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About Tkunne

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  1. Tkunne

    Addons map

    got the game from steam. I did run Dayz a couple of months ago but it was a mess back then, now trying to play again to see if things are better. But a simple updat of my version did not make my game run again. Fresh instal mabey?
  2. Tkunne

    Addons map

    I did buy the game already...
  3. Tkunne

    Addons map

    Hi, I need to fix the bug were it says you mis dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_Dubbing_Counterattack therefore i need the addons folder in the original ARMA II folder. but execpt from the battle eye folder its empty. Were can i download the addons folder? Thnx!
  4. Tkunne

    Always spawn as a bandit.

    have the same issue
  5. Tkunne

    Another Alt+F4 noob

    well he did not wound me at all, and if he did not logged out, I would have killed him. If he killed me, i was also fine with it. Thats the game. Man what is your point.....
  6. My game today was as thrilling, as disapointing. I spawned, and got killed after about 10 steps..... I respawned close so i made a run back to the dead body. on my way i came by the powerstation near electro. A real massacre must have happened there, 5 dead body's and some arrows in the wall. sneaked around and picked up some gear including a macarov. I was satisfied because now i could run towards the point i died with a little chance to survive an encounter. After a short zig zag run i arrived and with mixxed feelings i noticed the murder was not there anymore. But he had left al my gear! i picked up gear, my AK with 3 mags and my m1911 with 5 clips of ammo. I ran away quickly, I could not find the guy that killed me, but that did not meant he wasn't there.... I ran a bit towards electro to scout a bit, I needed some additional supplies so a quick visit would be appreciated. but that moment everything changed. Bullets penetrated the ground around me, and I could not spot their origin so i made a run for it. i ran zig zagging acros a field and turned around at some bushes. I saw my attacker. He came running towards me without any fear but i had a good 100m lead. I fired some shots with my AK, I was sure they missed but letting the attacker know I could defend myself looked like a good idea, he might leave me alone. I turned back around and sprinted towards the treeline. It occured to me my attacker did not shoot that much at me while I was running so i was thinking he did not have an assault rifle or something. I made my decision, I won't let me get hunted down like an animal without defending myself. If my attacker was determend to kill me, I would give him hell. I quickly jumped behind a falling tree giving me a good amount of cover. came up from prone to crounch while aiming and spoted my attacker immediatly. Wearing a qhilly suit and only 40 meters away. On Semi automatic I shot some round right at him. I did probably did hit him but i was not sure and did not have a murder/bandit kill jet. I was prone again and wanted to put my AK in fully auto so i could give him a nice rain of death. And at that moment things were just to good for me, instead of going to fully auto, i switched to grenade which i did got out of my backpack only seconds before my attacker had shot at me for the first time! i never used a grenade before, but i knew you can trow the thing far, way to far for the 40m my attacker was. I aimed pretty low and trew it, waited just a sec. BOOM a peeping sounds through my headset. it went off close, but did not cause me any damage. It should have blown my attacker to peaces so i got into crouch again. I did not got a murder. But there was nobody. I quickly scouted the area where he was prone only seconds before............ he disconnected... To you, bandit without a moral, without a sense of honour and without any skill (he did not hit me altough he had shot 20+ rounds). If you can't lose, don't play this game. if you can't handle backfire, don't turn to banditry. and last but not least, fight with honour or don't fight at al. may this exploit be fixxed, amen PS sorry for my english, i'm not a native speaker PPS A short story special for people like MikeTupper who have concetration for not more than 10 seconds. Someone shot at me, i ran, shot back, trew a grenade, he combat logged. THE END
  7. Tkunne

    Up gun damage

    Today i logged in and was shocked. i wanted to take 4 zeds out with my M1911. normally no aiming is needed, a bullet trough the chest is enaugh... now, i ended up wasting 3 clips in panic of zeds that did not die.....
  8. Tkunne

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    Makes it more difficult, thats for sure, but not impossible. have some patience and time your shots. 1 zed at a time, mabye 2 if you can aim fast. Practice makes perfect
  9. Tkunne

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    Yeah really you can, i do it all the time. Just run backwards. the zed will catch up with you and trie to attack but he'll miss cuz you are stil moving. just that moment when he attacks he does not move. that moment you empty your clip into his brains. practice a few times and you will not find it that hard at all. promise!
  10. Tkunne

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    Just run backwards, zed wil stop to attack if he is near but he wil miss cuz you are still moving. right then just go walk, pull out your gun shoot the damn thing. It really ain't that hard.
  11. Tkunne

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    spawn rate is not a real big problem imo but placing is! Today i was visiting stary and while i was looting a militairy tent a zed spawned right next to me, just about a feet away. My tip for having less trouble with zeds: go in fast, go out fast. If you have to shoot, do it whit a quet gun (Lee enfield is a darwin machine). Personally, when i loot, i run into a town not mentioning the zeds. Run into a barn or brick house, just entering any building will do. Pick of the zeds that have followed you and loot the place. Run away from the town and if any zeds follow turn around, walk backwards and pick them off again. This way i only have to deal with aprox. 5 zeds when looting cherno or electro
  12. Tkunne

    Nice encounter on LU42

    Got my tranfusion.now im running around loaded with 8 clips of AK ammo and & clips of M 1911 ammo just shooting whatever moves. I LIKE!
  13. Tkunne

    Nice encounter on LU42

    Thnx! And for the blood transfusion offer thnx, but i will ask someone i really know, we are in the bandit section you know :P don't trust to many people here :P
  14. I was running in elektro high in ammo and had a awfull lot of supplies. But then, just scavaging, a bandit killed me in te back.... Respawning a few clicks away from elektro i was pretty agressive and just made a run for electro. I picked up a hatchet on the way and decided to stop at the powerstation to find a gun before hunt the basterd down. While aproaching the powerplant i noticed someone on the roof. I runned into the building so he would not see me. I ran up the stairs and found a dead player with a AK47 and 3 magazines. Just when i got them another player appeared and i shot him with my brand new AK. Im not a bandit type most of the time, but the dead body made it to risky to ask questions first. Having only 3500 blood left, i managed to bandage myself before dropping below 3K. looking true the window, seeing the player i spotted on the roof earlier. He must have heard the gunshots so he was prone and looking around while i aimed and emptied my magazine in his head. Felt great. The beatifull part was, al this players where loaded as hell! so i ended up with epipens, blood bags, 5 AK magazines and plenty of tools. I Probably have more supplies now than when i died so im quite happy. But now comes the tricky part, need to find someone to give me a blood transfusion..... Still shaking, but at the moment i could not aim properly of the adrenaline! Bye guys! Ps: english is not my first language so sorry for my horrible writing :P
  15. Tkunne

    Bad player name

    Jep, got that to, my ingame name is just Michael, don't see how that can be a bad player name. Played yesterday without a problem.....