com/][img=http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa124/cleerider/day_z.png][/url] [img=http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa124/cleerider/steps.png] [/center] It will look like this in the description: Edit: Added a version of this image that can be used as a desktop Icon its rather large ATM but I'll be making new one's and making them available for any one that wants them here in the fourms as attachments.